Vampyre. He/Him. Lifestylers and black swans welcome. LoviatanTURN THE PAIN INTO POWER.
769 posts
Which Reminds Me, I Havent Posted What My Wife Looks Like Have I
which reminds me, i haven’t posted what my wife looks like have i
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if he is a spider does he walk like this

shanah tovah, y'all
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
Kin Memory Related Asks
Be sure to specify what kin / comfort character / character in general the ask is for!
A memory on your mind currently
A memory from your biggest kin
A memory from someone you're currently shifting
A romantic memory
A memory with family / those you considered family
A memory with one of your friends
A memory with a partner / crush / qpp or similar
A memory with a pet
A memory that makes you happy
A memory that makes you sad
A memory that makes you really angry
A memory of home
A memory of something painful
A memory of something very happy / exciting
A memory of a love confession
A memory of a fight (physical or verbal)
A memory of a death (your own or someone else's)
A memory of a time you felt loved
A memory of something funny that makes you still laugh
A positive memory of (character) as (x)
A negative memory of (character) as (x)
Most recent memory
First memory you can recall as (x)
Who were your favorite people to be around / friends
Someone you wish you were closer to or knew better
Your interests/hobbies
Your partner(s) and something you loved about them
Any major canon divergences? (ex. roleswaps, plot point changes, etc.)
Any minor canon divergences? (ex. appearance differences, family, relationships, etc.)
Someone you didn't expect to kin and/or someone you knew you would kin immediately
Any current questioning kins and why haven't you kinfirmed them yet
How did you discover you were kin with (x)
How many canons do you have as (x)
Did you have any pets as (x)
How do you get memories? (ex. dreams, fanfiction, consuming source content, etc.)
Favorite moment from source
Least favorite moment from source
What was your gender/sexuality + pronouns
Gender/sexuality + pronouns of (character) in your canon as (x)
Did you have any neurodivergencies or disabilities
Neurodivergencies or disabilities of (character) in your canon as (x)
Favorite image of (kin/character)
Least favorite image of (kin/character)
Things now that remind you of (kin/character/source)?
Favorite location from source / your memories of source
Your favorite things as (x)
Your least favorite things / things you hated as (x)
Song / song lyrics that remind you of (kin/character)
Song / song lyrics that remind you of a comfort ship as (x)
Talk about anything you want! Fun facts, a memory you want to share, something important to you about your kinning

Keeper of the Light
Kar’niss, 11x14 inches, colored pencil