Just a Texan who loves lots of different people and things. TV show, video game, comic book and writing enthusiast. And constantly simps over Jake Johnson, lmao.
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Mr Robot Appreciation Week - Day 2 ∟ Favourite Male Character → Elliot Alderson

You seem to be the sensible one of the bunch. That’s because I’m the oldest.

Collectively we are powerful when we’re all lifting one another up. Never take it for granted. Be yourself. That, to me, is making it. - Rami Malek, Cartier Pasha Campaign, 2020.

Mr. Robot may have found Evil Corp’s bug, but he didn’t find mine. That’s the only way to protect myself. Never show them my source code. Close myself off. Create my cold, perfect maze where no one can ever find me.

HALT AND CATCH FIRE (2014–2017) || 1.01 I/O

You seem awfully dark tonight. How are you not? I guess I am. But I'm alive, so I figure I'm ahead of the game.

Leon & Irving, the best damn fixers the Dark Army offers.

Shawn Ashmore as Detective Jeff Anderson in the trailer for Darkness Falls (2020)