vanskyfox - VAN天狐

+18 | I'm Van🛹 My personal "sims" blog | WCIF Friendly | I'm a 2D/3D artist 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬👭👫 | 🌕he/they☀️ | ❤️The Great Deities of Northeast 🦊LukaNoah🐺 (TGDONE)/🌠IcarRyu🌠/🛹JAKK🛹❤️⬅️Stories by @lea-heartscxiv and me❤️Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/SK∞ the Infinity❤️

657 posts



 Happy Birthday Miya-kun!

知念実也くん、お誕生日おめでとう!🐱🛹 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday Miya-kun!🐱🛹

~🎁~ Miya having a happy time with his friends and his cats, Slime and Kirby. Kirby seems a bit surprised, though. The bandana on Slime's head is a gift from Reki to Miya for his birthday. ~🎁~

猫の日~Cat day! 🐱

 Happy Birthday Miya-kun!
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More Posts from Vanskyfox

7 months ago

Sigo pensando que a menos que sean errores puntuales, si a un creador estas cosas le pasan constantemente, ya se convierten en horrores 🙂

Y si sabe que lo esta haciendo mal y cobra por ello, nene, búscate otro hobby para monetizar o no sé como lo haces para conseguir borregos que te paguen por cosas rotas, lo cual en ese caso admiro tu dedicación y admiro la ceguera de los que te pagan. 🤣

Sé que hay veces que a alguien se le puede despistar algo cuando crea CC, pero el hecho de que no lo compruebes en CAS y no crees un sim para ver algunos problemas fáciles de detectar, pues....


cc makers always find new ways to amaze me

(Para no molestar a OP en español, y creo que es lo que haré siempre desde ya 😅)

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7 months ago

Oh, Oh Kojiro, ¿tu foto fue más buena que la de el Coliseo de Kaoru? 🤣

¡Espera! Creo recordar que después de eso, comían y Kojiro se intoxicaba 😭

Oh, Oh Kojiro, Tu Foto Fue Ms Buena Que La De El Coliseo De Kaoru?
We're Located On Via Delle Muratte In Trevi.

We're located on Via delle Muratte in Trevi. 🐯🌸

(Uploaded 25/07/2021)

SK8 MainStory:

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We're Located On Via Delle Muratte In Trevi.

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7 months ago

Creo que a partir de ahora utilizaré alipori en vez de cringe 😯

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7 months ago

OC questions

60 questions that can be made into an OC ask game, or you can just fill everything out yourself to get to know your character a little better :)


[1] What first impression do they typically make? Are they likeable from the get go, or take time to grow on people?

[2] How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?

[3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with?

[4] How physically and emotionally affectionate they are?

[5] Are they good at keeping secrets?

[6] How direct are they in conversations, do they speak in hints and riddles or bluntly say what they think?

[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about?

[8] How open they are about their true feelings, both positive and negative?

[9] What is their love language?

[10] How quickly do they fall for someone?

[11] What are small things that make them happy?

[12] How high is their self-esteem?

[13] What kind of sense of humor do they have, if any?

[14] What does it take to make them laugh, and what does their laugh sound like?

[15] How do they act around people they don't like?

[16] Do they easily rely on others to help them out, or prefer doing everything themselves?


[17] What is their biggest struggle that no one around them is able to understand or believe?

[18] Do they ever have to hide their identity and for what reason?

[19] If they could change one thing about their past, what would they change?

[20] When they’re sad or upset, do they need company or some time alone?

[21] When they’re sick, would they want others to visit and take care of them, or they would rather prefer not to be seen at not their best?

[22] Do they have nightmares, and if yes, when did they start and what are they usually about?

[23] What was the worst, the darkest period of their life that they have been through?

[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?

[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?

[26] Do they have any physical or mental ilness, how do they handle it and how open they are about it?

[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?

[28] What is something that they will never be able to forgive?

[29] How do they deal with loss, stress and anger?

[30] What are their most healthy and most unhealthy coping mechanisms?

[31] How hard it is for them to own up to their mistakes and wrongdoings?

[32] Is there something they've done in the past that they deeply regret till this day?

[33] What are one of their fondest and most treasured memories?


[34] Do they have vices they don't want others to know about?

[35] Do they like their own appearance, and what do they do, if anything, to alter it in any way?

[36] Do they own items that have sentimental value?

[37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?

[38] What do they usually do or where do they go when they need to feel comfortable and safe?

[39] What is their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone?

[40] How picky they are with food, do they have specific dietary requirements based on their health or culture?

[41] What’s their usual morning routine?

[42] What is their idea of a perfect friendly hangout and/or romantic date?

[43] Do they enjoy flirting or being flirted with?

[44] On a party, where would you find them?

[45] For an event, would they dress like they typically do, or go all out?

[46] Would they rather dress to look attractive or to feel comfortable, and what would they never wear?

[47] Do they drink alcohol, and if they do, how much and how often?

[48] Are they, or were they at some point in their life, a part of any subculture?


[49] Do they possess any unexpected skill or knowledge that surprises others, and otherwise, what is something anyone would assume they know or can do, but in fact they don’t?

[50] What are they really good and really bad at?

[51] How good are they with money?

[52] Do they speak any other languages aside from their own?

[53] Do they like to sing and how confident they are with their singing?

[54] Do they like giving gifts, and how good are they at picking good gifts?

[55] How long does it take for them to make a new place feel like home, and what do they need for it?

[56] How would they react to hearing a dirty joke?

[57] What was the most stupid or dangerous thing they have ever done?

[58] In the situation where they had to choose, would they rather stay loyal to their morals or to people they love?

[59] What would they want to be remembered for?

[60] If they were to commit a crime, what kind of crime would it most likely be?


some of these question were written myself, some are the courtesy of my friend, and some were brought from my questionnaires in my old fandom. if you use them, please reblog or link back to this post

7 months ago

Puto lavabo, en serio, que quebraderos de cabeza me han dado 🙃

Oh, ¡espera! Hola, Tyler 🤗🖕

Ya está, ya está 😆

TYLEEEEEER!!!!! ¿Qué tal? ¿Le ha gustado los lavabos? 🛹💕

Puto Lavabo, En Serio, Que Quebraderos De Cabeza Me Han Dado
Tyler Est En El Lavabo Completo, Hay 2 Lavabos Ms , Por Cierto Los 3 Han Sido Decorados Por @vanskyfox
Tyler Est En El Lavabo Completo, Hay 2 Lavabos Ms , Por Cierto Los 3 Han Sido Decorados Por @vanskyfox

Tyler está en el lavabo completo, hay 2 lavabos más , por cierto los 3 han sido decorados por @vanskyfox con los justos del pequeño de los Evans.

Después de la línea de corte ❤️‍🔥

Tyler Est En El Lavabo Completo, Hay 2 Lavabos Ms , Por Cierto Los 3 Han Sido Decorados Por @vanskyfox

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