vapewraith - Saltier than the Dead Sea
Saltier than the Dead Sea

2X//Robots & GhostsI draw middle aged men in neon and write about their existential dread

314 posts

Hey, I Want To Ask You About Your Fic "Immiscible", Are You Going To Update It?

Hey, I want to ask you about your fic "Immiscible", are you going to update it?

Yup! I’m currently in the final stages of editing chapter 2 right now, so it will be updated later this week

In general, I am a very slow writer. I tend to write at work when things aren’t busy and draw when I get home

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More Posts from Vapewraith

1 year ago

It’s been a minute since I posted this and I’ve added a few new stories in the meantime

My writing:


TITLE: Ester

SYNOPSIS: Someone administers an industrial dose of animal aphrodisiacs to P-3. Professor Zakharov reluctantly straightens out the situation.


CHAPTER: 1/1 (Complete)

TITLE: Elastomer

SYNOPSIS: Zakharov compels Nechaev to his lab in Pavlov so they can work through a few personal issues.


TAGS: Post-Canon, Robot Zakharov

CHAPTER: 1/1 (Complete)

TITLE: Sublimate

SYNOPSIS: In the wake of the Bulgaria incident, Sergey starts to lose what’s left of himself. Sechenov drags him up for air


TAGS: Pre-Canon, Praise Kink, Body Worship, Character Study, Existential Angst


TITLE: Proximal

SYNOPSIS: Chariton Zakharov gets a new robot body. Dmitry Sechenov wants to test out some of its parameters—with a little help from his loyal P-3, of course.


TAGS: Post Canon, Threesome, Sergey/ Sechenov/Zakharov, Robot!Zakharov, Creative use of the Kollektiv Neural Network

CHAPTER: 1/1 (Complete)

TITLE: Stoichiometric

SYNOPSIS: Sergey Nechaev’s mind can’t recall what he used to have with his boss, but his body is happy to help him remember


TAGS: Existential Angst, Praise Kink, Omegaverse, Two manipulative scientists power-playing each other through the conduit of one sadboi soldier

CHAPTER: 5/9 (Ongoing)


TITLE: Charon

SYNOPSIS: After three months of working together, Gavin Reed and RK900 have reached an uneasy partnership, but the emergence of a bizarre series of ritualized murders—and a worrisome technology—threatens to shatter their fragile equilibrium.


TAGS: Case fic, Existential Horror, Transhumanism, Enemies to Allies

CHAPTERS: 20/20 (Complete)


SYNOPSIS: Four years after the events of the Infinity Killer murders, RK900 and Gavin have hit a roadblock in their relationship. RK900 thinks he’s found a solution where he can have his cake and eat it too, but even the best laid plans are no match for shoddy communication skills, or a thief that deals in the impossible. (Direct sequel to Charon)


TAGS: Heists, Wedding Proposals, Android Identity Theft, Near Future Applications of Ransomeware

CHAPTERS: 10/20 (Ongoing)

TITLE: Camaro

SYNOPSIS: Connor drags RK900 to the yearly DPD car wash against his wishes. What starts as an exercise in boredom quickly spirals into every kind of frustration imaginable—physical, emotional, and Gavin Reed in spandex leggings. Gavin accidentally reveals a part of himself to his curious partner, and opens a door that can’t easily be closed.


TAGS: Car Wash, Slice of Life, Quarter Life Crises All Around, Muscle Cars as Metaphor

CHAPTERS: 6/6 (Complete)

1 year ago
How Id Thought Dlc2 Would End

how i’d thought dlc2 would end

(technically, how i *wanted* it to end)

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