This account is dedicated to the Venom Mob. I post edits, gifs, photos, and information about the Venoms lives in addition to things about their film and tv work! I do a lot of research on the Venoms to find my content so I hope to share plenty of new photos and facts.
627 posts
Chiang Sheng In Attack Of The Joyful Goddess (1983)

Chiang Sheng in Attack of the Joyful Goddess (1983)
So Chiang Sheng's character is a Peking opera performer. His role is the Nandan which is a male that plays a female role. They often take on the habits, actions, and mindset of a woman. Often, if the performer was experienced, there was no differentiating him with a female. This is true in the character's case.
supersoniqque liked this · 2 years ago
tangerineswitharedpomegranate liked this · 3 years ago
wildeyrie liked this · 3 years ago
brownheadedcowboy liked this · 4 years ago
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Crippled Avengers (1978)

Chen Shuen and Wei Jia-Jie communicating in Crippled Avengers (1978)

How it happened with the practice scene vs the final fight in Five Deadly Venoms (1978)

Kuo Chui in The Big Heat (1988)

Wei Pai’s emotional performance in Kid with the Golden Arm (1979)