vensartstuff - I make stuff
I make stuff

Drawing oc’s since 1997Insta: VensArtStuffTwitter: @vensartshit

124 posts

Vensartstuff - I Make Stuff - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

Me: not interested in Guardians of the Galaxy game, not even one bit

Square Enix: behold, space Kassandra

Me: Not Interested In Guardians Of The Galaxy Game, Not Even One Bit
3 years ago
vensartstuff - I make stuff
4 years ago
I Do Not Control The Speed At Which Lobster Die
I Do Not Control The Speed At Which Lobster Die
I Do Not Control The Speed At Which Lobster Die
I Do Not Control The Speed At Which Lobster Die

I Do Not Control the Speed at Which Lobster Die 🦞

4 years ago
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,
I Collect Images With Powerful Ot3/third Wheel Energies So You Dont Have To. I Am Releasing Them To You,

i collect images with powerful ot3/third wheel energies so you don’t have to. i am releasing them to you, the public, so you may share in my bounty

4 years ago
This, Just This Scene, In Midnight Sun Lives In My Head Rent Free

this, just this scene, in midnight sun lives in my head rent free

anyways, may i also just add:

This, Just This Scene, In Midnight Sun Lives In My Head Rent Free
4 years ago
4 years ago

Found thousands of tadpoles on my hike, thought tumblr would enjoy bustling tadpoles in these uncertain times.

4 years ago

i’m at a loss for worms

4 years ago
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]
Film Genre Meme - [6/10 Sci-fi Films]

film genre meme - [6/10 sci-fi films] 

- Pacific Rim (2013) dir. Guillermo Del Toro.

4 years ago
Nona Limmen
Nona Limmen
Nona Limmen
Nona Limmen

nona limmen

4 years ago

I’m obsessed with this video

4 years ago

I think ur first studio ghibli movie determines part of ur personality. Mine was my neighbor totoro, and my little brother’s was ponyo

Tags :
4 years ago

which will you press…

Which Will You Press
4 years ago
Researchers "Translate" Bat Talk. Turns Out, They Argue—A Lot
A machine learning algorithm helped decode the squeaks Egyptian fruit bats make in their roost, revealing that they

They found that the bat noises are not just random, as previously thought, reports Skibba. They were able to classify 60 percent of the calls into four categories. One of the call types indicates the bats are arguing about food. Another indicates a dispute about their positions within the sleeping cluster. A third call is reserved for males making unwanted mating advances and the fourth happens when a bat argues with another bat sitting too close. In fact, the bats make slightly different versions of the calls when speaking to different individuals within the group, similar to a human using a different tone of voice when talking to different people. Skibba points out that besides humans, only dolphins and a handful of other species are known to address individuals rather than making broad communication sounds. The research appears in the journal Scientific Reports.

4 years ago

dude, you gotta stop leaving your potions and elixirs in our bathroom! my hair turned into snakes again, and now i'm gonna be late for work!

4 years ago
vensartstuff - I make stuff
4 years ago
vensartstuff - I make stuff
4 years ago

jimmy jimmy

4 years ago

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey in a nutshell

4 years ago
vensartstuff - I make stuff
vensartstuff - I make stuff
4 years ago
vensartstuff - I make stuff
4 years ago
I Am Convinced That Reaper From Overwatch Somehow Is Sponsored By Tediore. There Is No Other Explanation

I am convinced that Reaper from Overwatch somehow is sponsored by Tediore. There is no other explanation to how that edgy grand-dad has seemingly infinite shotguns.

4 years ago

So I decided to gather all the ‘hobby’ dialogue from the Darkest Dungeon files. It seems to be an unused string of camping dialogue, but offers some interesting insight into the characters. I’ve just put them in the order they appear in:

Bounty Hunter

“A little time to reflect on my strategies.”

“Hold this apple on your head. Now stand still.”

“I will practice. Train. A professional adheres to a regimen.”


“Shhh! I am praying!”

“Go away! I am reading my Versebook!”

“No, I’ll not play dice with you! I am studying the Verses!”

Grave Robber

“You – idle one! Hold my yarn!”

“Yes, I carve tiny tombstones. Mementos of my exploits.”

“These stab holes will simply not do! Where’s my needle and thread?”


“Bet none of you can throw a knife as well as I. Eh?”

“Wrestle me. I crave an easy victory. (grin)”

“I am learning to read. It is a rare skill among my kind.”


“… with the night for his throne?” Hmm… tricky.“

”… and he always came home?“ … No, no…”

“… like a dog to a bone?” … Still not right!“


"It’s called juggling. You never been to a circus?”

“What do I do for fun? You’re joking, right?”

“I’m practicing my sneering. Pretty good, huh?”


“Here we sit, the calm in the eye of the storm.”

“I must be cautious when stretching my ligaments, lest they tear, of course.”

“Pass this pipe around. The smoke dulls the senses.”


“Why, I am documenting the journey, of course. Care to read?”

“Some quiet, please. I am on the verge of breaking the cypher.”

“Sigh… it is too dark to study my rituals here.”

Plague Doctor

“Some bark of aspen? Or maybe boiled cerato leaf? Hmm…”

“Hold that wound still. My sketch is nearly done.”

“May I lance that boil? The pus is intriguingly gray!”


“Busy yourself elsewhere. I am praying for your soul.”

“Yes, I shave my legs. What of it?”

“Have you thread? I’ve torn a seam in my temple garments.”


“Leave me to reflect on the day’s battles.”

“How did that one blow slip past my guard..? I must think…”

“I learned to carve during the lulls of the Cyprian campaign.”


“Put this apple on your head and close your eyes.”

“I will stick with you until wanderlust strikes again.”

“Dice? What’s the wager?”


“…and that’s when I learned the hound could sing!”

“Cooking meat robs it of its nutrifying essence.”

“It is certain that anyone in politics has been corrupted in some fashion or another.”


“I only ever had time for my crucible and scrolls.”

“Oh I’ve loved before, but all were forgotten in the laboratory.”

“Care to see my drawings for a mechanical hand?”


“My father can reload a musket as quick as a wink!”

“When we return, I am certain the club will initiate me”

“Whoever smells like that should die of shame and disgrace”

4 years ago

what your favorite roguelike/lite  says about you

the binding of isaac: you’re kind of basic and enjoy gruesome things.

nuclear throne: you like gravity falls.

enter the gungeon: you are a shitposter.

monolith: you’re edgy and like games that turn out to be dark, and you are also a fan of eldritch lore based stories.

lobotomy corporation: you’re a big fan of scp.

spelunky: you’re also basic and enjoy old games.

risk of rain + it’s sequel: you like space +alien lifeforms and sometimes think about life on different worlds.

slay the spire: you enjoy card games.

crypt of the necrodancer: you have good music taste.

faster than light: you enjoy spacecrafts and/or you have no idea what a rogued lite is

darkest dungeon: you’re really edgy and want the sequel to come out soon.

dead cells: you like hyper light drifter, bright colors and also enjoy memes.

rogue legacy: you don’t get most roguelites and you enjoy good plot twists.

wizard of legend: you want to be a wizard.

nethack: you really like text based games and dislike people mistaking roguelites for roguelikes.

rogue: okay how old are you.