Cillian Murphy Was Sighted In Dubin, Ireland, After Going To The Gym (September 12, 2024)

Cillian Murphy was sighted in Dubin, Ireland, after going to the gym (September 12, 2024)
Source: Daily Mail posted 9/13/24
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More Posts from Vervainandspritz
Jackson Rippner is exactly the kinda guy who would unironically share Tommy Shelby sigma male memes.
After Hours
Part 13
Previous part here

Mortified. Absolutely mortified.
There was no other way to describe it.
She was absolutely mortified.
Y/N initially had no intention of doing what she’d done that night, but upon seeing Robert, thinking of everything she felt for him but also how much he’d hurt her, she’d been unable to stop herself.
The literal lap dance she’d given him had come from somewhere between desirous arousal and offended anger, battling between still loving and wanting him, and feeling like she could nearly slap him again. And when it was over and she came to her senses once more, she knew that her only option was to bolt out of there as fast as possible and do everything she could to never see him again. That was the last time she’d let him hurt her.
The looks she’d given him — the obvious hurt in her eyes, but then also something else. The arousing feel of her body on his, the touches she she’d given him. The way his hands had felt on her. The instinctive need to hold her closer. The insane desire he had to just erase the mistake he’d made, take away the hurt he’d caused, and have her back with him and to tell her that he loved her.
These were all the thoughts running through Robert’s mind the next day, and as he sat at his desk and was unable to do anything productive, he kept trying to think of anything he could do now to possibly fix this. But it was hopeless. He’d screwed up royally, and he had no options left.
“Mr. Fischer, there’s someone here to see you. He’s not on your schedule, but he’s insisting you two know each other. He says it’s urgent and he needs to speak with you right away.”
Frowning at the words his receptionist, Mary, was saying to him through the phone intercom, Robert stood from his chair.
“What’s his name?” Robert asked then.
“Jason Dryers.”
Robert frowned again.
“I don’t know a Jason Dryers.”
There was a brief muffling as his receptionist spoke to whoever this visitor was, and then she spoke to Robert again.
“He’s insisting that he knows you, and that he needs to speak with you about Miss Y/L/N.”
At the mention of Y/N’s name, Robert’s eyebrows shot up, and then furrowed as he tried to figure out who this person could be.
“I’ll be right there,” he said into the phone, and then he moved from behind his desk and crossed his office.
As he opened the door and stepped out into the reception area, he saw a man who appeared to be about his age standing at Mary’s desk. The man turned around upon hearing Robert open the door, and as Robert looked at him, he immediately recognized him as the man who Y/N had been especially friendly with at the club that one night.
“You may not know me, but I know you,” Jason said upon making eye contact with Robert. “And I need to talk to you about Y/N.”
The mention of Y/N had Robert deciding that he needed to hear whatever this guy had to say. He’d been unable to stop her before she’d left the club last night after the ensemble performance, and all Robert had been able to think about all morning was how much of a mess all this had become and how insanely regretful he was for allowing himself to ruin everything.
Giving a slight nod to Mary over Jason’s shoulder to assure her that it was ok, Robert then silently stepped aside, making room in his doorway and gesturing for Jason to come into his office. After Jason had entered, Robert closed the door behind them, and then looked at Jason expectantly.
“What’s going on with Y/N?” he immediately asked, his face etched with concern. “Is she ok?”
Jason tilted his head, giving him a look of disbelief.
“Oh, so you’re suddenly concerned about her? After having called her a gold digging slut, hurting her so badly that she spent an entire week crying on my couch, and then intentionally embarrassing her by arranging that little show behind her back?” Jason scoffed. “You’re a real winner, aren’t you?”
Robert’s brow had furrowed deeper and deeper with each accusation Jason made, and he shook his head and tried to speak as he took in what he was saying.
“What? I didn’t—“
“Look, I don’t give a shit how rich you are or what influences you have. I’m not going to let you keep hurting my best friend. And while she may be too sweet to ever confront you, I’m not nearly as nice as her. So, I’m simply here to tell you to stop playing with her emotions and leave her the hell alone.”
Robert was trying to keep up as Jason made his declaration. But two words he’s said stuck out the most.
“Best friend?” Robert said to him.
Expecting a different response, Jason was poised to continue yelling when he registered Robert’s words.
“Yes, I’m her best friend. And I’m not gonna let you keep hurting her.”
“I thought you were dating her,” Robert said then, his pulse gradually rising as he started realizing he’d been very, very wrong.
“What?” Jason asked, again taken aback by Robert’s response. “No,” he shook his head as he frowned. “We’re best friends.”
“So, you’re not dating her? You two aren’t involved?”
“Considering the fact that I’m not interested in women, the answer to that is a definite no.” Jason crossed his arms then. “Although, if I was interested in women, I’d treat her a hell of a lot better than you have, I’ll tell you that.” He paused again before speaking once more, furrowing his brow in confusion. “What made you think she and I were dating?”
Robert looked at Jason.
“I saw you two at the club that night. You two kissed and hugged, and you seemed very…close.”
Jason looked back at Robert with equal confusion.
"I'd hardly call a quick kiss on the cheek 'close,'" he said.
"I..." Robert shook his head. "I thought maybe..."
"So, you see her give another man an innocent kiss on the cheek or learn she might be casually dating, and you immediately decide that means she's a gold digging bed hopper?" Jason started once more, angry again. He shook his head. "You know, for the longest time, I was rooting for you," he said, looking at Robert. "Every time she talked about you. I didn't even know you, but from everything Y/N would tell me, I was convinced you were a good guy and that you cared about her. But clearly, you don't give a shit about her. And you know what? That's fine, because you don't deserve her. If your opinion of her can be so easily swayed and you could be so cruel as to say what you said and do what you did to her, then you don't deserve to even know her. She's a million times better off having nothing to do with you. You're clearly not who she thought you were, and the little stunt you pulled last night was a low blow."
Shaking his head adamantly, Robert spoke then.
"I didn't arrange any of that last night," he began. "Well, I mean, I sort of did. I mean, I knew Y/N was going to be there, but I had no idea it was going to be that kind of performance. I thought all the women were just going to sing a song or something by themselves up on stage. I had no idea it was going to be what it turned out to be. My colleague arranged all that."
"But you did arrange it initially, though? And you knew she was going to be there," Jason emphasized. "You knew she was going to be there and you didn't tell her. Why? Just so you could humiliate her? Was what you said to her not hurtful enough, already? You had to catch her off guard and make her do it in front of you, just to make her feel worse?"
"What? No!" Robert insisted with another fervent shake of his head. "I arranged it initially, yes, but that was because it was my only option to possibly see her. I was trying to find a way to apologize. She'd refused what I'd sent her, she wouldn't respond to my calls or texts, and when I went to her apartment, she wasn't there and I had no idea when she'd be back. I had to work out some other way to see her so that I could try and talk to her. And if she knew ahead of time that I'd be there, I knew she wouldn't show up. I know it was extreme, but it was my only shot at being able to see her."
As Jason listened to Robert, his anger slowly started to lessen. So he'd done what he had to try and apologize?
"You went to her apartment?" Jason asked then.
"Yes," Robert replied. "After she'd sent everything back to me, I decided to try and speak to her in person. But when I went there, the doorman said she'd been gone for days, and that he didn't know when she'd be back. I waited for almost two hours, but she never came home."
"So you were trying to apologize?"
"Yes," Robert replied, nodding. "I've been trying to apologize since the day it happened, but she wouldn't have it. I didn't know what else to do."
Crossing his arms, Jason felt no sympathy for him.
"Maybe you shouldn't have ever said what you said to her in the first place. That would have been a good start. And the fact that your opinion of her could be so easily swayed tells me that an apology from you likely isn't really that meaningful. And just so you know, you couldn't be more wrong about her."
Robert shook his head yet again.
"What I said was terrible; I know that. And you have no idea how sorry I am. But I swear to you, I don't actually think any of that about her. I know I said it, but I didn't mean it."
"So then why did you say it?" Jason asked.
"Because I was jealous," Robert admitted. "Until that first time I went to see her, I had no idea she did this, and honestly, it was a shock. Not only that, but I hated the thought of anyone else seeing her like that. And then when I went and saw her the second time, the songs she'd sang were so different from the previous week. And I know now that they're just performances, they don't mean anything, but at the time, it threw me. And then I saw her with you, and I just..." Robert shook his head. "It was all just so unexpected. After we saw each other that night, and then at work the next day, I was still trying to wrap my head around it, and I know that what I said to her was terrible — horrible — but I swear to you, I didn't mean any of it. I felt jealous and surprised, and I just..."
He trailed off then, and Jason took the opportunity to circle back on something.
"Wait, so you'd seen her performing prior to that night when you two saw each other?" he asked.
Swallowing nervously, Robert realized he'd outed himself, but it was all coming out now, so what else could he do but be honest?
"Yes," he admitted.
"But she's never told you she did this," Jason shook his head. "How did you know?"
Robert released a resigned exhale.
"I overheard her talking about it with her friend one day," he said. "And when I learned about it...I don't know...I just had to go and see her."
"But you didn't tell her about that?" Jason asked.
"No," Robert shook his head.
"Why not?"
"Because I felt guilty, and I also didn't want to embarass her or make things awkward. How could I admit to going to see her?"
"But you did go."
Robert looked at Jason.
"Because I'm crazy about her; I have been for a long time. And when I learned she did this, I had to see her. What would you do if you had the opportunity to see the person you're crazy about like that?"
Staring back at Robert, Jason was slowly unravelling the mess that this had all become, and after a brief pause, Robert spoke again.
"Look, I know that what I said to her, how I acted towards her, is inexcusable. And for the last two weeks, I've spent every minute wishing I could take it back and trying to figure out some way to fix things. But believe me when I say that I don't actually believe any of what I said — I only said it out of jealousy, and I took it out on her. I just couldn't stand the thought of any other man seeing her like that. I know that's not an excuse, but she means more to me than anything, and I couldn't help how I felt. And now, I have no idea what else I can do, and it's killing me. I hate myself for all this."
Looking at Robert, Jason could see that the regret he felt and the sincerity in what he was saying was clear. And as Robert took a deep breath, he spoke again.
"Listen, I know I haven’t earned any favors here, but will you please just tell her that I'm sorry? I just need her to know that I don't truly think any of those things about her. I need her to know how sorry I am.”
Pausing momentarily, Robert then turned and walked back to his desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a sealed envelope.
“And maybe you can give her this,” he said.
Walking back over to Jason, he then handed it to him, and as Jason took the envelope, he gave Robert a questioning look.
"It's the letter I tried sending to her each time along with the flowers," Robert explained. "It's an apology, and it tells her how I feel about her. And I understand if she won't give me another chance, but I need her to know how I really feel."
Looking down for a moment at the envelope, Jason then looked up at Robert.
"And how do you really feel?" he asked him.
Looking back at him, Robert's face was completely serious.
"I love her," he replied. "I'm in love with her."
After a moment's pause, Jason switched the envelope into his other hand, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper.
"You know, you could have saved the both of you a whole lot of time and trouble if you'd just been honest with her a long time ago."
Robert shook his head.
"I didn't know if she felt even the slightest bit what I was feeling," he said. "And I couldn't risk telling her and then losing her."
"You wouldn't have lost her," Jason assured him.
"How do you know?" Robert asked.
"Because she's as in love with you as you are with her. She has been for ages.”
Upon hearing that, Robert's heart pounded.
"And that's why what you said hurt her so badly,” Jason finished. “She loves you, and she thought you were someone who would never hurt her."
"I never will again," Robert replied, shaking his head. "Please, just have her read that letter."
Nodding, Jason then partially unfolded the piece of paper he'd pulled from his pocket, and then he looked at Robert again.
"The fact that she’s in love with you aside, you should also know that there was never any need for you to be jealous," he said, the hint of a smile suddenly appearing on his face. "Maybe take a look at this, and you'll understand why."
Jason holding out the paper, Robert reached out and took it, and Jason gave him a nod before heading for the door.
"I'll give her the letter," he confirmed. Then he walked across Robert's office and opened the door, stepping out and closing it behind him.
After Jason had left, Robert looked down to the paper in his hand, and after a moment's pause, he unfolded it. Upon glancing over it, he saw that it was some kind of personal worksheet that the owner of Plume had had her employees fill out. It was covered in Y/N's handwriting, and it asked questions like:
“What makes you feel empowered?"
“What makes you feel confident?"
"What makes you feel sexy?"
"What's your favorite aspect of performing?"
Reading through it, Robert came to the last question on the page.
"Is there someone in particular you think about when you perform? If so, who is it?"
As he read Y/N's response, he then suddenly understood what Jason had told him.
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