vinegartom - RUFF STUFF

A node for sketches, thoughts and rough ideas for artist and writer Ted Closson. Twitter: @vinegartom  Instagram: @vinegartom 

557 posts

Cars In The Rain On Flickr.

Cars In The Rain On Flickr.

cars in the rain on Flickr.

My character's car getting drenched in the rain by a passing vehicle.

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More Posts from Vinegartom

13 years ago

First Two Chapters

Most folks will probably miss this since I haven't posted here in a while, but here I go anyway... the link which follows is to a .cbz comic viewing file which can be viewed through any number of free comic book viewing programs. It consists of the first two chapters of my graphic novel- some 78 pages or so- that I'm working on as part of my graduate thesis. So if you're interested or want to see the images I've produced all summer in some context, download and read on.

13 years ago
Completed Page On Flickr.

Completed page on Flickr.

The completed page spread with all prior images inserted. The final image is 11 by 17 inches.

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13 years ago
Detective Jeff On Flickr.

Detective Jeff on Flickr.

Jeff, my main character's partner greets her at the front door to her house. In the background her daughter boards the school bus. That's my parent's house in the background, btw.

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13 years ago
The Stage On Flickr.

The Stage on Flickr.

Latest page. Holy crap this took forever to draw! The stage where the angel Poteh and Cleo meet for the first time in my story.

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13 years ago
Candid Snapshot On Flickr.

Candid Snapshot on Flickr.

The next in a series of images from pages 22 and 23 of the graphic novel I'm working on this summer. This image is a snapshot of the main character's wedding, her wife Susan and her daughter, Zara. The reference material for this image is the same as the previous image.

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