vlad-theimplier - Thirty Opinions in a Trench Coat with Holes for Arm-Blades
Thirty Opinions in a Trench Coat with Holes for Arm-Blades

Nerd with feelings about stuff. Chill about identity. Not chill about genAI. VladtheImplier on AO3.

424 posts

Well, That Was... A Debate.

Well, That Was... A Debate.

Well, that was... a debate.

  • gamebird
    gamebird liked this · 6 months ago

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6 months ago

Most english orthographic reforms fail because they're trying to make the language better when they should be making it worse. In pursuit of that idea, starting in fall 2024 we're adding six new letters to make reading harder.

1. Reverse P

The letters P and p, backwards

Completing the b-d-p rotational cycle and causing confusing with g and q (the hook on the q is now mandatory).

2. Lower i

A lowercase i and a second lowercase i, lowered about halfway.

Uppercase is a lowercase i and lowercase is an even lower i.

3. Left bracket

[ and a backward h

For it's hard work over the years, [ is being promoted to the alphabet proper. Lower case is a reverse h. Fuck right bracket.

4. Long M

The letters M and m where the back two legs continue going

Just like a regular M but two of the legs keep going. Long M is a vowel in all cases that Y isn't.

5. Reverse X

The letters X and x with a curly tale on the right leg

Like X but in reverse. To tell the difference we're adding these little curls to X, so regular X now looks like this

The letters X and x with a curly tale on the left leg

6. Reverse F

Backwards F and upside down v

Uppercase is a reverse F, lowercase is an upside down v. Fuck you is why.

6 months ago

I think this is the new stupidest thing I've ever seen on the internet. That's... just a crime. Evidence of which you just recorded yourself and posted online. I don't know how exactly we failed these people (actually, I do—it's Rs cutting civics from HS curricula and defunding education generally), but this is shaping up to be wild.

Hey has tumblr heard about the Chase “Infinite Money glitch” debacle from tiktok yet because

6 months ago

*ahem* "Nightmeah"

vlad-theimplier - Thirty Opinions in a Trench Coat with Holes for Arm-Blades

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6 months ago

Either corporate espionage with a side of chokehold, or putting an enchanted greatsword straight through a dragon's eyeball, which is probably some kind of Fish and Game crime.

vlad-theimplier - Thirty Opinions in a Trench Coat with Holes for Arm-Blades

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6 months ago

This is why we should call it "the mediocrity machine" instead of "artificial intelligence." Also, pay humans to edit and proof!

googledocs you are getting awfully uppity for something that can’t differentiate between “its” and “it’s” correctly