wanjikusblog - Wanjiku's two cents.
Wanjiku's two cents.

148 posts

Meantime, In Sketchy News.

Meantime, in sketchy news.

Apparently a person or persons unknown have decided that this oil portrait that's previously been on display at the National Museum in Nairobi, should no longer be part of the national collection but instead go either into storage or become part of someone's private collection.

Subject; Maasai elder standing outside his manyatta.

Meantime, In Sketchy News.

Whoever took this painting please allow the Kenya national museum access to it. It's meant to be part of the national gallery collection.

Meantime, In Sketchy News.

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Mulika wezi.

It's amazing all the "economic projects" into which millions if not billions of Kenya shillings are siphoned, sunk, and lost each year.

Mulika Wezi.

Pending Bills is a corruption milking machine where the government colludes with contractors, delays payment then pays them high interest for late payment. That's how your money is stolen. In Thwake Dam Makueni County contractor was paid 236 Million interest for late payment.

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6 months ago

Meme Worthy.

Meme Worthy.

Unsurprisingly, those who wanted rid of Lumumba continue to rape and plunder Congo without let to date.

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6 months ago

Meme Worthy.

Meme Worthy.
Meme Worthy.

Alison Caswell's bronze sculpture of Eliud the marathoner, stands tall at Nike's headquarters in Beaverton Oregon.

#athletics history

#fine art & sculpting

6 months ago

Meme Worthy.

If only the dewy-eyed tourists who flock to Buckingham Palace each year knew that a king's guard is literally allowed to shout at anybody getting in his way or messing with his horsey, then maybe such tourists wouldn't get so startled or take it personal whenever the household calvary bellow out warnings such as "Stand back, don’t touch the reins!'

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#Facebook posts