weaverscape - Weaverscape

Just a mess of too many half-baked thoughts

305 posts

Blame It On A Patriarchal System, But I Can't Help But Adore The Father-Daughter Dynamic So Much.

Blame it on a patriarchal system, but I can't help but adore the Father-Daughter dynamic so much.

The idea of a grizzled and emotionally distant man slowly but surely opening up to a little girl who is the utter symbol of innocence and him trying everything in his power to let her see the world as bright as she already sees in her own eyes thanks to him always melts my heart.

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1 year ago
Spider Girl OC Go Brrrrrrr

Spider girl OC go brrrrrrr

Her name is Tara, and she's sort of a mix between some features of tarantulas and jumping spiders. Of course, aside from the whole "is an anthropomorphic creature" stuff, lol. She's fuzzzzzzy.

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1 year ago

Okay, okay. Please tell me. What in the everloving schmuck does Grimace Skin taste like.

weaverscape - Weaverscape
1 year ago
"Give Me Your Doritos"

"Give me your Doritos"

First posts are the worst. Uh... I tried to draw a BotW guardian from memory, with a few artistic liberties, admittedly. OTL

Don't mind the math in the corner.

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1 year ago
Elluwin's Amazing, They're Just-

Elluwin's amazing, they're just-

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