Hi! I don’t know what I’m doing, and my interests change at the drop of a hat, but I’m here, and I think it’s fun!
166 posts
Heros Writing Masterlist!
Hero’s Writing Masterlist!
OK, so it occurred to me that I should make my own writing msterlist in case anyone wants to read my work. So, here it is, from oldest to the newest!!!
The Time JJ Swallowed a Clock - Chase is haunted by a strange noise (my first ego story!!!)
A Little Theory - A general JSE theory I had way back when I was just getting started, that I put in story form
Shaky Hands and Flowers (Whumptober and Egotober) - Jameson finds pretty flowers….
Caught In an Explosion (Whumptober) - Marvin investigates a suspicious note
Pose (Egotober) - Chase prepares for CHASE
Wilford Saves Dark (Whumptober) - Wilford saves Dark, but at what cost?
Whump - Ransom (Whumptober) - An old enemy of Jackie’s has taken his younger brothers… will an new ally be able to save them?
Snipped Strings - You Rescue Jameson from Anti, but at what cost???
How Long Since You Slept? - Chase needs sleep after a long day of work
Jackie Defeats Anti (Old Version) - How the glitch bitch came to be
The Aftermath of Anti’s Lair - Chase explores an abandoned building
Cozy - Chase and Henrik spend a night together
Relax - Jameson recovers from a fever
Chase Laughs in His Sleep - A ghost haunts the egos with its terrifying laugh… or does it?
Jack VS Jackie - Jack and Jackie fight over the last cookie
That One Fish Girl’s Rescue - A little birthday gift for a friend, where her OC, Sei, rescues JJ and the egos from a storm
You’re Safe Now - Jameson is almost killed by a fall
Magnificent Spell - Jameson learns how to use slides for the first time!
Chase & the Treasure Hunt (Multi-chapter, on-going) - Chase receives an extra special birthday present
Static - While stuck in captivity, Jameson muses and receives an unexpected visitor
The Good Doctor Returns - Jameson comes to a revelation, and Schneep returns
Robbie - A day in the life of Robbie the Zombie, from squirrel chasing to a bubble outburst
Jackie’s Late BDay Present - A special fic written for Jackie, also a rewrite of how the Glitch Bitch came to be
And JJ Makes Three - Marvin’s birthday fic! Let’s see how Jameson escapes Anti’s wrath… and how Marvin finds him…
Schneeplestein Apparently Has a Heart - Henrik’s birthday story. Concerns how Chase joined the JSE egos.
Egotober #2 - Marvin must sing to break the stony spell on his brothers.
Marvin - A little drabble about the mysterious magician
Eliza and Angelica Kidnap Alex - Eliza goes to desperate measures just get her husband to take a break
The Little Mermaid - My own retelling of Hans Christian Andersern’s The Little Mermaid!
This will be updated of course! But here is my magnum opus for the mean time!
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More Posts from Whoopsiedaisiesandwhimsy

Braver Than You Think
With his feline mask resting in his hair, Marvin paced the room absentmindedly, one hand held close to his chest with his fingers twitching slightly as his focus was somewhere else, when Jackieboy Man suddenly peeked his head in the door.
“Oh, Marv, thank God I found you,” he muttered as he rushed closer, the urgency in his voice abruptly shaking the magician from his train of thought.
“Hm?” Marvin responded as he got his bearings again. Then his eyebrows furrowed with concern. “Jackie? What’s up? It’s… it’s not Anti again, is it?”
“No, it’s…” the hero answered quietly, his eyes falling away as he let out a bit of a sigh. “It’s Chase. He’s… feeling low again. It’s not good.”
“Oh, God,” Marvin said under his breath. “How bad is it this time?”
“He found his way into Doc’s whiskey stash.”
“Sh*t, really?”
“Yeah. Doc and JJ are with him– they sent me out to look for you. We should really…”
“No, no, of course,” the magician cut him off, already knowing how Jackie was going to finish. He nodded reassuringly. “Lead the way.”
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When I was wide awake this morning, I started thinking about what my own version of Robbie would be like. This list is the result:
Innocent boi - soft and gentle
He soft, but he attac (don’t hurt his family or anyone small and helpless)
“Mouth not make words…right”
Clumsy, but he tries (he has two left feet and his grip isn’t that great)
He’s surprisingly great at coloring and is always cautious when holding small, fragile animals
He exists because Marvin was playing around with an old spell book in a cemetery (gosh dang it Marvin). He tried to hide Robbie, but the curious zombie couldn’t help but shuffle out of his bedroom when the other egos were making so much noise.
Anti was silent and didn’t say much when they were introduced, but he was the first to offer when he needed a place to sleep (he quickly decided that the poor zombie needed a big brother mentor to teach him.
He likes soft things and small places (he hides sometimes to find comfort), but he is terrified of absolute darkness - it reminds him of being trapped underground.
He’s the shortest, but he insists that’s only because he can’t really stand without slouching (sure Jan…)
He is a SASSY bugger when he wants to be.
Marvin and Chase help him improve his communication beyond grunts and ‘yes’ and ‘no’
Anti and Schneep work with him on his motor skills (Schneep mainly helps him with his walking, while Anti plays catch and little games with him)
Jameson, bless his heart, was the one that taught Robbie how to properly use eating utensils. (”Robbie don’t need…fork” *proceeds to shovel food with his hands* Jameson about had a heart attack)
So yeah, that’s what I came up with. I might start writing about him, I don’t know

My JSE Ego Timeline.
@bupine did a Percy-Jackson-titled version of her Ego timeline/Arcs so I thought I’d do one. Also, @badlypostedeverything and @florenceisfalling did their own versions, so be sure to check those out!!!
Well, I’ve officially fallen in love with these characters. I plan to do more with them in the future, so be on the lookout! Reblogs are always welcome, btw!
“First Impressions are…Something”
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