whoslai - heeseungs gf (real)
heeseungs gf (real)

laiya | 04’ 🥯

57 posts



Are we forgetting how heeseung came inside of y/n or was that my imagination??? 🥴😭 I'm kinda overthinking rn hahaha

he definitely came in y/n…multiple times at that. i should go back and count how many times he came in her lol

but i’m not really a fan of the whole “y/n” being pregnant trope…unless you guys want to see it in the upcoming chapter? i’d be down to make some tweaks if you guys wanna see a little heeseung running around…heheh.

send me an ask/comment and lmk what u think :)

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More Posts from Whoslai

1 year ago

OMG hi bestie eheh

I just saw the ask abt yn being pregnant 😮😮

U def don’t have to change the storyline if u don’t want to but oml imagine how messy it’ll get 🤩like hee def atm doesn’t want yn to get prego since he has some uhm…issues (if I put it nicely)

I love chaos 😈😈bout time hee takes responsibility for his actions 😗 unless he decides to be an asshole abt it 😭😭😭

OMG Hi Bestie Eheh

heheheh, i dunooooo 🫣 i wouldn’t want to have babies by a man who can’t even call me throughout the day

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1 year ago

heeseungs replies to y/ns texts made me want to punch his face "just doing what i always do" 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

omg right…crazy how sweet he was in the beginning. rereading his texts made me want to throw my phone 😭

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1 year ago

I would love for yn and hee to be together but hee needs to get his shit together ngl lmao

i agree. i think it’s time for some majorrrrr changes on BOTH ends. expect shit to go down in the next chapter lol. i’m growing grey hairs just thinking about it

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1 year ago

hi laiya hehe hru

Hi Laiya Hehe Hru

hi mirrraaaa boo!! i’m good, been working per usual 😪 i’m not gonna lie, my brain has been consumed by heeseung. i was literally on break daydreaming about what heeseung would be like as a husband 😭😭

how about you mira?? how are you :)

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1 year ago

Helloooo I’m back!! I finally had time to read the new chapters of “Off the Menu” and lets j say I am v frustrated 🙂 can’t help but feel the same uneasiness that yn has expressed about heeseung like he j gives off a weird vibe and it’s uncomfy T T not talking abt ur wiring Becuz ur wiring his absolutely AMAZING that ur able to make me feel this way. Heeseung was def with someone when yn drove over cuz usually ppl would be touched but he was so oddly mad 😭😭

Yn has been nothing but understanding and yet he still says she’s asking for too much T T like is wanting to feel loved by someone u love too much 💀💀and again I do not believe heeseung has absolutely no time throughout the day, i work at a restaurant too and I have time to be on my phone and the whole bullshit abt him not texting a lot until he’s home is stupid too like if u rly cared abt yn u would text her. Like when u truly care abt someone ur willing to change and its not like she’s asking for too much T T

And our girl yn sigh, Idek what to say. I can’t even blame her cuz this is her first time and it seems she likes him more than he likes her and when u like someone that much plus the level of manipulation heeseung is doing she can’t help but be caught in this cycle. Heeseung’s truly been driving her in circles like always promising more always promising that he wants to take it further but instead it j gets worse and worse :(( I am so so mad and frustrated lol everytime heeseung is mentioned I wanna cry 🥲

The fact that he works with lots of girls isn’t even the problem like sire u might not be able to change that the problem is that he lacks the ability to give yn security and make her trust him

Honestly I was hoping she’d get with Jake and make heeseung realize that he doesn’t want her with anyone else but yn was loyal and I respect her for that j didn’t know if heeseung deserved it being the way he is 👀

Now I’m not been confident that heeseung removed Hana cuz it’s so easy to refollow and unblock like I’m so scared for yn 😭😭not ready for her to be hurt ✋🏻

I have so much to say but idk how to get it down in words💀this just how good ur writing is 😭😭if heeseung doesn’t start having his character development soon yn should break it off like girl doesn’t deserve to be treated like this 💔💔

Anyways love u girl can’t wait for the update 😚

(Intensely looking at cute heeseung rn so I stay sane😭)

Helloooo Im Back!! I Finally Had Time To Read The New Chapters Of Off The Menu And Lets J Say I Am V

OH MY GODDDDD this message literally just made my ENTIRE year 😣😣❤️❤️ thank you so so so so much for your kind words, omg, you mean the world to me. tears are falling from my eyes rn 😓😓😓

i love your interpretation of everything, you have an amazing mind. hopefully some good things happen between the both of them or else they’re both doomed 💔

i had so much fun reading this, you don’t even understandddd. got me giggling and kicking my feet reading this 😭😭 if you want, you can totally message me the rest of your thoughts, i would absolutely love to hear about it. you’ve got my mind goin.

love you smmmm and thank you for reading, you just gave me so much motivation 🙁❤️

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