why-raven - the blackest night.
the blackest night.

— raven | he/they | ko-fi —main blog. multi-fandom. see pinned for info.[ writing | writblr || muses | gpose ]

496 posts

Meet My Muses Ffxiv.

meet my muses — ffxiv.

I should have done this ages ago, but I was struggling to find the best way to talk about my blorbos without writing a literal essay that becomes too long and too complicated to read.

I might change this format later on, but this will have to do for now (before Tumblr rage-quits on me):

Meet My Muses Ffxiv.
Meet My Muses Ffxiv.
Meet My Muses Ffxiv.


Veena Viera; born Sigrid Rindr, from a very ancient clan rumored to live near the edge of Blindfrost. Has a twin sister called Yiuna (born Ingrid)

Appears 20; is actually immortal, and probably over thousands of summers old

Biologically male, he/they pronouns

When disguised as a female, goes by the alias “Yiune”, she/they pronouns

Demiromantic Asexual. Familiar with one-night stands, but considers sex as a means to an end, nothing more

Operates under multiple identities and aliases; treasure hunter by day, assassin by night

Black Mage; the last direct disciple of the late Shatotto, the greatest Mhach sorceress during the Fifth Astral Era

Registered as a Red Mage to hide his past connections, though his vast knowledge in ancient history and arcane arts are hardly a secret to his regular clientele (e.g. Y’shtola, Krile, Yayake)

On the rare occasions he’d help someone on a whim, they either end up as his disciples (Sora, Aisa, Ilya), or pledge their absolute loyalty to him (Syndrei, Arielle)

Meet My Muses Ffxiv.
Meet My Muses Ffxiv.


Xaela Au Ra; her past is a mystery, but awakened as the Warrior of Darkness during the ARR timeline

Appears 18-20; old enough to drink, but do not let her anywhere near alcohol (unless you have a dying wish)

Female, she/they pronouns. Bi-curious, maybe

Archer-turned-Dancer, and never looked back

Initially considered Yiuno her guardian and mentor; later develops other feelings for him (and his female alter ego)

Meet My Muses Ffxiv.

Will add more notes and other muses when Tumblr stops trying to kick me off the internet with the weird lagging.

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The Sorceress - [ FFXIV ]

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Hats off, for the Queen is here.

I'll be offering limited edition foil prints of this piece soon as a reward on my Patreon, so if you'd like to get in line for one (or if you'd like to support me so that I can go onto make pieces like this for our other scions) do consider supporting me on:

[ patreon.com/onyrica ]

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