Anxiety (Naga Boyfriend)
Anxiety (Naga Boyfriend)
I didn’t give him a name or too much of a description, but here it is. As always, I don’t have anxiety, so I had to do some research and that can only do so much. Please feel free to absolutely rip me apart if it is way off kilter.
You were normal. You had bills and a job that you worked at full time, you worked real hard everyday and sang in the shower. Normal. You also had a boyfriend and got along quite well. Of course, he helped you and vice versa.
Yet, you were a worrier. It was one of those things you’d had for years, but only at your boyfriend’s insistence, did you look into it. It had taken less than a month of living together for him to piece together there was something up and that was where he started to convince you to go to your appointments and finally put a name to it. Anxiety.
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More Posts from Why-so-red
“Everything is going to be okay.” (Tokoyami Fumikage X Reader)
Request: ( @kiribaku-is-endgayme ) Hiii. I was wondering if you could do tokoyami fumikage? Where the reader is already in a relationship with him and is the only one who can calm dark shadow down. So when tokoyami looses control at the camp (y/n) calms him down. ( sorry if this was complicated !!!) THANKS
A/N: Ahhh no need to apologise!! this request isn’t complicated at all!! it’s vvv cute :’D
No. of words: 1908

“(Y/N), please stop giggling,” your boyfriend sighed. You couldn’t see him in the pitch black cave but you felt safe since he’s held your hand the entire time you’ve been helping him out with Dark Shadow. You snorted in response, eyes watering from whatever it was your boyfriend’s Quirk had said that just seemed like the most hilarious thing at the time.
“Okay, okay,” you took in several deep breaths, “I’m sorry, I’m ready.”
“Thank you,” Tokoyami replied calmly, though, from the heaviness of his breath, you knew he was getting worn out and slowly you felt the guilt of wasting his time sink in. You knew how hard it was for him to even consider asking you to help him with Dark Shadow, you couldn’t imagine how paranoid he must’ve felt the moment he took your hand and led you into the cave. You tightened your grip on his hand gently, a silent apology. “Are you ready?” Tokoyami asked.
“Ready,” you replied firmly with a nod even though you knew he couldn’t see it. You held your breath, a slight sense of fear was beginning to manifest in your chest but you knew everything was going to be okay because you trusted Tokoyami and Dark Shadow; you had faith in the hours of practice the three of you had put into this.
Dark Shadow would not hurt you.
Everything was going to be okay.
Everything was going to be okay…
Everything was—
—happening too quickly. You ran faster than you ever did in your entire life, small branches and leaves left cuts and marks on your face as you sped through the forest but there was no time to think about that now. Your life was in danger and so was everyone else’s.
Everyone else…
Your heart dropped a million feet when you realised that you were alone. In the midst of fending off countless attacks from your sudden assailants, you’d split off from your class. You felt tears stinging in your eyes when the fear finally sank in, no longer pushed aside by the surge of adrenaline you’d mustered earlier. You slowed down when the coast was clear before you slumped against a tree, trying desperately to catch your breath. You brought your thumb up to your mouth and bit on it harshly when you felt a sob claw its way up your throat.
“You have to stop doing that,” Tokoyami clicked his tongue as he swatted your hand away from your lips. Even before you had started dating, he’d already recognised all your habits, especially the bad ones.
“I can’t help it,” you replied, “I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.”
“That’s a bad excuse,” Tokoyami said as he gently took your hand into his and scanned his eyes over your thumb. There were light marks in the centre of your nail. “One day you’re gonna bite your own finger off.”
“No, I won’t,” you pulled your hand back and smiled up at your boyfriend who only frowned down at you in response. Or at least you were pretty sure he was frowning, you still couldn’t always tell since he always maintained the same general facial expressions. “Tell him, Dark Shadow.”
Immediately, the being manifested from Tokoyami’s body, smiling fondly at you. “Yeah, Tokoyami, (Y/N) isn’t dumb enough to chew off her own thumb, let her do what she wants!”
“Yeah!” You said, puffing your chest out with your arms akimbo, a proud look on your face. Dark Shadow mimicked your posture beside you.
“But she hurts herself every time she does it,” your boyfriend said calmly, though slightly amused at how you’d so easily won over the favour of his own Quirk. It was the only thing he worried about before he asked you to be his partner, the night before your first official date, he made Dark Shadow swear to be nice only to be caught off guard when the being ended up practically falling in love with you by the end of the day.
Dark Shadow gasped a tad bit dramatically before he spun around and positioned itself beside Tokoyami, how with its arms crossed like the latter’s. You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes, unamused at how quickly your only ally switched sides, so much so that you subconsciously brought your thumb up to your mouth before the traitor itself slapped your hand away.
“Stop it,” both Quirk and Quirk User said at the same time. You didn’t know why but you laughed so hard you nearly cried.
“Watch out!” A familiar voice shouted as a wave of ice shot your way, quickly but carefully wrapping over and around you before you heard the sound of metal and then watched as what looked like a sword pierce through the icy shield, its sharp tip stopping just before it touched your face. Still trapped in your icy cocoon, you could only listen as who you assumed was Bakugou fire an explosion at the unknown Villain above. After a few more shots, the swords ripped out from the ice before you heard a thud not far away.
Trusting that your classmates had bought you some time, you activated your Quirk and looked for a pebble on the ground. You grabbed it and felt a thick layer of rock cover your skin, once your entire body was protected, you jabbed at the ice and broke free.
“Are you okay?” Todoroki asked, jogging your way though his eyes remained glued onto the enemy a short distance away.
“Yeah, thanks,” you followed his gaze and felt your mouth dry up. The man who’d attacked you earlier looked more like a monster than a human being. His entire body was restrained and covered except for a hole that exposed his open mouth. He struggled to his feet before hundreds of blades shot out from his teeth, tens of which came your way.
As you leapt to the side, Todoroki formed another shield of ice above the both of you while Bakugou attacked him once again from above. You weren’t exactly sure how long the battle lasted, someone could’ve told you it went on for a week and you honestly would not question them. Eventually, you felt your body grow weaker, the Villain had destroyed countless of your rock armour and your skin was beginning to grow raw from how many times you had to reform the rock over your body.
“Flesh! Give me your flesh!” The man shouted as he sent more blades your way. You were ready to dodge but as you turned to your right, you saw more blades turning your way. “You won’t get away this time!”
You brought your arms up to shield your face but the sheer impact of the blades hitting your armour caused the entire thing to shatter. You swore he’d used more force in this one attack than he did in all his other attempts to kill you. You heard Bakugou and Todoroki shout your name from a distance away but you knew neither would attack, it was too risky now that you were in the Villain’s clutches.
You felt a pained scream rip through your throat as the blades began cutting at your arms and legs. The agony was so severe you swore you nearly blacked out but instead you opened your clenched fist and grabbed one of the blades, using the last of your energy to activate your Quirk one last time. However, before the metal armour could cover your body completely, you heard the sound of leaves rustling behind you.
“Todoroki! Bakugou! We need light!” Another familiar voice shouted as Shouji with Midoriya on his back appeared in your field of vision.
What kinda request—
“Don’t touch her!” A deep and distorted voice boomed from behind before a dark shadow fell upon you and your attacker. From within the darkness, a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you out. You yelped as your injured limbs hit the ground harshly but soon the pain washed away when you realised what was happening before you.
“Tokoyami!” You screamed before you could stop yourself. You and your classmates watched as Dark Shadow finished off the Villain and tossed his unconscious body aside, it hit a tree with a sickening crunch like a rag doll before laying limp on the ground.
“Quick, we need light! Dark Shadow— (Y/N), stop!”
The words reached you before you could even process what your body was doing. Todoroki, Bakugou, Midoriya and Shouji watched in horror as you charged towards the giant berserk shadow monster. Your lungs burned and your skin stung with every move you made but yet you kept running because you knew with absolute certainty that Dark Shadow would not hurt you.
“Dark Shadow!” You cried, staring up straight into the enlarged eyes of the creature who’d just taken out a Villain who nearly ended your life. It sunk down to your level but kept its distance as if on guard, ready to attack you the moment you showed any signs of aggression. You took a step toward it and winced as the fresh cuts scattered across your legs burned. You inhaled shakily, “hey, Shadow, can you come closer please?”
It didn’t respond. You felt your already-racing heart beat faster, only once or twice had you successfully calmed Dark Shadow down, and those attempts were made when it was one-third of its current size.
“Please? You know me, right?” You pleaded. “I won’t ever hurt you.”
“Lies!” Dark Shadow roared and from within the darkness you caught a glimpse of Tokoyami, his eyes brimming with tears as he struggled to keep his Quirk under control. He stared straight into your eyes. “Run,” he mouthed.
You shook your head before returning your attention to the shadow creature. You wracked your brain for any ideas on what to say, normally it only calmed down after you stroked its head but with its reluctance to even come closer, there was no chance—
Your eyes, which had been desperately scanning the shadow being before you, caught your boyfriend’s ones once again. This time, with immense effort, he raised his hand up towards his mouth and then it hit you.
“Dark Shadow!” You shouted once more, demanding his attention. When you got it, you slowly raised your thumb and brought it closer to your mouth. It made a small chirping noise before you felt its arms reach out towards you. Before Dark Shadow could swipe at your hands, you wrapped your wounded arms around its neck and held on for dear life. “Everything’s going to be okay,” you whispered into its ear, “I promise.”
For a moment or two, the shadow creature struggled and writhed but soon enough, it slowly deflated in size. A relieved smile stretched across your face as you felt Dark Shadow’s beak nuzzle against the crook of your neck while it chirped not unlike how a content cat would purr. Eventually, you let go but before your arms could lower back down to your sides, you felt a familiar body press against yours.
Tokoyami wrapped his arms around you firmly but carefully, conscious of how beaten up you were. “Are you okay?” He asked and you heard his voice quiver for the first time since you met him.
“I’m okay, you?”
“Me, too,” he inhaled shakily while his body trembled ever so slightly. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Bughuul x Reader (I)
A/N: Howdy everyone! I have been wanting to write a scenario for this hunk of paranormal for a while now. Hope you enjoy this! There could potentially be room for a part two of this if anyone wants one. Requests are open. Warnings: None, Female Pronouns

You were used to the weird stares from the people at the supermarket. You were used to the wary glances from the neighbors whenever you would pull into the driveway or walk out to get the mail.
You lived in a house where a family was murdered. However, it was all you could afford and you fortunately had the place to yourself after years of saving up to move. Your ex-boyfriend who moved in with you at the time, hated the place after the first night.
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top 10 preminger moments
Patrick Hockstetter Fanfiction: "You were minding your own business, enjoying life. At the corner of your eye you spot a green eyed boy approaching you. As he reaches you ,he suddenly shoves you to the ground and whips out his giant cock, then he-

Catching them touching Themselves // Bowers Gang Headcanons

Victor would be a blushing mess, uncertain of what he was supposed to do next. After a moment or two to collect himself, he would shyly offer for you to join him. He would be pleased with both answers for different reasons.
Henry catches you staring from your spot in the corner of the room and silently offers for you to join him. you know all about the scars on his back so there’s no nervousness.
Patrick knows you are watching him and would put on a show for you. he ends up catching you off guard when he offers, more like orders, you to come over and finish him off with your mouth.
Belch falls off the bed when you barge in. His hand still somehow around his cock. The poor boy looks like he’s about to faint, as he mumbles out apologies and tries to cover himself. He doesn't offer you to join him.
If you walked in on the boys having sex, they would most likely drag you into it or ask you to watch.