whyallusernamearetaken - Wonderfull Univers
Wonderfull Univers

Tout dessin et texte posté ici est fait par moi Welcome in my imagination

80 posts

Whyallusernamearetaken - Wonderfull Univers - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Sausage And Salad Doodles At 2 Am (+sakura, Itachi And Obito Bonus)
Sausage And Salad Doodles At 2 Am (+sakura, Itachi And Obito Bonus)
Sausage And Salad Doodles At 2 Am (+sakura, Itachi And Obito Bonus)

sausage and salad doodles at 2 am (+sakura, itachi and obito bonus)

5 months ago
The Kiddos Are Mad At Him

the kiddos are mad at him

ref + alt ver

The Kiddos Are Mad At Him
The Kiddos Are Mad At Him
5 months ago
La Sagrada Famlia, Barcelona

La Sagrada Família, Barcelona


5 months ago
Continue From This

Continue from this ❤️

5 months ago

Something neat about... Finarfin

Finarfin has always been so relatable to me, being the youngest in a family unit (as far as the Finwëans are concerned) and just trying his absolute best to stay out of the family drama and toxicity other people are causing - sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much. I wonder if becoming High King of the Noldor in Valinor was, in a way, kingship coming back to haunt him. He probably never expected to be king.

I also love how he found his "own niche" so to speak and how he participates in his wife's culture, instead of the typical patriarchal "the wife joins the husband's household and family and that's her entire world now". Yes, many of us do like to interpret and imagine the Silmarillion in a less sexist way, but that's sadly how things often were in the time period and society Tolkien based his tales on as well as in his own time.

Finarfin earns the "sane person" and "wife guy" seal of approval from me.

 ˚ ੈ✧̣̇·˖  ˚ .   ✶ ˚  ✦ .   ˚ .   . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ .  ˚ 

@just-little-human this one's for you, as well as the unofficial year of Finarfin :D

“Something Neat About” (SNA) is a mini series on my blog where I say something I like/find cool/interesting/neat about various Tolkien (right now mostly Silmarillion) characters. 

Please feel free to add your own thoughts/ideas/headcanons about the character in the comments/tags, link fanworks you or others made, show pictures of your pet you named after them, whatever you want to share; my only request is to keep it positive.

More of SNA for your perusal here. You’re also welcome to message me/send asks about characters you’d like to hear about :)

5 months ago

Cool 👍

I Was Thinking About The Summoning Technique That Sakumo Hatake Might Have. We Settled On An Okami Wolf
I Was Thinking About The Summoning Technique That Sakumo Hatake Might Have. We Settled On An Okami Wolf

I was thinking about the summoning technique that Sakumo Hatake might have. We settled on an okami wolf named Ekiju

5 months ago
It's Canon That Naruto Is The Sun And Sasuke The Moon But Has Anyone Thought Of Sakura As The Earth?
It's Canon That Naruto Is The Sun And Sasuke The Moon But Has Anyone Thought Of Sakura As The Earth?
It's Canon That Naruto Is The Sun And Sasuke The Moon But Has Anyone Thought Of Sakura As The Earth?

It's canon that Naruto is the sun and Sasuke the moon but has anyone thought of Sakura as the Earth? Here's my take on that :3

5 months ago

Cute 🥰

third wheel

Third Wheel
5 months ago

Uchiha family features, and spoiled Sasuke

Uchiha Family Features, And Spoiled Sasuke
Uchiha Family Features, And Spoiled Sasuke
6 months ago
whyallusernamearetaken - Wonderfull Univers
whyallusernamearetaken - Wonderfull Univers
6 months ago

she's definitely his favorite

She's Definitely His Favorite
6 months ago
whyallusernamearetaken - Wonderfull Univers
7 months ago

Elves when you break their heart (for a lack of better title)

Elves When You Break Their Heart (for A Lack Of Better Title)

AN: Idk why I am writing this but here it is. This author likes the idea of doomed relationships both platonic and romantic :D (Also can we have a funny event so I can feel like writing again? Pretty plsss)

Summary: Angst

Characters: Rog, Celebrimbor, Finrod

Elves When You Break Their Heart (for A Lack Of Better Title)


"Oh my," you wheeze folding into yourself as you catch your breath. The elf a few feet away from you looks paler than snow when you look up to smile at him.

A sheepish grin spreads across your face, trying not to show how a flight of stairs came so close to taking you out. But the poor elf turns green and you consciously wipe your lips noticing the blood on the back of your hand. That explains.

"Lord Rog in?" You point to the long corridor that your beloved promised, which definitely leads to his study and not another secret smithy.

The guard, wide-eyed and terrified, can only manage a jerky nod. You heave yourself upright, gathering your robes with trembling hands and a silent prayer to the Valar that the floor stays horizontal for at least another minute.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath – mostly to mask the metallic tang of blood – you dab at your face with the hem of your sleeve before you thrust your beloved into another fit of mothering you.

Pushing open the door (knocking? What's knocking?), you swing yourself into the study with a flourish that would make a bard proud.

"Hellooo my love," you purr, a wide smile plastered on your face despite the throbbing ache in your side. Rog, engrossed in a book held upside down with a furrowed brow, doesn't even notice you at first. It doesn't take elven sight to spot the worry lines etched deep on his face – a sight that makes your smile falter slightly. Hiding an internal sigh, you flop down next to him with a dramatic thud.

"I am not dead yet, dear," you announce, watching him stiffen at the word 'dead.' "Perhaps spare such interesting books for when you are not able to access my excellent presence." You take the tome from his hands and with a playful flick of your wrist, send it soaring across the room to land with a soft thud on a plush armchair.

A frown of complaint settles on Rog's forehead. You can already see the familiar lecture brewing – the one about slowing down and taking care of yourself. An argument you smother with a quick peck on his lips, effectively silencing him before he can utter a single word of protest.

You are, after all, a master in leaving things unfinished. And witnessing his grief and worries was a business you plan to leave unfinished for your given time.

Elves When You Break Their Heart (for A Lack Of Better Title)

🩶Celebrimbor🩶: (platonic)

"You are the reason for my kin's doom!" You point an accusing finger at him. "You and your larger-than-life creations." Your voice is hoarse from hours of sobbing.

Tyelpe stood frozen, his heart a drum against his ribs. His once glimmering form felt like a dying star. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring the image of the furious spirit before him.

You lurched forward, grasping his shoulders. Your touch, faint as a sigh, startled him from his paralysis. "Why?!" The raw whisper seemed to crack the very foundation of the Halls.

"Why!! Why did you have to make those rings? Why give it to my kin? Even in death, I cannot see the face of my father. My father who killed his own kingdom." The Halls of Mandos shake with the tremors of your little voice.

You, who had never met him in your lifetime, bore hatred greater than any other.

Nothing mattered. Sauron's evil, your father's own greed, none enraged you more than the elf who you made you into a resentful mess.

Tyelpe didn't flinch. His gaze met yours, a well of ancient sorrow mirroring your own. He didn't resist when the Maiar of Mandos materialized, summoned by the sheer force of your grief. He let's himself be pulled away from your grasp.

Then, a tremor ran through him, a ripple of recognition. He looked at you, truly saw you for the first time. Not just a furious spirit, but a child – a child robbed of a life you never got to live. And him being the cause of it.

He sank to his knees, his head bowed so low it nearly touched the ground. "Forgive me," he rasped, the words echoing through the halls. But this time, the plea wasn't just for himself. It was for you.

Even eternities were not enough to lift the burden of some crimes.

Elves When You Break Their Heart (for A Lack Of Better Title)


"Love?" you scoffed, a harsh sound that echoed through the cavernous hall. You met Finrod's gaze, your eyes devoid of the warmth that used to reside there. "This isn't love, Your Majesty. It's vengeance."

You leaned closer, the frosty air swirling around you like a cloak. Each word was a shard of ice, piercing the illusions you'd so meticulously constructed. "I never loved you, Finrod. Not truly."

His face drained of color, the realization dawning like a cruel sunrise. A tremor ran through his hand, the one that used to reach for yours so instinctively.

"Months," you continued, a cruel smile twisting your lips. "Months of a meticulously crafted lie, a performance more elaborate than any staged in these halls."

A flicker of pain crossed his features, a flicker that ignited a cold satisfaction within you. You had achieved your goal. Finrod Felagund, the mighty Elf-lord, brought low by the love of an Edain – the very race he deemed inferior.

"Look at yourself, Finrod," you whispered, the words dripping with venom. "Consumed by a mere illusion. A phantom who offered you a love that never existed."

Finrod opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, your fingers tightening around his chin. "You are in love with a mirage," you declared, your voice a low hiss. "A person who never truly lived. This," you gestured to yourself, the playful warmth you once wore now replaced by a chilling emptiness, "is who I am."

You lean tantalizingly close to his lips. And Finrod as if forced by habit leaned in expectantly. For a moment, Finrod's eyes searched yours, desperate to find a flicker of the woman he thought he knew – the woman who shared laughter and dreams with him.

But there was nothing. Only a cold, calculating stranger.

"Consider this Andreth's debt, finally repaid," you said, pulling away with finality. You turned and walked away, leaving Finrod alone in the vastness of his halls, his heart shattered

And remained shattered accompanied by his body that lay broken in the unlit cells of Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

7 months ago

Headcanon Compilation (icarus-fell-in-spring)

Since most of you were worried about the scattering of icarus-fell-in-spring’s Tolkien headcanons after the closing down of the blog, I took the liberty of creating a compilation of the reblogged headcanons, so everything can be easily accessed in one place. Many thanks to @aicatille, @silverhandsworld, @vibratingbones, and other blogs for providing access to the headcanons you all have reblogged over time so I could create this for everyone’s usage.

Masterlist ➽ Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4

Headcanon Compilation (icarus-fell-in-spring)
7 months ago

Headcanons Masterlist Part 2 (icarus-fell-into-spring)

Headcanons Masterlist Part 2 (icarus-fell-into-spring)


Dating Finwe


Dating Fingolfin


Married life with Fingolfin

Sleeping with Fingolfin

Fingolfin and pregnant!Reader

Sex with Fingolfin


Dating Fingon

Fingon Having a Crush on Reader

Fingon Flirting with You

Cuddling with Fingon

Fingon calming you down after a panic attack

Jealous Fingon

Fingon being shorter than you

Fingon with kids

Sex with Fingon

Fingon's Kinks


Dating Turgon

Turgon Having a Crush on You

Cuddling with Turgon

Turgon being taller than you

Turgon calming you down after a panic attack

Turgon and pregnant!Reader

Turgon with kids

Sex with Turgon


Dating Aredhel

Aredhel with an Affectionate Reader

Aredhel flirting with you

Combat Training with Aredhel

Dating Aredhel and Being Insecure

Sex with Aredhel


Dating Argon

Argon and affectionate!Reader

Cuddling with Argon

Sex with Argon


Cuddling Finarfin


Dating Finrod

Cuddling Finrod

Finrod admitting his feelings for you

Married Life with Finrod

Mornings with Finrod

Finrod being taller than you

Dating Finrod and Being Insecure


Finrod calming you down after a panic attack

Jealous Finrod

Finrod and pregnant!Reader

Finrod with kids

Teasing Finrod

Sex with Finrod


Dating Orodreth

Sex with Orodreth


Dating Angrod


Dating Aegnor

Cuddling with Aegnor


Dating Galadriel

Headcanons Masterlist Part 2 (icarus-fell-into-spring)

Please note that these are a compilation of reblogged works, not my own.

Headcanons Masterlist Part 2 (icarus-fell-into-spring)
7 months ago

I just saw the holy grail of yautja yummyness and I HAD to share. Check out their stuff!


I Just Saw The Holy Grail Of Yautja Yummyness And I HAD To Share. Check Out Their Stuff!
I Just Saw The Holy Grail Of Yautja Yummyness And I HAD To Share. Check Out Their Stuff!
10 months ago

The desperation of Viserra to jump into her brother’s bed always makes me so sad.

I always question where this idea comes from of Targaryen women having so much “power” before the dance comes from.

This girl was praying her brother would who took one sister would surely find another desirable as well and save her from an unwanted marriage.

She wasn’t seeking Baelon to protect her as a brother, or as a friend who would understand her plight.

This wasn’t a Sansa or Arya Stark situation longing for their older brothers Robb or Jon to save and avenge them.

No Viserra went to Baelon’s bed naked hoping he would “desire” her and thus save her from an unwanted marriage.

This incident is framed as 15 year old Viserra attempting to beguile Prince Baelon out of lust for power.

However it ignores that Viserra is SO drunk when she waits in Baelon’s bed that she needs two maids and a knight to help her back to her room when Baelon rejects her.

Targaryen family dynamics are so twisted and deranged!!!!

1 year ago
1 year ago

In my ‘Lannisters are a symbol of destruction for Targaryens because they’re a force they ignore until it blows on their faces’ era. Most of the times something goes bad for Targs, Lannisters are at fault, usually because they were spited first. No Lannisters at court?Rhaena mistrusting (with reason) of them? Damn, Maegor kills Aegon and she ends up a black bride. Westerlands issues being left unaddressed at Viserys court? Rhaenyra rudely rejecting Jason? There goes the biggest ally for the Green Party and the eventual death of dragons. Aerys dissing Tywin and Cersei? Keeping Jaime a prisioner? Enjoy a sword to your back and the end of your dynasty. Dany killing Cersei and Jaime and still keeping Tyrion by her side? Bam, duty is the death of love.

The Targaryens made a point of keeping them at arms length (probably because a valyrian prophecy about Casterly Rock and the end of their civilization) but somehow they’re always involved when shit goes down for the dragons. Even a dynasty so twisted and focused of glory stays away from the lion’s den. Even a civilization so greedy they worked slaves to death in hellfire mines knew not to mess with the descendants of Lann the clever. In the end, the gold of Casterly Rock really destroyed them.

Tags :
1 year ago
(This Is Bad Quality But That Is Not The Point)

(This is bad quality but that is not the point)

HOLD UP *Antonyms of Slytherin* -Friendly -Open -Optimistic -Accepting -Warm -Mellow -Reserved -Laid-back -Kind

Excuse me? I’m about to disprove every single one of these so make a cup of tea and get ready.

1) Friendly 

You can’t just dismiss ¼ of wizards and witched as ‘unfriendly’ simply because of a stereotype. Since when did being ambitious and being friendly become mutually exclusive? Yes, there are some Slytherins who are particular assholes, but what about other houses? You’re saying that in Gryffindor, a house that values bravery and all around cockiness people were always friendly? As well as that, the house that is known for valuing kindness is Hufflepuff. Are you saying that Hufflepuff and Slytherin are opposites? Yes, the people who make up those houses have very different personalities, but as always, there is some overlay, or Slytherpuffs would not exist. For example, Narcissa Black was almost sorted into Hufflepuff because of her fierce loyalty towards her family. Kindness is a basic human emotion, missing only in the mind of psychopaths, which is not the word I would use to describe Regulus, Slughorn, and the great Merlin himself.


So practically ¾ of Hogwarts hates Slytherin and believes them to be heartless monsters, but it surprises you that they don’t seem open? Okay, Slytherins tend to hide their emotions from most people, but within a Slytherin’s small group of friends they will not hesitate to tell them everything, because unlike some other houses, a secret stays a secret. This is one of the words I could potentially agree with as I have found myself closing off from other people when I do not want to burden them, but my best friend knows everything about me as we keep no secrets from each other, something former members from the Gryffindor house (dumbledore) could not say, having kept a certain boy-who-lived’s inescapable early death from him for more than 7 years.

3) Optimistic

Yeah, okay I can see where the author of this is coming from with this one


Okay we need to stop using common traits of Hufflepuff as antonyms for Slytherin! If there is one thing Slytherins are not accepting of then it’s bigoted behavior because “everyone else may think we’re evil but we will not sink to meet their expectations.”

5) Warm

Just because Slytherins will not pour their heart out to anyone who knows them doesn’t mean they are soulless. Slytherins may act distant from the other houses, but why would they have any reason to share their feelings with anyone who thinks that they are evil? We always know what to say to our closest friends, and have such big hearts for those willing to put in effort to try and find out.

6) Mellow

Okay so Slytherins may not be the most mellow, but like hell any non-slytherins would know, because if anything, we are good appearing calm and collected, but simmering with rage and hatred beneath the surface. Also, just because we fight fight for what we want instead of just waiting for the opportunity to fall into our lap doesn’t mean we’re hotheads.

7) Reserved

Slytherin’s may voice their opinion when they think something is wrong, because someone needs to speak out, however only if we think it will give any impact, or benefit. If someone acting really homophobic, of course we will tell them to sit the fuck down and rethink their priorities, but if you do so every day, it will lose its effect. We pick and choose our battles.

8) Laid-back

Laid-back is definitely something that comes with age. If you look at the first year Slytherins, then yes, you could say that they are not at all laid back, stressing until 2am about a homework due the next day. However as they get older, the fucks being given get less and less, until eventually they have perfected the art of needing a constant base layer of stress to function, and can therefore relax and not think about their fast-approaching essay due date until the night before, whereas a hufflepuff is running up and down the library halls with stress. You see, every house procrastinates, but it takes talent to be able to relax while putting off work.

9) Kind

This is the last one, and I believe the worst. Yes, may protect their emotions, but that doesn’t mean we are not kind. it is about time that people stop predicting our entire personality on Severus Snape, a guy most Slytherins didn’t even like, just pretended to because duh, extra credit. Please stop dismissing us as unkind, just because we have a slightly cruel (but admittedly hilarious) sense of humor, or occasionally enjoy intimidating people. Everyone knows this can be fun, we’re just the only house to admit it. These small things aside, just because we are not kind to you, does not mean we are without kindness, it just means we didn’t think you were worth being kind too, especially if you come up with this sort of bullshit list and all of your prejudices.

That was all my fellow slytherins x

1 year ago
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations
@lgbtqcreators Creator Bingo | Locations

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo | locations

The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of the Ring (2001) dir. Peter Jackson

1 year ago

More muggleborn headcanonsss

- being upset when they cant bring their phones in, having on of the ravenclaws make something that keeps the phones from going crazy

- muggleborns not listening to the whole purebloods/muggleborns debate and finding one another

- them teaching the purebloods about social status and how it can be harmful

- muggleborns refusing to call the teachers 'professor's unless they have a degree

- them finding ways to continue school like university, but for magic

- being mad because they didn't learn math or science and having to go to summer school

- teaching about mental health and such in common rooms


1 year ago

Better Late Than Never

A promise for you, @tempest-of-set, wrapped in a song.


The restless souls are out tonight Their dance is forever With silent feet and heavy eyes And love too long to sever And closer now the distant sound From now and together As we rejoin all that we were We’re better late than never

1 year ago

So beautiful 😍

Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)
Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)
Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)
Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)
Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)
Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)
Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)
Snow Art By Simon Beck (2018)

Snow Art by Simon Beck (2018)