Lily | spn fan casgirl | mostly reblogs
339 posts
Whyareallurlssoweird - No Title Yet - Tumblr Blog
*opens tumblr*
*rummages around like I’m in the fridge*
*closes tumblr*
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why is petplay always dogs and cats and shit. put your man in a hamster wheel
i think im just not worth getting close to
rb to stare at a mutual like this:

i was born to be someone’s loser mutual

casual wear (splattered with blood) vs. evening wear (drenched in blood)

why tf were you in a hospital???
omg im so sorry to worry you nancy i just kinda got run over by a car and was in a hospital for a few days. im fine now dont worry just busy with school

you ever read fanfiction so good you start experiencing penis envy. sorry is this a safe space
me, as i force a dollar bill into the self-checkout machine: thats right…..good boy……vore president washington
anyone around me in any context: my main goal…
me to myself for the next ten seconds: don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it
season six of spn
dean: cas you son of a bitch where are you?!
cas, invisible:

don’t let anyone else ruin your day. it‘s YOUR day. ruin it yourself.

Happy 16th birthday to kripke's favourite male fantasy (the show)
on 13th September 2005 supernatural was first broadcast. this has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

who the hell has me blocked on pinterest
Dean dreams about Cas and then freaks out about whether that was the real Cas in his head again or one his brain made up. And he hates Cas because every time Dean tries to bring it up, Cas gives him one of his looks and it reminds Dean of the dream and then Dean's silently panicking and flustered.
CPS (crazy pussy syndrome)