Any pronouns
352 posts
Whyshouldilistentoyou - SomeDudeIG - Tumblr Blog
A good video that accurately explains why stud is a term used for black lesbians only, not white, not poc, BLACK
I’m not even going to say please. Respect black identities and labels, they are ours for a reason.
I have not attended church four a very long time because of my tics. I’m not Christian however I was basically raised in that place. It’s given me a place to practice peformance, I’ve also done a lot of writing for the church which is something that I’ve enjoyed. Plus I get to drink tea after the service and talk to the fascinating old people.
But then there’s all the racism, creepy old guys who try to hug me, ableism and homophobia.
This is peak Tumblr
when she says she doesn’t send nudes

It is so fucking funny to me that I have two other blogs separate from this one that literally NO ONE knows about. I’ve got ppl following my second blog as well as this one. Through my likes and reblogs you may be able to find my second, but with my third, no one is gonna know, most likely. I go by a diff name on all three, too, and even my irl friends don’t know. Letting this go public so ppl can be paranoid and start hunting me down cuz I need some excitement in my life :p
stop fucking using the word psychotic to describe bad behaviour and violence already god fucking damn it

New ask game:
Reblog if you want your followers to tell you what your trademark ™️ is. Like, what’s that thing that really identifies you.
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad.
I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
I need to prove a point to my mom. Reblog if you can realize you’re asexual/aromantic in your teens.

you know what. fuck it. i'll fly off the handle. i get so tired when people try to explain "why" people who refuse to use it/its pronouns for its users. like i honestly don't want to hear you spitball a "reason" why these people do this, it's a fucking waste of time no matter what. i don't care about finding the reason "why" anyone chooses to misgender me or anyone else. you don't have to psychoanalyze strangers and "get to the bottom" of it because what you're doing is writing it off and handing that person sympathy.
i don't care if they do it because many people weaponize it/its against queer people. i don't care if people do it because it makes them "UNCOMFORTABLE". what the fuck? i don't care if people do it because it's "hard" for them. it makes me WAY more than just "uncomfortable". it's disrespectful and it rightfully pisses me off. i don't care if people do it because they find it disrespectful or in bad taste. i don't care about any of this.
why does NOBODY care about the comfort of the it/its user?
i literally don't care "why" someone refuses to use my pronouns- what i care about the fact is that they just CHOSE to misgender me. focus on the bigger picture, here- folks not using our primary or ONLY pronouns is misgendering us. i literally do not fucking care which reason people Choose to misgender me or anyone else. everyone wants to reclaim slurs, but we can't reclaim people weaponizing it/its against us?
i care about correcting the behavior so people don't have to be misgender because of someone else's discomfort. why are you trying to be sympathetic or "understand" people who choose to misgender other people? focus on the fact that queer people are being harmed, intentionally mind you, by other people who refuse to look past their own nose. using it/its makes them "uncomfortable", but refusing to use it makes us feel disrespected.
if you're so concerned about being respectful: use our goddamn fucking pronouns and none if this would happen in the first place!
Agree with leaf wtf r yall on about?

This is the magic lucky word count. Reblog for creativity juice. It might even work, who knows.
Reblog if
Trans ftm are valid
Trans mtf are valid
Enby peeps are valid
Intersex peeps are valid
Feminine enbys are valid
Masculine enbys are valid
Androgynous enbys are valid
Feminine trans men are valid
Feminine trans women are valid
Masculine trans men are valid
Masculine trans women are valid
Lesbians are valid
Gay people are valid
Bisexuals are valid
Trans people are valid
Queer people are valid
Asexual people are valid
Aromantic people are valid
Aroace people are valid
Pansexuals are valid
Omni peeps are valid
Genderfluid peeps are valid
Agender peeps are valid
Genderqueer peeps are valid
Demisexuals are valid
Demi boys are valid
Demigirl are valid
Aceflux are valid
Aroflux are valid
Acchileans are valid
Neptunic peeps are valid
Bigender peeps are valid
Designer peeps are valid
Enbian peeps are valid
Fluid flux peeps are valid
Hypersexual peeps are valid
Peeps with autism are valid
Peeps with ADD/ADHD are valid
Neurodivergent peeps in general are valid
LGBT folks are valid
Maps are not valid
Transracial people are not valid
Super straights are not valid
Please correct me on any wrong information or any flags you’d like to see in there
Or if I should take down the not valid stuff
Every time you reblog this jk.rowling steps on a lego
nah not feral disaster 😭😭😭
Signs and their months on an alignment chart

aro followers sound off in the rbs NOW
This is just pure fucking gold

follow forthefuns for more funny stuff

The tags are everything I know. I am sharing this with every single one to try and spread the word.