Black Clover Headcannons
black clover headcannons
-Asta, Luck, Noelle, Yuno, Finral, The Wizard King, Charmy and Yami are all autistic, or on the spectrum
-Actually most if not all the charcters are neurodivergent in one or another
-Vanessa, Noelle and Finral are all bisexual
-Asta, Gauche are demisexual
-Grey was homeless before she ended up with the Black Bulls.
-I also headcannon Grey as using She/They pronouns, Gordon and Magna use He/They pronouns
-After Gauche warms up to the other bulls he starts giving them gifts and being very protective of them, this is because now he has someone to care for other than his sister. (He doesn’t love his sister any less but he now has new people to add to the list of originally one name)
-Vanessa and Finral went out their way to learn about Yami’s homeland so that he never forgot about his birth place, this included the language because Yami wasn’t the only person from his land to end up in Clover.
-The first time they spoke to Yami in his mother tongue, Yami may have cried a little but he totally corrected their pronunciation.
-Charmy isn’t entirely human but none really knows what she is.
-Gordon is the best at make-up and everyone goes to him for help.
-Henry is the best at any type of table-top or card games.
-Vanessa has a box filled with random items she picked up from all the places she got to see since leaving the Witches Forrest.
-Finral taught himself to be ambidextrous to give him another hand to open portals.
-Additionally, Finral likes jumping of tall buildings/trees only to open a portal as he falls, he says its for practice but he really just likes the adrenaline rush he get from it.
-Luck can have non-verbal episodes and Magna taught him sign language so that they could still talk even if it was without words.
-Noelle doesn’t know how to handle praise after going so long without it and when the other bulls figure this out they start complementing and praising the shit out of her
-All the Black Bulls are very touched starved and try to make up to it by being very touchy with each other
-Finral taught himself First Aid after he realised how much his squad mates get hurt
-Vanessa and Finral are 100% best friends who talk shit and platonically flirt with each other
-Henry joins in with this platonic flirting sometimes and its very sweet
-Henry and Asta are also very close because Asta doesn’t have any magic Henry can drain.
-Asta is one of the first people in a long time to hug Henry and it confused him to begin with but Henry very much enjoyed it
-Yami and Finral are the type of friends to bicker and mess with each other
-Charmy, Noelle and Yami are the best cooks
-Noelle hates the cold because she associates it with her childhood home and the cold treatment she faced
-Gordon makes dolls of his friends not to be creepy but to feel like they are always with him
-Yuno and Asta meet up all the time to spar and hang out.
-Finral wanted to go visit Langris many times before they sorted everything out but didn’t think he was wanted and didn’t wanna ‘embarrass’ his brother
Part 1
prestonxfication liked this · 3 years ago
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— That is our goal.

all found families have... (black bulls edition)
*insp based on this post*
30 student enforced dorm rules
1. Never play scrabble with Momo. She will always win. No exceptions.
2. Never wash any dishes or turn on sinks when Bakugo is taking a shower. Last time that happened he got so surprised that there’s now a hole in the bathroom wall.
3. There are no kettles allowed. No one knows why, but every time they buy a new one Deku hides it. It’s best to just not buy them anymore as clearly it’s a waste of money.
4. At least 3 people need to remind Todoroki that dinner is on, because he will forget to eat.
5. Never talk about heroes at the dinner table. Bakugo, Deku and Todoroki almost always end up in a heated argument and all three never finish their dinner.
6. Do not ask Tsuyu to grab something with her tongue just because it’s too far away from the couch. She’s too nice to say no.
7. Movie nights are every Saturday night. It’s kinda mandatory. A different person is allowed to pick the movie genre every week in rotation. Movies in that genre are then voted on.
8. If Deku falls asleep on you, you’re stuck. If you move, he will literally squeeze the life out of you.
9. Todoroki is not your heater
10. Todoroki is not your air conditioner
11. Having Ochako float marshmallows while Todoroki shoots fire at them is not the correct way to roast marshmallows. Do it the normal way.
12. Dark Shadow is not the class pet. He is very dangerous and Tokoyami is sick of everyone trying to pet him.
13. Sensei Aizawa may have given you his number, but it is for emergencies and cat pictures ONLY. Please don’t text him asking for homework answers. You’re not funny.
14. If you occupy the dorm rooms in close approximation to Ochako’s, please remind her to make sure to either wear kitchen mittens or strap herself down in bed before she goes to sleep. It’s quite horrifying to walk into her room in the morning and see her sleeping on the ceiling, and it’s not good for her blood pressure.
15. Mineta is not allowed to even step foot in the girls corridors. If he’s seen there, you’re welcome to literally kick him out.
16. No one is allowed to break into Deku’s room to hide behind his cardboard figures and jump out to scare him. He almost died of a heart attack last time and he is very capable of destroying the building if scared.
17. Pranking Todoroki is a horrible idea. He has amazing natural reflexes and you will probably die.
18. Please be mindful in the hallways, you can’t always fully see Hagakure but she’s there and doesn’t appreciate being bumped into.
19. As of the next three months, Denki is on trash duty. Do not let anyone else do it, it is his job. This goes to show that you’re not allowed to reenact the scene of Ratatouille where Remy gets struck by lighting on the roof.
20. Mineta is excluded from being able to help pick movies. He only picks vulgar movies, and we are very concerned by the amount of films he knows by heart. Do not encourage him.
21. Any and all Vogue magazines go to Mina. She will fight you for them, so it’s best to just give them up.
22. Anyone in the rooms next to Todoroki and Bakugo are on constant fire extinguishing duties. They both generate flame when they sleep, and we’re sick of waking up to fire alarms.
23. Flirting with Deku as a joke to make Todoroki jealous is not smart. He is very scary and will probably internally plan your murder.
24. If Deku texts you at 3 in the morning with a link to a reddit post, do not click on it, do not engage. Tell him to go to sleep, and threaten to wake Todoroki if he doesn’t let up.
25. Having Kirishima burst through a wall and scream “OH YEAHH” as the Cool-Aid man is not worth the money it takes to replace the wall.
26. Oujiro has a tail. This should be obvious. Please be courteous and pay attention before you sit down next to him.
27. Deku can and will physically harm you if you speak ill of All Might. Do not speak ill of All Might.
28. Please don’t leave dirty dishes out. This should be obvious, and it drives Bakugo insane. He’s up past 8 to clean them, and that’s his bedtime.
29. Denki is not a phone charger. He will agree to charge your phone, but if he sneezes you’re all screwed.
30. Do not accept brownies from Sero.
( Posted and written by Iida Tenya, put into more modern terms by Mina )
(Pt2 is here)
(Pt3 is here)