I'm Curious What Would Be Your Guys Oc's Perfect Christmas Gift?
I'm curious what would be your guys oc's perfect Christmas gift?
Vonswa's would be another golden snitch or a plushie of the gifter.
Also dialogue bc I wanna write
"Give me that-" Vonswa wrestled with his pet niffler at Diagon Alley, attempting to retrieve a snitch. After giving up and allowing the niffler to keep it for an hour, he pouted and tried to guilt-trip the creature, which failed.
"Oh! You!" Vonswa waved at you enthusiastically before nearly crashing into you, his excitement evident.
"Ah! Sorry! Got too excited again," he said, embarrassed. "Say, you got any plans? If you don't can we hang out sinc-"
His chatter was cut short as you handed him a box wrapped in red.
"Oh? You need me to deliver this to somebody? Just say the name and addre-"
"It's for you silly."
"WHAT!?" Vonswa's loud exclamation drew attention from all around.
"Sorry!" He lowered his voice, a bit flustered as he unwrapped the gift. Inside, revealed a plushie of you. As his gaze fell onto the gift, a look of surprise decorated his features.
"This....is actually for me?" Vonswa's tone held a hint of disbelief as he carefully opened it.
"It's.... PERFECT!" Vonswa couldn't contain his excitement, causing more attention from passersby. He hugged the mini plushie of you tightly, exclaiming. "It's a mini you!" completely unaware of the stares directed at him. However he couldn't have cared any less. All that mattered was that he had gotten the perfect gift.
Fun fact, he used to work as an errand boy in the orphanage before being sort of taken in by his mentor.
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