winkingtwinklingthinkle - reese’s puffs!
reese’s puffs!

any prnns || If you know me irl then no you don’t

640 posts

Manta Rays Have Such Funny Faces Theyre Like (O) And Its The Cutest Thing In The World

Manta rays have such funny faces they’re like (ºOº) and it’s the cutest thing in the world

More Posts from Winkingtwinklingthinkle

hope iʼm not just a blog to you but a problematic bisexual too

allow me to slip into something more comfortable.... *turns into a bat and hits the window*

why was this so sweet, what did he expect people to say, "no mr. brian may from the band queen, you do NOT have permission to play the sea shanty, put down the guitar and go back to the astrophysics" like,,,, what a silly goose

Tysm for the tag! <3333

Tysm For The Tag!

Tagging anyone who wants to and @barackobama </333

Know what time it is?


(Yeah, it’s Picrew time!) 

Many thanks to @dia-m-o for the tag! Everyone check out this picrew page to make whatever character you like. Here comes Gail Fawley! I shall now issue tag warrants to @dat-silvers-girl @eyelash-curler @blairdiggory and @thesarcasticlady