Manta Rays Have Such Funny Faces Theyre Like (O) And Its The Cutest Thing In The World
Manta rays have such funny faces they’re like (ºOº) and it’s the cutest thing in the world
More Posts from Winkingtwinklingthinkle
Thanks for the tag!
Answer: Barbie dolls 😎
Question: favorite piece of clothing?
Tagging: @barackobama because we are definitely mutuals and three other secret people who feel like answering :D
A game for mutuals.
Rules: Tag 4 mutuals and ask one question.
Tagged by: didn’t
Mutuals: @catboybatman @baby-blue-bats @nightwings-fingerstripes @quentinthedyke
Question: Which one song always gets stuck in your mind?
My current comfort shows fall into three categories:
about ghosts
starring the same six people
Mind-numbingly beautiful
Okay the words Egg Dad just popped into my head and I need someone to draw him
I'm begging you guys Egg Dad could cure depression with a smile, he can make the best goddamn pancakes you've ever had in your life, he is amazing and I need someone to draw him
Um... winking twinkle thinkles??? I’m a fairy :00000000000

im having a mental BREAKDANCE *dubstep starts playing as i start spinning on my head like a goddamn idiot*