|×| omni paragirl (she/ey) |×| artsy bookworm |×| history lover |×| believer in 👻 & 👽 |×| awkwardly shy adult |×| omnist |×|
216 posts
Hi, I Just Followed You
Hi, I just followed you 👋☺️
Are you writing for ds ben jones from midsomer murders?🙈
Sorry for the question 🙈
I haven't written for him in a while. It's totally alright for the question 😄
xfanficlvrx liked this · 4 months ago
jackys-stuff-blog liked this · 5 months ago
More Posts from Witchcrafting-kitten

Text on image: Friendly reminder - there have been numerous instances of women who exhibit exclusive or almost exclusive attraction towards other women throughout history (like Virginia Woolf) who pair up with men for the sake of affection, social companionship, trust, feeling safe, etc. with this particular man. This does not disqualify them as a lesbian.
© A Brief History of Queer Women by Kristy loehr

happy Thursday the 20th
enjoying a character is so embarassing like ugh yes i do want to buy this thing that has him on it. just because it has him on it. what next. a fucking shrine? get real.
“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you