260 posts
Trick Or Treat

Trick or treat

Happy Halloween!! :D
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Roxy's Favorite Make Up Artist
Experimented a bit with this one- found a nice brush for shading I might use more often ^^
Not really Cassie protag theory? I was kinda thinking that Cassie's dad might let her into the training program while he's working just so she can do Roxy's make up<3
Trick or treat!!!!!!!!

(I'm trick or treating in your inbox, I've even dressed up)
Happy Halloween

You shale recive a treat.
Also this is amazing and amazing costume ^^

Have sum bread ^^
Can I hack into Bonnie’s system to ask him a question?
@bee-beebumble Sure, why not

Imagine here with me.
Say in a world that if cassie manages to survive and Roxy/Roxanne wolf was able to braing her to the surface and flag down a person for help.
Let say for cassie to survive she was turn into a animatronics Preson. (( best example I can think of is cyborg from teen titan goes bit just imaging them as a animatronics or like of Roxy/Roxanne had a little sister ))
What would cassie look like as a animatronics. Would she be a rabbit. Chicken a fox maybe?
Or would she he a wolf like Roxy?

Okay so first off idk WHAT compelled me to fully render this but I think it would be cool for her to be a lamb or sheep! My main reasoning for this is that she is kind of like a sheep in Mimic's game, nothing but a pawn that will do as she is told.
Another thing is that since Roxy is a wolf, I think it would be interesting for the predator to join the prey!