Relic Set. Third One I Think, But First On Here. Got A Cool Silver Double And A New Silver Peacock!
Relic set. Third one I think, but first on here. Got a cool silver Double and a new silver Peacock!
More Posts from Worseandworsebytheday
My first Fukua! Probably won’t use her, but now I have one of every fighter. So that’s cool.
New stuff part 2.
The Middle.
Fuck Off
I don’t want followers, I don’t want likes, and I don’t want comments. I only have this account so I can use the app, and I’m only on here to look at things, and talk to like 2 people on here. That’s why I only like and don’t reblog, I’m trying to keep a low profile. If you happen to find me here through something I’ve liked PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW ME. You’re welcome to look at my posts but DON’T LIKE OR COMMENT THEM. Shoot me a message if you want to talk, but please don’t spread my page around, I’m a very private person. It’s getting to the point where I’ll start blocking if I have to. First and only warning.
(Had to make this new page because some asshole decided it would be funny to oust me. Don’t make me have to make a third account...)