writetillibleed - Write Till I Bleed
Write Till I Bleed

I'm never good at writing stuff in the about section. It's like having to explain your life story to a stranger. So I'm an avid Kogan writer. I don't know all those fanfiction terms like OTP and stuff like that. Been on there for five months and still feel like a newb. Other than writing Kogan I make wallpapers. Usually only for me, and they're nice pictures. I like them a lot. That's all I can think of so...

98 posts

Text Me Better Update! - 12 Get Pink Smoothie Drunk

Text me Better Update! - 12 Get Pink Smoothie Drunk

(Thurs. 4:35 p.m.)

Yr like my own personal diary Logie.

(Thurs. 4:38 p.m.)

Dear diary

(Thurs. 4:40 p.m.)

Logie’s being a big stupid head

(Thurs. 4:44 p.m.)

And I miss his stupid face and stuff.

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  • magentalicous
    magentalicous liked this · 11 years ago
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    logiehuffster liked this · 11 years ago
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    scully-bowie liked this · 11 years ago

More Posts from Writetillibleed

11 years ago
This, To Me, Is Better Than Shopping.

This, to me, is better than shopping.

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11 years ago

I love Text me Better. Do you only update on Fridays?

I love that you love it! And yeah, only Fridays. Life gets in the way and doesn't give me more time to update. I would like to update all my stories but, yeah, life, in the way.

11 years ago

Text me Better Update! - 9 Operation: Kogan, is a go!

"You and me are going to set Logan and Kendall up."

"We are? Kendall's straight though."

"Even I know you don't believe that."

"I don't know. I know I've been teasing them about it, but that's just cause Kendall's never gotten close to someone so fast like he did with Logan."

"And doesn't that seem a little funky?"

"I guess."

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11 years ago
Really? Why Did Nobody Tell Me About This Fic? I Know I've Never Liked First Person Point Of View Stories,

Really? Why did nobody tell me about this fic? I know I've never liked first person point of view stories, but this fic makes me take back everything about that. I love it! Really, I'm actually pissed that no one told me about. I finished it all last night and felt the urge to make this. Really y'all should go and read it like right now!

Big Time Criminal by KoganSlogan.

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11 years ago
This Took A Lot Longer Than I Would Care To Admit. To My Defense. I've Never Outlined Images Before.

This took a lot longer than I would care to admit. To my defense. I've never outlined images before. That took the majority of the time and then blacking out the outline and making sure that it still looked realistic and not like a human sized blob.

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