Average Fake bing and Fake matt enjoyerMessage @emi BLOG THEME SCOPOPHOBIA WARNING art tag evilstash21 ICON BY EMI LUBOTOMIES
130 posts
Wtfuture2 - Tell Me Who You Ship General Mccoy With Right Now - Tumblr Blog
how we feelin about he/she pronouns transmale matt hc
all the people that reblog my stuff though i love you so much i give you all kisses on the forehead esp if you say something in the tags it makes my entire day 50 times better
i dont understand how people can mass like my art and just like. not reblog it

heres my "todd" his actual name in my hc is torfi because i dont even see the point of making tord american as a neighbor counterpart i think he'd be another type of nordic. also i hate shy todd hcs sorry these are full grown men not little soft baby bois or whatever

I made my own character opinion bingo so please send me some Sonic characters!
(Also you can use/repost the bingo if you want)
EDIT: Just so you know if you are doing this bingo and are accepting Sonic characters you are legally required to do Zavok. Thank you and have a good day :)

name hcs before i p ass tf out
Edmund Gardner Matthew Halton Thomas Redwood Tord Langhelle and uhh i had a few more but- wh huh. did you guys hear that.

oh i did draw something
sorry for not drawing any ew content today ive been thinking about icecream lore

mattord server for all the mfs with the worst brainrot on the planet
(non mattord shippers are allowed too its basically just gonna be my own server tbh)

Tord sits on Matt’s knees, placing his hands gently on either side of Matt’s face, forcing him to look up at him. Matt doesn’t look, averts his gaze somewhere to the side, trying to dodge the hands of others and lower his head.
- Matthew, I’m begging you. - The voice sounded quiet enough. It was almost a whisper, but in a room where there was complete silence, even it could be heard clearly.
The man reluctantly looks up, having stopped trying to change the position of his head. The full form of his name, spoken with such warmth and tenderness, always worked. And the fact that it was used only in the most personal, intimate and special moments, only exacerbated the situation.
They talk to each other a lot less than a few years ago. Matt - because it’s hard for him and he has to spend a lot of energy in order to say at least something intelligibly. Tord - because he doesn’t want to strain Matt, forcing him to answer him in any way. Some people feel like they don’t talk at all.
Matt doesn’t need any more words. He doesn’t want to listen to these false compliments about his appearance, said with frank pity. He doesn’t want to hear praise for his work and actions, for he knows that despite all the training, he is still not good enough.
Matt needs action. Matt needs touch. Matt needs to know that he isn’t disgusting or repulsive to anyone. Words spoken at a distance couldn’t give him that.
Tord slowly runs his thumbs over Matt’s cheeks, gently kisses him on the forehead, then on the nose, in one and the second eye (the redhead squints and makes a sound like a chuckle), on the cheeks and cheekbones. He kisses almost every wrinkle and freckle on Matt’s face. But when it comes to the lips, everything around freezes abruptly, creating a tense atmosphere in the room. The silence now began to press, squeeze, causing some fear. Matt had only one lip, while only this prosthesis was below, as if the man had been skinned, leaving this part of the skull sticking out
He sees Tord’s expression change to sadness. He looks away again, not wanting to see how someone once again looks at him with this pity, as if all his bones were broken and he remained chained to the bed forever. Pale, bony, freckled hands grab Tord by the wrists, trying to finally free head. Matt’s hands start to shake a little.
The man immediately understands what mistake he made.
- You know it’s not. - Tord kisses Matt once more on the forehead, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs. Matt backs off. - I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.
Tord leans down, kissing the man in front of him as if his face is still intact and part of his mouth hasn’t been blown off. The kiss is hesitant and modest, like they are teenagers kissing for the first time.
They look at each other in silence as Tord continues to run his fingers over Matt’s cheeks. The atmosphere in the room was no longer tense.
At some point, Matt wraps his arms around Tord, hugs him, clings to him, as if afraid that he will leave. He buries his nose into Tord’s chest, while a smile spreads across Tord’s face. Tord runs his hand through Matt’s hair, hearing him begin to mutter something indignantly, although without a drop of anger. He lets out a soft laugh as he closes his eyes.
Matt wants to feel loved. Matt wants to feel wanted. Especially now, when he can hardly call his appearance attractive. Tord is ready to give him everything he needs.

I remembered that I have a couple more texts about WTFuture TordMatt, so I decided to combine it into one post and publish it here :)
At first they swear, grumble and something like that, and then at night Matt firmly grabs Tord by the his only intact hand while they lie on the bed, and just remains silent, unable even to maintain eye contact. Tord looks at him and it seems to him that a little more and Matt will start whining like a delinquent frightened dog. And Tord himself feels bad about this thought, because no matter how hard he tries, the lump of energy with which he was previously in love just doesn't return. And having lost Matt several times already, Tord doesn't want it to happen again, because the next loss could be the last.He removes a strand of hair from Matt's forehead and they lie like this... They lie... Silently and in completely silence.
I like the idea of future Matt being insecure and completely disappointed in his appearance, like in his teenage years, but even more because of the prostheses.
And the way attempts are made to console him, calm him down, and if not inspire, then at least just remind him from time to time that he is certainly not a freak, monster, nonentity.

i want to strap a bomb to his neck and chain him in a torture room specfically made to his liking with no chance or means of escape
hi. it's me. tell me any mattord hc u have please ? it can be abt anything
OK HI SO UMMMMM where do i begin ok um. . i guess ill start off with their childhoods!! not anything super specific but yknow just the rundown matt was a onlychild in a super super rich family and constantly spoiled with attention and anything he asked for and he had a cocky attitude that often drove people away from him , the only time people really took notice was to ask him for any money he had on him and tord. man . tord tord grew up in a pretty poor house with his sister and mom , he use to have a brother but that guy is gone now (rest in pepsi) and uhhh he actually met matt at the same private school they went to but the only reason he was even able to join was because he tested really high on a lot of his tests and got a scholarship there it was definitely a big turning point in his life though seeing as it was his first time moving somewhere (and to a whole different country infact) and being introduced to a lot of new things (i havent even gotten into their personalities in this post just know tord was the most autistic child on the planet and i mean that in the best way possible he WAS the autism)
hey gamers my inbox is back on if anypony wants to ask me about my mattord hcs feel free to do so...

btw random fun fact about my tord he use to have a white norwegian forest cat named englestøv(angel dust)