I write for a variety of fandoms, some of which are: anime, comics, horror, Harry Potter, Sherlock, etc... If you're not sure just ask! This page is a work in progress so excuse the mess, I'm not great with technology. I also write my own stories not based on any fandoms. Disclaimer: None of the art or characters in my stories based on anything is owned by me. (Unless it is my original story.) I am also on Deviantart, Fanfiction.net, AO3, and Wattpad. My email is x.fantasy.is.my.reality.x@gmail.com if you would like to contact me.
150 posts
Attack On Pranks: Chapter 2 (Keep Running)
Attack on Pranks: Chapter 2 (Keep Running)
They didn’t see Jean for the rest of the night. Presumably, he was probably cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush, as Levi had the tendency to force new recruits to do if they even put a hair out of line. Eren shuddered as he remembered the awful memory of scrubbing the entire castle down with tiny sanitary wipes the size of his palm. His arms had been sore for over a month.
Speaking of which, he would probably get worse this time as he watched the furious midget storm back into his room, slamming the door so hard it was a wonder it wasn’t torn off its hinges. After waiting for about five minutes, the other cadets began to get restless.
“Come on Eren! It’s been five minutes!” Connie grumbled, giving him a little shove towards the Captain’s closed door. Light seeped through the crack, and it was at that moment Eren knew he was fucked.
“Guys-” The brown-haired boy gulped.
“Just get it over with,” Reiner urged, and Ymir shooed him away with a hand.
He was sweating like a faucet as he turned towards the doorway, which at that moment looked much more like the gates of Hell than anything else. Oh fuck he’s going to beat me up and ground me into horse feed………I’d rather get eaten by a Titan!
Sluggishly, he took one slow step at a time, drawing inevitably closer to his doom. His feet felt like cement as he stood gazing at the name plaque on the door, vivid images of brooms, rags, and dusters flashing across his mind. Eren stood there for what felt like an hour but was actually only a couple minutes, petrified with fear. Someone groaned from behind the corner, and a shoe hit him in the back of the head, thumping onto the floor. The sound echoed eerily down the silent hallway, and suddenly the pacing behind the closed door stopped.
The teenage boy could feel all the courage and testosterone inside his body shrivel up and die, much like he was about to. Goodbye cruel world.
The doorknob turned agonizingly slow, and the creaked open to show only a single, murderous, grey eye staring deep into his soul. It felt like Levi was prying open his brain to see all the embarrassing memories he had ever experienced in his entire life, like that one time when he was eight and his pants got caught on a tree branch as he was jumping down, ripping it and forcing him to sprint back home butt-naked for all the world to see. Or that other time he tripped and fell into the swamp, where he pissed himself while waiting for someone to find him. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to assume that the short-tempered soldier fed off of the fear and tears of naughty children.
Despite the very visible height difference, it felt as though he towered over the terrified boy. Maybe Levi was being raised up by the sheer force of his anger and bitterness. They stared at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time, and Eren nearly passed out right there and then. The rest of his friends watched in silence as they waited for the explosion sure to follow soon afterward. Meanwhile, the Commander and the Scientist were still eavesdropping on the situation outside.
Finally, Levi broke his gaze. “You have three seconds,” the Captain whispered sinisterly, so softly that Eren could barely hear it.
He didn’t waste a single second, running so fast that he was nothing but a brown blur. Eren let out a very unmanly shriek along the way, much like Jean.
And Levi shot off like a rocket after him, hot on his trail, swearing up a storm just like before. It was enough to make even a sailor blush.
“Damn, I didn’t know Eren could run like that,” Connie guffawed once they were out of earshot.
Sasha was rolling around on the floor, for once her food forgotten. “I can’t breathe!”
“Oh my God!”
“That was great!”
Like everyone within a one-mile radius, both Erwin and Hange had both heard whom they assumed to be Eren and were busy having near aneurysms as they tried to hold down their laughter.
Eren however, was not having such a great time. He swerved down the halls, completely randomly, as he could hear Levi’s footsteps rapidly approaching. How the fuck was he so fast? He doesn’t even need a horse at this rate!
“Captain Levi I swear I wasn’t going to do anything! I was just passing by!” Eren lied futilely, as he continued to weave around the castle.
“Like Hell you were bitch! I could hear your little friends from miles away! Don’t give me that bullshit!” Levi made a swipe at Eren’s back, missing him only by a couple inches. Eren let out another terrified screech, which sounded more like a dying cat than a human.
The doors of the dining hall were thrown wide open, and the two charged in. Eren leaped over the tables the best he could, heading for the double windows at the end of the hall. Like Levi, he was wearing his ODM gear. A sudden chair crashed against the table, narrowly missing his legs and to his horror, he realized that the lithe man was tossing furniture at him. Somehow, he was able to make it across the entire massive room without being hit by anything that his superior hurled at him, which only enhanced Levi’s frustration. When I get my hands on that fucking dumbass……
Oh, he could already imagine all the horrors that were in store for Eren. He chuckled evilly to himself, the sound not lost on Eren. He was so fucked.
The teenager threw the windows open, not even pausing before flopping like a fish out into the air and randomly shooting out his hooks, hoping that it would catch onto something. Thankfully, there were trees nearby but even death would have been preferable to being caught by the alternate-universe Napoleon. A whoosh of air behind him followed by lots of swearing alerted him to the Captain’s proximity, which was horribly close. He turned back to look, his brown hair blowing back into his face. In that moment Eren felt himself collide into something solid with a loud splat, jarring him so hard that he was unable to do anything except free fall backward, as graceful as a wet shit a bird just took in midflight.
“FUCK!” Levi swore loudly as he swerved sharply to dive for Eren, managing to catch him just before he hit the ground, where they ended up tumbling together in a heap of limbs. Levi made sure to let the boy take most of the fall since he would heal in no time flat either way. Good, because he would need it after Levi was done with him.
“Wake up you little bitch,” Levi shook him roughly, but the only reaction Eren gave was mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like “Titans”. Of course.
Rolling his eyes, Levi yelled into his ear. “Jaeger! Incoming Titans!”
It was as if he had been released from a spell, immediately shooting up and drawing his blades, nearing hitting himself in the face with them overenthusiastically. “WHERE?! I’LL KILL THEM ALL!” He looked around frantically like a madman and Levi took a step back to avoid his swinging blades.
“Calm the fuck down brat! There’s no Titans!”
“What? No Titans?” Eren looked around puzzled. “But-”
“You’re going to wish there were by the time I’m through with you, you piece of shit.”
The cadets from the 104th could later hear the sound of furious scrubbing coming from the bathroom for the rest of the night and continued to hear them for the rest of three months, every night at exactly 4:30 in the morning.
Though most of them were preoccupied with the rest of their chores.
Connie’s turn came directly after Eren’s, whose confidence seemed completely disappear after hearing his friend’s hollering. They had witnessed the whole thing through the window and had watched as the clean freak dragged a kicking Eren back into the castle by the hair muttering a colorful array of words that would earn any regular person a mouth full of soap, but if one even attempted to shove a piece of soap in Levi’s mouth they would find it up their ass the next morning accompanied by bad constipation and anal pain.
After nearly half an hour, he finally returned to his room, ready to claim his next victim. Connie wasn’t even able to make it down the hall, where he stumbled on air and collapsed onto his face begging for mercy. To give him credit, Erwin had never met anyone who had the balls to outright tell Levi that he was “a handsome and kind guy that is basically the God of the human race” to try and get out of a punishment. Stable duty for two months.
Marco had gone up and knocked politely, not even bothering to run away. After seeing how fast Levi could run, he had just accepted his inevitable death. He was just too paralyzed by fear and stood there staring off into space a foot above Levi’s head, which he didn’t appreciate, judging by the hard kick in the shins he received, along with a month of cleaning all the dishes after dinner every night.
Bertholdt was able to make it a bit farther than Connie did, stopped by one of the older scouts accidentally opening the door hard right in front of his face, knocking him out cold. Olou, who had been brought out by the commotion, immediately disappeared back into his room when he saw Levi approaching, a look of murder painted across his face. Fortunately for the unconscious recruit, he was unable to see it, but would probably suffer a horrible headache for a couple of days.
Next came Reiner, who made it nearly as far as Eren did except for choosing the wrong hall and being cornered by a dead end. He did try to escape by jumping over the short corporal, who was tempted to jab him in the groin but fortunately didn’t, and almost made it if Levi hadn’t tripped him at the last moment. No one had ever heard him scream that loud. Hell, no one had ever heard him even scream before, as he always seemed so serious. For his stunt, he received a month of doing all of Survey Corps’ laundry.
Armin was last of the boys. Tiptoeing to the door, he raised a shaking hand to knock, swaying dangerously on his feet. What’s wrong with me? I’ve seen people get devoured by Titans! A sudden image of Levi soaring through the air and effortlessly slashing open two Titans at once flashed through his head, and that’s when he realized why Captain Levi was still alive. Because he’s scarier than Titans. Mustering every ounce of courage that his tiny body possessed, he gave one meek knock and shot off, not even turning to see whether or not Levi was giving chase. Apparently, he was getting sick of chasing after teenagers, because he had a heavy book in hand and was waiting for the next person to knock on his door so he could chuck it at them. And he did. Albeit a little bit to eagerly, hitting Armin so hard in the head that he landed on his face, blood gushing out of his nose upon contact with the floor. Luckily for Armin, it wasn’t broken, and he was able to only get three weeks of window scrubbing in exchange for a bloody nose.
After the boys had all gone and some were off doing their chores, it was the girls’ turns.
And no one was more eager than Mikasa.
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New Eren and Levi official art from the Summons Board x Shingeki no Kyojin Collaboration! Full visual and more characters here.
» Updated with new images! (Levi is smiling again! (♡´艸`))
Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden Fruit (Chapter 4: Cat out of the Bag)
Your first instinct was to run, but you couldn’t even if you wanted to. Your feet felt like cement, and you were certain that your heart had just stopped beating for a couple of seconds. Black stared at you with those dark obsidian eyes, and for once you wished that he could just kill you. You were almost certain that whatever they were going to do with you was worse than death, and glancing at Zamasu’s heartless eyes definitely did not reassure you.
Why couldn’t have I just stayed away?
You blinked, and the new god had disappeared. You could feel a whoosh of air behind you and you didn’t even have time to turn around when you felt someone grab the back of your coat. It was Zamasu. He moved his hand up to the back of your neck in a vice grip that had black spots swimming in your vision, and suddenly your feet weren’t touching the ground anymore. The wind whipped against your face as he brought you to Black. You didn’t even have a chance to be scared before he released you, about seven feet above the ground and you land in a whimpering heap in front of Goku Black, who stared down at you impassively. A foot was planted in your back that had you gasping for air, and you could hear Zamasu’s low rumble.
“So Black, is this the mortal you had been going on about?”
Black fought back the heat creeping up his neck; Zamasu had always been so blunt. But since when had he cared? Now, apparently. Irritation boiled in the pit of his stomach as contemplated what his stolen body was doing to him. Damn Son Goku! It was supposed to make me stronger, not weaker!
His partner raised an elegant white eyebrow at him.
“Of course, that’s her.”
You whined as the pressure increased before it was suddenly gone, and you felt rough hands manhandle you into a standing position. You never really realized how tall the alien was until you were standing in front of him. Zamasu grabbed your jaw and pressed the sides of your jaw until they open while you tried to shrink back, and he peered inside like a dentist studying a patient. Once he was thoroughly satisfied with his examination, he grasped your hand and looked at it, before critically inspecting the rest of your body. Everywhere his fingers touched bruises followed in their wake. It felt like you were on the verge of a mental breakdown.
He came up with a frown. “There’s nothing special about her other than some extra muscle, though her chi does feel a bit different.”
You hadn’t said a single word through the whole ordeal, and you prayed that Trunks had made it back to safety. You had never met Zamasu before and you didn’t want to set him off by accident, having seen the way Black would randomly go berserk in a fit of violence.
“Well?” The question caught you off guard. “What’s so special about you? Why would my other half be so obsessed with an ant like you?” Zamasu didn’t look like he was about to attack you, at least not at that moment, but you were still too scared to answer.
A sudden agonizing blow stung your cheek, so hard that it forced a couple drops of salty tears out of your eyes, and you dropped like a rock onto the ground. You’d be lucky if you didn’t get whiplash later. He proceeded to slam his heel into your ribs and there was an echoing snap, agony exploding in your flesh like fire. Yep, he was just like Black. Shit.
“When I ask you a question you answer, you filthy mortal!” You lay on the ground shivering in dread, suppressing your sobs as you cradled your cheek. Maybe if it was only Goku Black then you would at least attempt to escape or fight your way out, but with Zamasu there too then would be no escape. You hadn’t been eating or sleeping well for nearly a month, which lowered your chances even further. Whatever spell Black had put on you that day was slowly killing you, tearing away at your mind and body.
How much worse could it possibly get?
“Wait a second,” Black interjected. “She’s human. I nearly destroyed her last time I saw her a little less than a month ago, how is she even here?” Had I really not noticed anything after nearly a month?
“And? You just realized this?” Zamasu exclaimed, staring at him incredulously. “What, does she have accelerated healing or something? A month is a really long time to heal from a couple of broken bones compared to some of the warriors I’ve seen, but then her species is much weaker.”
Oh please no this is not happening right now. You were beginning to panic just listening to their conversation. If anyone could recognize an immortal, it would be a God. It would only be a matter of time before they pieced it all together. Unfurling from your fetal position, you tried to crawl away slowly, hoping that they wouldn’t notice even though you knew that would probably wouldn’t happen in a million years. Black stopped bickering and glanced down at you, planting a boot on your ankle to halt your meager attempt at a getaway. Hey, it was worth a try if they were going to torture you all the way to Hell.
He stared at your back for a hard second. “I swore I should have killed you. I’m pretty sure I broke your back and punctured a lung.” He still didn’t have perfect control over Goku’s body, and often times he forgot what it could do. Sometimes he would grab someone and they would drop dead in his hands, and he wouldn’t even notice until he looked down and saw their cloudy eyes and jutting bones. It was a real nuisance sometimes. Black had lost count of the number of glass cups he had crushed back at the cabin.
“How is she still alive then?” Zamasu demanded, kicking you hard in the hip, forcing a cry out of your bleeding mouth. He seized your hair pulling up as you tried to resist, and you fell flat on your face as he unexpectedly let go. A blue blur flew past you vision tackling Zamasu, shouting your name.
“Y/N go! I’ll hold them off!” It was Trunks. You scrambled up, torn between fleeing for your life or to stay and fight. “GO!” He urged as Black joined the brawl. They had forgotten about you momentarily, and you could see the forest a couple meters away. You could make it if you ran. But the few seconds that you had spent contemplating were completely wasted as tragedy struck your friend.
A grisly ripping and squelching sound caught your attention, and you paled in dismay as you saw a colorful energy sword protruding from your friend’s back. Crimson streams of liquid stained his blue jacket as Black wrenched out his arm, grinning like a madman. Bile rose up into your throat as you watched the Saiyan fall onto the ground, immobile. A soft poof of dust rose up as his body made contact with the dirty concrete, and you could already see the tears running down Mai’s face if Trunks died. Then it would all be for nothing.
“It seems that your time is finally up, hero. It was fun while it lasted, but now it’s time to say goodnight,” Black announced victoriously, a murderous glint in his eye.
You rushed towards them without thinking, using the last bit of your strength to propel your forward. Time seemed to slow as Black raised his hand once again, preparing to land the final strike.
But it never landed. At least, not on the intended target. You didn’t know what was happening until you saw his onyx eyes widen in bewilderment and terror. The pain didn’t hit you at first and you looked down in confusion, and it came full force like a massive truck. His hand had gone straight through your heart and out the other side, blood gushing out of your body like a fountain. Black frantically stepped back removing his arm, and you fell forward against him, his terrified face the last thing you saw before darkness swamped your vision.
Marvel in Thor Ragnarok: here, have a happy, nice Loki!
Marvel in Infinity War: actually
Attack on Pranks: Chapter 1 (The First Task)

The First Task
“May I be the first to welcome you into the Scouting Regiment!” Erwin smiled, opening his arms to the new recruits, Eren included, in the dining hall after his speech.
They cheered, letting out loud whoops and whistles, before the Commander finally calmed them down.
“Now, I know quite a few of you have heard from the Senior Officers that we have some hazing rituals, and I am here to confirm that we do not.” The teenagers let out a sigh of relief. “But,” Erwin’s eyes glinted mysteriously, and they began to grow nervous once more.
“Me and Hanji,” he indicated the crazy scientist next to him. “Do have a test for you.”
He let his words sink in as they began to whisper anxiously.
“Eren what does that mean?” Armin squeaked.
“I don’t know! They never told me anything!”
“But you’ve been here the longest!” Mikasa said.
“Yeah but-”
“Now I know you’re all wondering what this ‘test’ is going to be. Well, let’s just say that this is supposed to test your ability to escape almost certain death….” The blond man interrupted a slight grin gracing his face. Hanji looked ecstatic behind him, making Eren all the more nervous. She quickly opened the door, peeked out, and the shut it, giving Erwin a thumbs up.
“Uh oh,” Reiner muttered as Bertholdt visibly gulped.
“And now, your first task as new recruits is…...”
They all leaned forward in anticipation.
“To continuously knock on Corporal Levi’s door at 4:30 A.M. By the way, his door is right next to mine, with his name on it. Whoever gets caught will not get saved. Good luck.”
Since they were still very new, few of them had actually met the short man in person. Eren and Armin however, blanched while Mikasa smirked.
“Oh that doesn’t sound too bad!” Connie said happily.
“Yeah I thought he was going to make us jump in a lake tied to bricks or run naked in the forest or something stupid!” Jean laughed.
“You fools!” Eren shouted, his green eyes blown wide and sweat streaming down his face. “You’ve never even met him! If only Commander Erwin gave us an easy task like that horse-face!”
“What’s the big deal Titan boy?” Ymir grumbled. “It could have been worse.”
“No it couldn’t! He’ll literally impale you with a mop or force-feed you cleaning fluid! You’ll all see for yourselves tonight!” Armin pulled Eren off the table.
“Commander Erwin’s still watching.” His friend whispered in his ear.
Erwin was doing his best not to burst out laughing while Hanji was rolling around on the ground, not even trying to hide her amusement. They have no idea what they’ve got into.
“So when should we meet up?” Sasha mumbled through a potato that she had snatched from the kitchen.
“How about at around 3:00 A.M. in the morning tonight, outside of the dining hall?” Marco asked.
Everybody agreed, and thus all the boys were dragged complaining out of their bunks. It was especially difficult to pull Eren and Armin out of bed, understandably after being kicked like 18 times in the face by the Captain, and watching it happen from the sidelines. Reiner and Jean had to pry Eren’s hands off the bedpost while Connie pulled his legs, though Armin was a bit weaker and more compliant, saving them a bit of trouble. Unfortunately, the moment they had pried the Titan-shifter off his bed he bolted for the door, but luckily tripped over Armin smashing his head into the floor and Reiner was able to tackle him to the ground.
The girls, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be having the same problem getting out of bed. They had never seen Mikasa so happy in their entire lives, it was almost creepy.
Quietly, all the new cadets tiptoed down the halls towards their meeting location. By the time they had all arrived, nearly an hour had passed.
“What the Hell took you guys so long?!” Ymir demanded angrily when the boys finally made it there.
Most of them just glared at Eren while he rubbed his head sheepishly.
“What? You’d be nervous too is Corporal Levi kicked you in the face like 500 times in front of a crowd!” He retorted.
“And now we can get revenge!” Mikasa said gleefully, a glint in her eye that pushed all the boys back a good five feet.
“Aside from that….” Christa tried to diverge the subject. “What’s the plan?”
“Well maybe we could go one by one and do it.” Bertholdt suggested.
“Will Commander Erwin actually be watching?”
“He said his room is right next to the Captain’s, so he will probably know whether or not we actually did it.”
“What’s the punishment for not doing it?” Eren asked.
“Are you scared Eren?” Jean taunted. “It’s just a little prank.”
If there was anything Eren hated, it was losing to that stupid horse. “Fine! I’ll do it!” He hissed.
“That’s the spirit! Now who’s going first and how are we going to do this?”
“Armin!” Someone shouted, and the blond-haired boy sighed.
“Why is it always me?”
“Because you’re smart that’s why! And least likely to screw this up! Now what should we do?”
“Okay fine. First we should find an order for who goes first and then determine hiding spots.”
“There’s plenty of rooms near his office, so it shouldn’t be a problem,” Mikasa added. “Let’s just see what happens.”
They watched the time ticking apprehensively until it was five minutes before the beginning of the operation. Jean had been elected to go first after a competitive game of rock-paper-scissors with Eren, to which he had obviously lost.
“Dammit why do I have to go first,” he grouched as he crept towards Levi’s closed door. Hopefully, he was asleep, but he never slept for more than three hours a night, which Jean didn’t know. Maybe that why he was a bit noisier than he should have been when approaching the door. The moment that he had gotten five feet away from the door Levi was instantly aware of somebody outside his room and pulled out his blades. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t asleep, it was just who had the balls to walk outside his room at 4:30 in the fucking morning.
Unbeknownst to them, Erwin and Hanji had their ears pressed up against the walls listening intently to the whole ordeal. Sucking up a breath and puffing out his chest, Jean looked at his friends hiding around the corner and then back at the door, finally raising a hand to knock. He rammed on the door like a madman for a couple of seconds and instantely sprinted off down the opposite hallway, which was just as well since Levi immediately slammed open the door and gave chase, still in his uniform and ODM gear. He looked even more terrifying as his black hair whipped across his face and his blades flashed like deadly shards of ice in the moonlight. If Titans could shit themselves, then they would probably all get severe diarrhea when they saw Lance Corporal Levi charging at them.
“Get back here you shitty brat!” He screeched as he moved at such a pace that a man of his stature should never be able to obtain. Levi nearly flew down the halls after the terrified cadet, who was shrieking so loud that a few of the sleepy and disoriented officers poked their heads out to complain.
“THEY MADE MEEEE!” They heard him shout as their footsteps began to fade. Then there was only silence.
“Hey do you thin-”
A high-pitched scream cut through the air. “PLEASE DON’T KILL ME! NONONONONONO….”
A loud crash and clanging were soon heard afterward followed by a loud thudding noise which could only be Jean.
“I’LL TEACH YOU FUCKING IDIOTS TO PLAY A PRANK ON ME AT 4:30 IN THE MORNING YOU BITCH-ASS LITTLE MOTHERFUCKERS-” They all shrank back in terror as they heard the small yet furious man rant like a banshee on crack.
Oh shit, Eren thought as the dread in his stomach crystalized into a hard ball of fear and suspense. I’m next.
Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden Fruit (Chapter 16: The Forest)
The large oak trees creaked eerily as you weakly made your way through the forest. The wind whistled maliciously through their dry branches, and you could almost imagine that they were whispering about trapping you within their depths forever. The sun was beginning to set, and you didn’t know how much longer you could go on before collapsing. Blisters covered your feet and your skin felt dry from constantly being battered by the sand and bitter breeze from all the time you spent on the beach shore. If you didn’t find shelter soon, you would probably end up freezing or being torn apart by some ferocious animal.
There was only a sliver of the setting sun that peeked through the tops of the trees, illuminating the leaves a shining gold. But you knew that peace was merely a delusion. Anything could happen at a moment’s notice, and you were still weak from spending so much energy regenerating from the amputations.
It had since been two days when Black had slithered into your dreams and you began to wonder where he was. The creeping feeling of rejection began to wrap its cold claws around your heart, but he wouldn’t leave you after all that, would he?
Come on Y/n, this is no time to acting like a lovestruck schoolgirl, you scolded yourself.
First things first, you needed shelter. Preferably somewhere high, away from the ground and predators and where Black could easily see you if he flew by, though you didn’t expect him to. Still, it was worth a shot.
Swiveling your head, none of the trees seemed inhabitable at all. In fact, they were kind of unsettling. Maybe it was the light playing tricks on you or something, but the trunks seemed to be filled with twisted, sneering faces. Some seemed mournful, while others looked as if they wanted to tear you apart. There was no way in Hell you were going to sleep anywhere near this part of the forest.
Shivering, you continued to trudge on.
A sudden thought popped into your head when you remembered that dream during which Black had come to comfort you shortly after escaping from Zamasu’s watery torture. Perhaps you would be able to contact Black again and let him know where you were. But you weren’t exactly sure how it worked, and to be honest, neither did he. It was still better than nothing, however. You just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
Black? Black! You shouted hesitantly in your mind, picking up the pace to a slight jog, ignoring the aching in your soles. You tried to reach out with your mind as far as you could, until your head began to hurt from the effort.
No response.
Hello? Black?
You nearly tripped over an exposed root, losing your balance when you tried to catch yourself only to have your hand fall through some puffy brown fungi, its dark green ooze sucking at your fingers. It looked and smelled like a pile of animal dung.
EW GROSS!!! You screamed internally, not wanting to attract some unwanted carnivores that might be lurking around.
Y/n? Who’re you calling gross? A sultry voice purred in your head, and it felt as if a switch had been flicked on.
Black?! Is that you! You responded ecstatically, not even minding the sticky goo covering your hand when you yanked it out of the plant. How is this even possible?
I’m not exactly sure myself. I knew instinctively how to do it with Zamasu, but I never would have thought that you would be able to contact me. I’m guessing it’s triggered by strong emotions.
He paused for a second. More importantly, where are you?
You had never been so happy to hear his voice in your entire life, breaking out into a run as you continued searching for shelter.
I don’t know I-
Something heavy slammed against your nose, bringing you to a complete halt and throwing you to the ground, and the connection was suddenly lost. Cursing to yourself when you realized you had run into a tree; Black’s voice was gone.
Shit! You banged your fist on the ground and his voice suddenly appeared again.
I guess I was right about the strong emotions, he chuckled softly. What happened?
I ran into a tree…. Your face flushed crimson despite your loneliness. The embarrassment confused you, but you had long since stopped questioning it. There was no use in fighting back your feelings now, you were in far too deeply to go back. Black too, though he didn’t want to admit it.
Oh. How clumsy. His voice returned, and even if you couldn’t see him you knew that he was probably smiling at your foolishness.
It sounded so real, like he was right there, which made you even more desperate to see him again. You could almost see his shining black eyes and his sharp jawline, and those soft locks that you loved so much.
Where are you? Black repeated gently, snapping you out of your daydreams.
I walked East from the cave and I’m stuck in a forest right now. I’m headed North.
The trees seemed to get less crowded and threatening as you walked, and they eventually began to thin. After about half a mile, they weren’t so tall and dense anymore, and you could actually see the pink sky above you, occasionally broken by thin leafy branches.
Here, you could actually hear the sound of crickets and the pleasant chirping of birds, though the sounds began to cease as the sun dropped lower, and the pale moon began to rise.
Find any place suitable yet? Black asked inside your head. Though you didn’t know it, he was worried.
No, not yet. Though I’m pretty sure I’m close.
You felt a lot better now that he was here, even if it wasn’t physically. Being alone hadn’t really bothered you before, since you lived all by yourself in the middle of nowhere. But maybe that was because you had been around people for so long that you had gotten sick of them. Now that you hadn’t seen any in so long, you were beginning to miss the closeness of another being.
There’s no point in sulking about it now, you chided yourself.
What? Black’s voice interrupted you again.
Oh nothing.
You heard him scoff. Well find somewhere to sleep soon, he murmured.
I know, I know.
Leaves crunched under your feet as you continued to search, before coming to a stop in front of a medium sized oak tree with winding branches and fluffy leaves. Best of all, in the middle of the thick boughs you could see a slight indent the perfect size for a bed. The leaves could shelter you if it rained, which it probably would by the looks of the gathering storm clouds, and it wasn’t so tall as if you would be trapped if you had to descend quickly. Delicate white flowers dotted the green, their sweet scent calling to you.
I found one, you relayed happily back to Black.
His end had been silent for the past few minutes, and you wondered if he had gone again before his soothing voice appeared.
That’s good, I’m on my way. I-
He was suddenly cut off, leaving you with a heavy silence.
Black?! You called out to him, heart pounding.
His presence returned as quickly as it had gone. Shit! I have to take care of something! Just stay where you are! I’ll come find you I promise-
You felt him fade into the darkest recesses of your mind, and eventually he disappeared entirely. There was nothing to do except pray that he would be okay, though he sounded more annoyed than anything.
Shaking your head, you began scaling the tree as the wind began to howl, bending the wooden limbs and smacking them across your face. A stampede of large, black storm clouds were moving rapidly towards your position, the rumbling of thunder accompanying it like a thousand hooves in the night. The occasional lightning bolt curled rigidly around the clouds, painting the trees a glaring white. The sun had been overtaken by the moon, and the noises of the forest followed the absence of the light.
Letting out a loud gasp, you collapsed in a small ball in the middle of the indention, which was luckily cushioned by a lush pool of luminescent moss and surprisingly clean sparing a few dried up twigs. Though you couldn’t see him, you knew he was thinking about you. You didn’t exactly know how, you just knew that he was.
Never in your entire life would you have guessed that you would have ever given your heart to a man like Black, and even more, that he would return your affections.
Maybe he’s not so bad after all……you grinned at nothing in particular. You seemed to do it a lot around Black, it had basically become instinctive. No one had ever made you gladder to be alive than he had, though most other humans couldn't say the same.
The serenity was only broken by the distant bellowing of thunder, and the darkness began to weigh into your mind, and pressing down your exhausted eyelids. Right before you drifted off to sleep, you could almost feel Black’s strong hand stroking your face.
I’ll be waiting for you Black, I would wait an eternity. You tried to tell him in your mind, though you didn’t know if he could still hear you.
And from across the ocean, Black smiled. He pushed on with a burst of speed, looking forward to the day he could finally touch you again.
It wouldn’t be long now.