xavixay - Untitled

780 posts

Just Casually Watching The LXD As I Soak In An Epsom Salt Bath. #thelxd #legionofextraordinarydancers

Just casually watching The LXD as I soak in an epsom salt bath. #thelxd #legionofextraordinarydancers

More Posts from Xavixay

7 years ago

I'm soooooooooo rusty but I still got it. And I've also never played this song before. My sax needs a big time tune up and I need some practice. #saxophinist #saxophone #cannonball #jazz #steviewobder #sirduke #stanza #musician #musicforlove #inthesestreets #blessed #godgivengift #musicinme

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7 years ago
xavixay - Untitled
7 years ago
I Wish I Could Go To Mickeys Not So Scary One More Time Just To See My Favorite People Bringing The Hoedown

I wish I could go to Mickey’s Not So Scary one more time just to see my favorite people bringing the hoedown to these streets. I’m glad I got to go to the first party I hope that my favorites have a blast on these last two nights of Halloween! #cowboy #bootsandpants #happyhalloween

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7 years ago
So Many Songs, So Many Years, So Many Events, This Is My Baby. I Don't Really Have Time To Ever Play

So many songs, so many years, so many events, this is my baby. I don't really have time to ever play it now that I have it back but I have it back and I glad about it!

7 years ago

I wish I had someone I could vent to.