780 posts
Still Got It! But I Need To Work On My Legs. #tumbling #rusty #aerial #lookmanohands
Still got it! But I need to work on my legs. #tumbling #rusty #aerial #lookmanohands
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Happy 86th birthday to this couch Pateta, GOOOOOOOFYYYYYYY! #goofy #goof #disney #disneyworld #cts #celebratetheseason #santaboy #santagoof #2015 #chritmas #cinderellacastle

Sooooooo, who’s coming to check out our show? We’d love to see you and share our beautiful things with you! #beaurifulthings

Me vs life right now. This is pretty accurate! #bitmoji #mevslife #happy #hakunamatata
After being in love for a year, and now being single for 6 months, certain love stories and love songs really do make me feel some type of way. Love is scary and necessary and heartbreaking at the same time. Love is the most powerful magic/force on earth. I loved being in love and again I’m scared to fall in love again. Just had to vent that out there.
To Be Loved
I’ve learned what it’s like to love
I’ve learned what it’s like to be loved
I miss it
It was enough to have that mutual love that lovers have that motivated me to do better for both of us
It made me hustle
It made me happy
It made me speechless
To come home to my love to eat ice cream or watch movies or cook for each other or even drive so far to get my good night kiss and go back home was the greatest feeling in the world
Now I’m alone
Not not lonely
We are no longer together as a couple but best friends
Sometimes I feel the old connection but we know what’s better for us
That kind of love comes around only once for some people and I’m hoping it will find me again
Love is the most powerful thing and I love that it is love
So note to myself, I love myself more and more each day and someday I will be able to share myself with another human and be in love forever
-Xavier Patten