xeno-the-puffy-alien - XL Extraterrestrial
XL Extraterrestrial

Hello there! I’m Xeno Nova and welcome to my male inflation kink blog! If you don’t like this stuff then the exit is over there 👈. But I mostly draw butt, thigh, belly, and body inflation. Feel free to ask me stuff, art trade, and RP with me! :)

472 posts

I Love Characters With Anxiety. Gotta Be One Of My Favorite Genders

I Love Characters With Anxiety. Gotta Be One Of My Favorite Genders

I love characters with anxiety. Gotta be one of my favorite genders

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More Posts from Xeno-the-puffy-alien

Jack Box's Facial Expressions
Google Docs
DISCLAIMER The following Google Doc is for art reference, and is subject to change. If you’d like anything added or corrected onto this docu

The Google Doc is done, happy drawing everyone!

Waking Up In A Cold Sweat And Remembering Rayman Origins

Waking up in a cold sweat and remembering Rayman Origins 🍖


More good stuff every week EXCLUSIVELY on Patreon.com/Kappart!

Catching Up

Art by Badoobers

Words Also by Badoobers

Commission for @ewdonottouchme


Standing in line for his morning coffee, Dan couldn't help but notice a familiar face, sitting alone and surrounded by several empty coffee cups. From the neck up, Ethan hadn’t changed one bit from college, but his slender and attractive face couldn’t distract Dan from the shockingly large gut his old roommate now proudly displayed. Ethan’s underbelly peeked out from underneath a too small and too tight t-shirt. Dan felt a mixture of emotions at that moment in the café but the most prominent one was arousal. Dan had always been attracted to Ethan but seeing him like this, his large pecs, which were once thrust proudly above his six-pack abs, now rested on the soft slope of his belly which in turn overflowed onto his lap, nearly obscuring his crotch entirely was driving Dan wild. Dan's desire for coffee was immediately overwritten by his need to get a closer look at his old friend and hide his growing erection underneath a table.

As he shuffled his way over to the table, Ethan glanced up from his cup and his face lit up with surprise. They greeted each other as old friends do and Dan sat down, eager to find out what had led to Ethan's sudden... expansion. Dan tried to be tactful but instead blurted out "Holy shit bro, you blew up!" Ethan grinned sheepishly, his face flushing red. He reached to rub his neck, inadvertently lifting his shirt and exposing even more of his belly. Dan crossed his legs for no particular reason, his face flushing red as well, also for no particular reason. "Well you see," Ethan began. "I've got this roommate. He’s an extremely good cook and he has no idea what reasonable portion sizes are! He makes more food than either of us can ever eat and I don’t like to waste food so I uh… well you get the picture,” he laughed. Dan was speechless. How often was Ethan gorging himself to get to this size?? “Yeah, I dare you to come over for dinner sometime,” Ethan said. “You’ll leave thirty pounds heavier at least.” As those words left Ethan’s lips, Dan’s fate was sealed. He was going to dinner.

Catching Up


Ethan’s roommate Marco was BIG but not in the same way Ethan was. Dan was by no means a small guy. He frequented the gym and had impressive pecs, legs, arms, etc. He was the whole package. And yet Marco towered over him in the doorway, his broad shoulders contrasted by his slim waist which was in turn contrasted by his monstrously muscled thighs and calves. Dan was awestruck. He shook Marco's hand and immediately felt self-conscious. Marco led him through the entryway where Dan slid out of his flip-flops, tossing them crookedly beside Ethan’s scruffy sneakers and Marco’s enormous leather boots which were polished to a shine. As he followed Marco down the hall, Dan couldn’t help but notice the way Marco’s jeans may as well have been vacuum sealed for how skintight they were. His ass was amazing. Equally amazing was the savory smell that greeted him as he entered the dining room. He could see an enormous pot on the stove, its contents bubbling. His stomach growled. Marco apologized and informed Dan that they would be eating at the kitchen’s breakfast bar since their dining room table had collapsed earlier in the week from the weight of all the food he’d made for Ethan’s birthday. Hearing this, Dan took his seat and crossed his legs. 

Finally, Ethan appeared, holding a bottle of wine and 3 glasses. Dan watched in anticipation as Ethan poured the three of them tall glasses of wine and Marco set out two large ceramic bowls and filled them to the rim with a thick, creamy broccoli and potato soup which he finished with a heavy sprinkle of cheddar cheese and bacon bits. “Aren’t you eating too,” Dan asked, confused. “I had some earlier,” Marco said with a dismissive wave of his giant hand. Satisfied, Dan began to eat.

The moment the spoon passed his lips it was bliss. The soup was rich and savory, the potatoes melted on his tongue and the broccoli allowed him to pretend this was at least somewhat healthy. In the blink of an eye, his spoon was scraping the bottom of the bowl and he felt somehow hungrier than before. Before he could say anything, Marco swooped in and whisked away his empty bowl, setting it back down refilled with soup. Without hesitation, Marco began to eat again. A few bowls later there was a ding. Marco, equipped with oven mitts, opened the oven and the room filled with steam and the smell of freshly baked bread. In his hands, Marco now held the most incredible baguette. Everyone took a deep inhale and sighed. This was heaven. As he waited for Marco to dish out pieces of bread, he glanced over at Ethan. He flushed bright red. Ethan had his head tilted back, the bowl raised to his lips, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he chugged the soup. No wonder he’s gotten so fat, Dan thought. Ethan had transformed into a complete glutton! Dan watched as Ethan’s belly expanded with each gulp. He crossed his legs harder. 

Catching Up


Dan spent the rest of the meal, glancing at Ethan as he consumed more and more of the soup, the gentle slope of his belly turning into a solid curve. He was so busy admiring his friend that he didn’t even realize how much soup he was packing away himself. His already snug tank top had grown even tighter around his middle and his six-pack had completely vanished. While he waited for Marco to fill his bowl again, he took a sip of his glass of wine and heard something tear. Glancing down he realized his tank top had split ever so slightly at the seam. This turned him on immensely. When Marco returned his once again filled bowl, Dan ignored his spoon completely and lifted the bowl to his lips… 

It was truly an amazing feeling, the warm, thick soup pouring down his throat and filling his already full stomach. He was beginning to feel it now, that tension, the tightness of his clothes and the tightness of his skin, stretching to accommodate the constantly expanding amount of food as he continued to gorge himself. He heard another tear and it only motivated him further. As long as Marco kept bringing him soup and bread and wine, he’d continue to eat, and eat, and eat. 

But finally, as much as he wanted to continue, he was completely and utterly full. He leaned back in his chair and let out a polite burp and rubbed his engorged belly. It felt so good. Ethan was even more impressive. He had transformed from a fattened ex-jock to a complete blimp, his belly filling his lap, groaning and gurgling. His skin was taut and red, angry at the amount of food he’d forced into it. Dan couldn’t find the energy to hide his arousal, his erection was enormous, and so too, he noticed, was Ethans. Ethan moaned, stroking his cartoonishly swollen gut. He felt ready to burst and was pleased to see Dan was in a similar state. Leaning forward he pressed his hand against Dan’s belly and whispered, “Feels good, doesn’t it… fatty. Dan was so full all he could do was nod. He opened his mouth and let out an enormous belch. The relief he felt was tremendous. He opened his mouth again, this time to speak. But before he could manage to say anything, Marco hollered, “Who’s ready for dessert!”

Dan’s eyes widened. There was no way he could eat anything else, he’d explode! But the moment Marco pulled that pie out of the oven, his fate was sealed.

Catching Up


They ate dessert in a daze, forcing down slice after slice of berry pie smothered in melting globs of vanilla ice cream into their already maxed-out stomachs. Marco seemed to be completely oblivious to his friends' sexually charged struggle, chipperly bringing each of them a seemingly endless supply of food. He did join them in enjoying a large slice of pie but everything else was for Ethan and Dan.

Ethan began to feel queasy but felt Dan’s hand on his much too full gut. “Not giving up yet are you,” he said between burps. Ethan shook his head, resolute. They would finish this together. Adjusting their seats, they sat each with an encouraging hand on the other's belly and dove right back in. They could feel each other's bellies grow more and more as they ate, their warm skin growing tighter and overstretched. Dan felt a cheeky grab of his dick which he would have reciprocated if he could have reached Ethan’s own dick which had been buried under his fat quite some time ago during the meal. 

Finally, it was over. The two sat there sweating, leant back, unable to find any relief from their overindulgence. Hearing Ethan’s chair creaking, Dan suggested they move to the couch, a feat which was easier said than done. With great effort, Dan got himself on his feet, letting out a tremendous fart. Ethan began to laugh but he was cut off by an enormous belch. They really were a perfect pair. Dan helped Ethan out of his chair and supporting one another, they waddled to the living room. Ethan peeled off his straining and torn t-shirt and immediately collapsed onto the couch, sprawling his limbs and groaning. Dan followed suit, pulling off his tank top. With no room on the couch, Dan slumped onto the floor and began to rub his swollen middle in a useless attempt to soothe it. 

“So… full..” Ethan whined. “Rub my belly for me… please…” How could Dan deny such an earnest plea? Ethan pulled in his legs and Dan hoisted himself onto the couch where he began to rub Ethan’s gut. It really was impressive just how enormous he was. He was fat beforehand, sure, but now he was a behemoth. Feeling both Dan's hands soothing him, Ethan could only moan softly.

“Hey guys,” Marco said from the kitchen. “Sorry about dinner, I’d have made more food if I’d realized the both of you would have such hearty appetites! I’ll be sure to make more next time! Anyways, it’s gonna take a while to wash all these dishes, so you two can go ahead and watch a movie or something, ok?”

Hearing this, Dan figured they’d be left alone for a while and pressed his dick into Ethan’s firm underbelly, his hands sliding down onto Ethan’s chest. He squeezed his meaty pecs and whispered, “I’ve always wanted to do that.” 

Ethan grabbed Dan’s waist and pulled him right on top of him, their round bellies squished together. The sudden pressure caused both of them to burp loudly right in each other’s faces. Then they leaned in for a kiss… but unfortunately, they couldn’t reach. “Why don’t we take this to my room,” Ethan said with a sly grin. “We can do a lot more in there.” Dan turned bright and nodded rapidly. He slid off of Ethan and helped him to his feet and they waddled down the hall to Ethan’s bedroom. 

Finally, alone they could stop undressing each other with their eyes and undress each other for real. It was an incredible relief to slip out of their tight and torn clothes, all of their girths now out in the open, on full display for themselves. It was an amazing feeling. They clasped hands and fell onto the bed, the metal frame creaking in protest. Dan passionately kissed Ethan’s belly, moving further and further south each time until he reached… Ethan moaned loudly. 

Marco hummed cheerfully to himself to the rhythm of Ethan’s creaking bed. With the dishes all done he could start preparing for tomorrow's breakfast. From what he could hear, Dan would be staying the night. Suddenly there was a loud crash. It would seem Dan and Ethan were a bit too much for that old bed frame. Marco knocked his large fist on the door. “I suggest you two use my bed for now,” he said. “The frame is much sturdier. Anyways, I’m going back to the kitchen now so do what you need to do.” 

Marco resumed his breakfast preparations and Dan and Ethan resumed whatever it was they were doing on a much sturdier surface. 

Catching Up
Colors For Maxim!!!!
Colors For Maxim!!!!

colors for maxim!!!!

New Guy! Vamp Rich Boi That Loves To Eat And Be Rich And Mean :3
New Guy! Vamp Rich Boi That Loves To Eat And Be Rich And Mean :3

New guy! Vamp rich boi that loves to eat and be rich and mean :3