she/he. gloriously bi-gender. elder millennial. a touch of imposter syndrome.
1654 posts
The Simpsons Somehow Did Stranger Things Better Than Stranger Things.
The Simpsons somehow did Stranger Things better than Stranger Things.
Btw, Homer will always be my dysfunctional tv dad. Hopper is milquetoast.

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Also Winona Ryder and Maya's dad Ethan Hawke were in Reality Bites. That's dope.
Does anybody besides me care that Winona Ryder and Maya Hawke both played Jo March or is it only me?
Probably only me.
Am I the only one okay with the idea of Eleven being seperated from that beige-ass boy crew and going on her own hero's journey?
Why does everyone think that stupid trailer monster is Billy? It's most likely Brenner and an easy excuse for Eleven to dig into his past, find him and kill him off.
Brenner is a mini-boss and won't be back in the last season. He's going to get killed before the final boss, the Mindflayer.
Oh jfc, people have to get over themselves. Eleven is the Bart Simpson's Blue Shirt of the Stranger Things world.
People still calling Jane Hopper by the number “Eleven”. Aggravates me to no end. I either call her Jane or El. Yes, El is short for “Eleven”, but it could be short for Eleanor or whatever. Mike and the guys just started calling her that.But her name is JANE people…..JANE Hopper. via /r/StrangerThings
For anyone who has stopped by here and wondered why I have such a fondness for Dr. Brenner, it’s because I’ve had a crush on Keys forever.