xomoongirlxo - ♥️mavis moon🍓
♥️mavis moon🍓

she/they || 🇨🇳 🇻🇳 🇺🇸|| tortured poet || mocker ||rep girlie || cabin 10 || aries ☀️ cancer🌙 capricorn ⬆️ || pls follow me on substack!! -> moongirl.substack.com

877 posts

Xomoongirlxo - Mavis Moon - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
We Finally Have Thalia!!

We finally have Thalia!!💙⚡️

5 months ago
Real British Rep

Real British rep

5 months ago

I know a lot of people say that they believe that Percy took Annabeth's last name (-> Percy Chase), but I think Annabeth would gladly take Percy's last name (-> Annabeth Jackson).

Nothing against the girlboss many associate with this, but Annabeth is not really close to her Dad of paternal half-brothers (or anyone of this family side besides Magnus). Meanwhile the Jackson-Family, Sally and Percy, are a home for her, they are her real family she chose and why wouldn't she want to take the surname from this family side?

5 months ago

Mercury in signs 🗞️

I started this right after the retrograde and my pace for last few placements have been very slow and I know I am not posting a lot right now or even responding but I am trying to get back as much as I can. Enjoy this!

All work of @notanastrologer.

Not my images, courtesy of pinterest.

Don't plagiarise, copy or translate.

Mercury In Signs
Mercury In Signs


↳ Mercury traditionally rules the 3rd house and 6th house, so also read for signs in your 3rd and 6th house.

↳ You can read for both western and sideral/vedic sign. This is not based on predictive astrology.


↳ Aries (1°,13°,25°)

Quick at thinking and coming up with solutions, impulsive talkers, sassy, feisty talkers, good at flirting and comebacks and will be good at arguments, you may catch them talking about themselves, their dreams and what they want to do next, their plans and opinions. You can consider them an open book, or others think they know them a lot. Talk first and think later. Can be careful about what they say or behave based on how they want to be perceived. Might be considered selfish and take up lot of speaking room, may not be seen as great listeners and somehow turn conversations towards themselves or talk about themselves a lot or their experiences. Confident speakers and attract attention with the way they speak. Maybe loud or yell a lot, people can consider them as rude. Strongly opinionated and strong willed, will do things once they set their mind to something, not likely to go back on their word. Dominate the conversations. Often thinks about their goals, status, ambition and future. May like debates and fiery conversations, may have migraines or headaches when stressed. They are courageous and will say the things you are just thinking, making them come across as blunt sometimes. They may often be the one to take charge in social situations. Likely to speak from experience and unlikely to talk down on themselves, they communicate with honesty and rarely lie. Like people who get straight to point and are direct in communication.

↳ Taurus (2°, 14°, 25°)

Calm and collected demeanor when speaking, seems like they know their shit and communication responsibly and not just be impulsive, immensely knowledgeable and wise. Straightforward and direct with their words although not always blunt. You may catch them often talking about their family and loved ones especially pets. Maybe enjoy talking about food and finances, or enjoys conversations over food and drinks. Their nervousness may be reflected when they speak or shows up on their face l, although in most cases they try to not project it. Not the kind to yell unprovoked, has immense patience and are very good listeners, very capable of communicating according to situation whether you want logic or your want empathy. It's more balanced and an equal give and take. People seek them out for good advice especially about mature discussions like life, problems, relationships, family, finances, etc. They often think about security, self worth, luxurious life and buying things and the ones they care about and their well being. Don't budge on their opinions as they are stubborn and if you give them advice be practical, although they dont take advice just from anyone, you will rarely see them asking others about their personal dilemmas. Retaliates when insecurities are triggered so can nasty talk when triggered, most likely to hit back on your insecurities. Good advisors on gifts and money, relationships. If Developed, they are amazing people to have around. Stress-eats especially sweets or spends time with close ones when stressed.

↳ Gemini (3°,15°,27°)

Chatty and fun to talk to, they enjoy communication when there is something to gain most likely knowledge or they get bored very easily if not intellectually stimulated, most likely to keep up with trends and be on social media, probably doesn't post much but looks at other posts, they are eccentric and may think of travel and learning new things however may be confused because they have literally do many interests, people might find them fickle because they say one thing one day and another the next however it's not always lying but more dynamic way to look at things, they are overall open to accepting new information as a different opinion is just a learning about different perceptions, They may be interested in writing or write really quickly, some can be ambidextrous. Also a good placement for lyricists, writers, programmers. Can be interested in stationary, bookstores. They are probably not good at listening with an empathetic ear, they are more problem solvers and seriously can zone out mid conversations because they may have hard time concentrating and their brains runs at 1000000km/h, Can be tech savvy and addicted to gadgets, knowledgeable about many different topics. May find it interesting to know the way other people thinks hence they may enjoy talking to others. May enjoy learning through others or with others, their knowledge or information may be heavily derived from being around others, they may like to be surrounded by like minded peers or with similar interests. When in stress may spend time on internet or playing games or use technology. May often talk about their hobbies, their travels, peers, school, groups, although I find that may also not talk at all unless you show interest in their activities.

↳ Cancer (4°, 16°, 28°)

Sweet talkers, someone who has a significant influence from their family and upbringing on their thoughts and knowledge, they remember things they have been through and take lessons from them, empathetic listeners, probably good at giving real advice but with softness and understanding, they really pay attention and often lend their empathetic ear even to their own detriment, there is no right and wrong for them and can be too trusting of their closed ones about information and gossip, probably likes talking about families and their loved ones or having a family, relate to others based on emotions and backgrounds, they may often think about people, their emotions, probably overthinks, may share everything with mother or feminine energy, I know people who will share everything they hear about even their friends with atleast one or two people not as gossip but they share things with atleast one person, having people around is probably good for de stressing, they may be sensitive to how others speak and communicate, will detect quickly how someone is feeling and good judges of character, power to move people by their speech they connect on a heart level. Had a knack for attracting audience. When stressed may isolate and want time to just feel and revaluate, may talk to few people and probably wants to feel loved and supported and comforted. They probably learn and use experiences of others to make decisions, may often think of others reactions of their actions.

↳ Leo (5°, 17°, 29°)

Being a fire sign they process things fast, may jump to conclusions quickly, are stubborn and strongly opinionated, hard to convince, may like to talk about themselves or their loved ones especially partners, kids, they tend to be friendly and funny and people might enjoy talking to them, they dont like dull conversations and add spark and fun to conversations, knows how to deliver information and is probably good at acting/theatre/singing, they express well when communicating and do not like supress things, are flirty and witty and have amazing comebacks and jokes, they talk about things they pride upon possibly even hype you if they are close to you and will often tell you how proud they are of you, they talk big and dream big, they talk about hobbies, aspirations, passions, desires, immaculate and attention grabbing speakers, they have a knack to attract big audiences just by being themselves. They may talk about themselves or brag about themselves, if underdeveloped can't take a joke and is sensitive especially when touched on insecurities, this may often be shoen through self depreciating humour, but when developed they are confident af about who they are, although a fire sign they speak with modulation and uses emphasis correctly. They may be sweet talker and good at making others feel good just by their words. When stressed they may like to have fun, play games, meet people or just relax. Some of them may talk in a relaxing manner.

↳ Virgo (6°, 18°)

They are methodical and structured in a way they speak, they are intellectually charged and possess great skills to process information. They are analytical and like when things are explained well to them. They like to learn in a systematic manner, with proper planning and intention. Great at subjects requiring specialisation or precision. I want to say they have great focus but that's not true they are multitaskers being a mutable sign, they will possess information about many different things and have millions thoughts in their head. Has anxious behaviour and probably bites nails, picks skin or hair etc, they tend to overthink and stress, easily gets distracted or zone out mid conversation. Thinks about work and helping others, they are charitable and are problem solvers..will find a way to solve things with you which is why when you tell them your troubles besides empathy they start looking for solutions, if there is disorder of any kind they wanna un-knot it. They are big on logic and sense, if you can't talk logic don't talk to them because they don't understand irrationality. Not argumentative but it they did they would be really good at it because they fight on facts. May travel for their job to a nearby city. They may often think about world issues, animal and health and their appearance. I see that some either remember everything and others that dont. Having organization and plans is how they thrive, likes to work in a manner that gives them a to-do list but also flexibility to do it on their own as they are calculative and tends to find efficient solutions.

Mercury In Signs
Mercury In Signs

↳ Libra (7°,19°)

They are pretty diplomatic when communicating, making sure they don't say something actually offending or "incorrect", this is one placement that sees both sides to the equation, and hence why some may think they are indecisive. They do value others ideas and opinions when they have to decide something, now hear me out unlike bajillion astrology posts they don't rely on opinions of others but because they like seeing every possible angle they listen to everyone's opinion which is why I think they make great business person. They have good skills to handle people, knows how to talk to them how to drive conversations to their benefit, such that they also make good managers. They can be critical of others often, judging and forming opinions in things other do, not that anyone needs their validation but these do have a inner sense of "right and wrong" so they are are highly observant with new people. Probably gets anxious around new people especially if poorly aspected, it takes time to mix but once they have some idea about the other person they are pretty chill to mingle, they are also few people who actually have relatable stuff for everyone, can make people feel included or as part of the group, is probably one of the friendliest placement. They may talk a lot about or have strong opinions on commercial world, ideas, finances, relationships, commitment, social issues, politics, issues of justice etc. They also know how to deliver information to masses which makes them a great speaker. May also overthink and stress about relationships, business, money, appearance, their reputation or being included.

↳ Scorpio (8°, 20°)

They are pretty quick and sharp with their words and have strong intellect, they possess knowledge others may not know about. May possess information about taboo topics and metaphysical topics or know things others don't. They are Cunning and also value logic in communication, they don't like wasting time and would like communication to be as effective as possible but with people they care about they can be pretty empathetic, I don't see them offering much advice unless asked by someone, they choose their words carefully. They can be blunt when need be but I really think with people they care about they are careful how they say stuff. Now you don't want to provoke them as they can be nasty af, sassy and extremely witty with remarks, probably talks nasty about people they don't like or likes to engage in Gossip about those, YK keep your friends close but enemies closer so they wanna know everything, this is when underdeveloped. Will make you wish you were always in their good books. They may also know secrets about many people and can use them to manipulate if underdeveloped. They know how to mould or manipulate information and how the other person wants to hear it to convince them, which is why I think they can be pretty amazing in commercial aspects. Flirty and dirty talkers, dark sense of humor but probably sensitive and can't take joke on themselves when underdeveloped, unknown knowledge might be tempting to them, knowledge is power to them and very observant, their jokes come from knowing others and observing, may talk or think about the unknown, life, death, sex, philosophy, dangerous things. Mind can go into dark places when they think too much. May stress about their partners, being sexual, money or even dying. Can give advice on health, sex, money, partners, intimacy, love, and things nobody else talks about.

↳ Sagittarius(9°,21°)

They are dynamic and open minded, like any other mutable sign their mind is a chaos because they have so many interests and things they want to do, they may talk a lot or brag a lot even, they have crazy stories to tell or have gone through life experiences that can be translated into lessons, they use their own experiences to communicate lessons and wisdom, likes to talk about things larger than life and unknown things might be of interest. Can probably talk to anyone, can sometimes over share. A developed person is up for give and take of knowledge, loves listening to other people's stories and is also empathetic, loves to learn from mistakes and can be positive about hardships or sometimes process negativity optimistically. They can be anxious and critical of themselves when underdeveloped because they can carry a self righteous mindset and be so strict on themselves, may also judge others way of living or about their morals, may think of themselves as superior in knowledge or experiences. They might like talking to older or more experienced people, may have had a hard time when young as they may have felt others were too immature. Engages in a lot of short term travel, think or talk a lot of travelling, books, learning, spirituality, mind and meditation. A good conversation doesn't have to be good information, only vibes should match. Stories are big part of who they are and they have many tales to tell. Most likely to learn multiple languages and about other cultures, very adaptable in communication but only with people they respect or like.

↳ Capricorn (10°, 22°)

They tend to be methodical and also very restrictive in the way they talk, very likely they don't talk unnecessarily or rubbish, most of them tend to mince their words and also be mindful of what they say. I do think they don't say a lot of things they want to and be in their minds a lot or don't think others would understand them, they maybe be too mature for their age and how they think or say things, they may have superiority complex when it comes knowledge if underdeveloped or be condescending or have that tone, they would rather do the work and show more through action than say, they don't impulsively say things for the sake of it but mostly well thought out stuff. They can be secretive. I think they might be known or become known for their communication skill or speech or their tact. Their careers might involve communication, possibly careers requiring networking and communication. Their peers at one point in life can be well known people or the just the people they work with. They are someone who may think a lot about maturing, life, status, stability, career, long term plans, future, they can also talk about these stuff as well. this placement can sometimes give superiority complex about information or some things when underdeveloped. They tend to master the knowledge they want to have, so a lot of them may also do specialisations in their fields or go to do research. These people may often not feel heard or spoken over. They are likely to judge someone based on how they communicate or their opinions, may not be as accepting of different views when underdeveloped. They may overthink about their reputation, career, how authorities think of them or pleasing superiors. May have a hard time communicating with younger generation.

↳ Aquarius (11°, 23°)

They tend to be quick but silent thinkers, may have unique perspective on things and have an innovative and imaginative mind. Certainly think different than the rest but because it's so unconventional they can be perceived as crazy or sometimes deluded very like pisces mercury. They are some of the Sharpest mind and may struggle with communication when they were young if they are not taught how to express well, because they are in their minds a lot they sometimes can come across as quite or shy. But once you poke into things they are interested in oh boi do you have a chatty personality coming through, even then I think they prefer some people more than others to share ideas with, also can detect your bullshit from far, will know who is genuinely interested and who is pretending. Probably one of the placements that has a mass influence or someone with strong opinion in their social circle, well respected because of their intellect and reasoning, people may look up to them for advice on career, status, hobbies, science, politics, life, philosophy and all the trendy things. The fact they know a lot about trendy topics is because they are curious by nature like any other air sign. They might be likely to become famous on the internet. Talk a lot about social issues, politics, books, science, technology. Are good at networking, and create charming impression on others especially because of their intellect. They like to have intellectually stimulating conversation and are intrigued by new hobbies and learn in whatever way they can. They like peers with intellect and Pretty much open to different views unless those views are traditional and orthodox. They may stress about not having enough information or not being enough or perceived so, probably what their peers think or social issues.

↳ Pisces (12°,24°)

These tend to be quite about a lot of things that goes in their head, a lot of their ideas and though remain hidden and go unnoticed, they may think of their thoughts as strange and often not put it out, just like aquarius mercury. Creative thinkers. Talks to themselves a lot, expressions on their face when talking to themselves, might talk in their sleep or sleep talk. These may be someone who likes to have time alone to process certain things. The fact a lot of them don't mind being alone is because of the thousand voices that keep them entertained. They are imaginative, they come up with unheard ideas, no matter how much people say they are aloof or zone out, they are observant but forgetful but might remember random things. They have a chaotic mind and have difficulty focusing, which is what also makes them a multi Tasker. Their mind can also go to some really dark places or through thoughts which ain't healthy or normal if afflicted. Underdeveloped placements are also escapist of their thoughts, instead of processing they ignore it. They enjoy sleeping when stressed or travel or do spiritual activities. They may talk in a way that can be perceived as unrealistic or them being too dreamy or delusional, but they are one of the few people who have great manifestation skills. They give good advice and have an empathetic ear, they relate to others on an emotional level and guide through experiences and on a soul level. They have to feel genuine-ness or a connection with someone to open up to them. They think a lot about travelling, cultures, sleeping, sex, intimacy, creativity, art, addictions, etc. They can be addicted to thinking which is why their brain never rests.

Mercury In Signs
Mercury In Signs

© notanastrologer 2020-2024, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

5 months ago

i'd never criticize eah again if they made snow be the one to poison apple. the original fairytale had a stepmother poisoning her daughter, why not just make it the mother? snow being desperate to ensure her family's legacy that she'll poison her own daughter to do it

5 months ago

Hey guys wtf?

Hey Guys Wtf?

Normally I don't pay attention to EAH trademark renewals, but this isn't a renewal?

Hey Guys Wtf?

This is straight up a new trademark??

5 months ago
No Time For Rewrites .

no time for rewrites˖ ݁⋆ ౨ৎ˚. ݁₊

5 months ago
xomoongirlxo - ♥️mavis moon🍓
5 months ago

Writing Notes: Using Descriptors

Wivenhoe Park, Essex, 1816 (detail)
John Constable

A common pitfall of writing is the overuse of descriptors.

When adjectives and adverbs are used too liberally, it slows down the pace of the narrative.


The young, male soldier nonchalantly stood with his back against the ornately carved wooden fence and angled his head upwards towards the sky, smoking and staring distractedly at the cotton-ball like white clouds that moved westward above the city. From her place at the window two stories above, Melanie vigilantly watched him as he slowly and repeatedly brought his cigarette calmly to his lips, expelling plumes of grey smoke with each measured exhalation. She wasn’t sure why, with so many thousands of private gardens in the city, this strange, unknown, soldier had chosen her garden—with its walls of knotty rhododendrons and the rows of rose bushes, only now coming into beautiful, red bloom, that her mother had planted the year before in an attempt to bring some color into their lives—to smoke in. Her uncertainty made her scared, and she began to feel a cold fear spread throughout her body, from her terrified heart, all the way to her extremities

Compare it to this version

The soldier stood with his back against the fence, smoking and staring distractedly at the clouds that moved westward above the city. From her place at the window, Melanie watched him as he repeatedly brought his cigarette to his lips, expelling plumes of smoke with each exhalation. She wasn’t sure why this soldier had chosen her garden—one of thousands in the city—to smoke in; and, if she was being honest with herself, she was scared.

The second version is easier to read.

The idea of the paragraph is simple, but when you add an abundance of adjectives and adverbs, the result is clumsy and harder to understand.

This is how descriptors slow down the pace of the narrative.

Writing Tip

The ideal paragraph lies somewhere between these two versions.

It’s not as streamlined as the second, but not as over described as the first.

Adjectives and adverbs serve an important function, but you should be skeptical of them.

When you see them in your own writing, ask yourself whether they’re necessary.

Another Example (Written by Jack Kerouac)

Anybody who’s been to Seattle and missed Alaskan Way, the old water front, has missed the point. Here the totem-pole stores, the waters of Puget Sound washing under old piers, the dark gloomy look of ancient warehouses and pier sheds, and the most antique locomotives in America switching boxcars up and down the water front, give a hint, under the pure cloud-mopped, sparking skies of the North-west, of great country to come.

There's an abundance of adjectives, but it seems to work.

This is partly because of the periodic sentence.

The sentence can be collapsed into “Here the totem-pole stores give a hint of great country to come.”

Every other clause is subordinate (or dependent), which naturally speeds up the pace at which it's read.

This is why, in this example, adjectives don’t slow down the pace too much.

Instead, they slow you down just enough to lend a contemplative sense to the vast scene unfolding before Kerouac.

As you see, adjectives and adverbs aren’t necessarily evil words that should be avoided at all costs.

They should, however, be used judiciously.

As you edit your writing, continue to ask yourself whether each sentence really needs its descriptors.

In Summary: Be skeptical of your descriptors, and the pace of your narrative will benefit.

Source Writing References: Worldbuilding ⚜ Plot ⚜ Character

5 months ago

Synastry indicating obsession

Hi friends! Today we’re looking closely at synastry indicating obsession or infatuation with someone. Not necessarily only romantic! Please like reblog & comment to boost this blog 💕

Synastry Indicating Obsession
Synastry Indicating Obsession
Synastry Indicating Obsession

Venus 1h— Infatuation with how the Venus person carries themselves. You want to know how they style themselves, how it looks like it’s made for them—the clothes they wear, hair, makeup, etc. they have what you want which makes you even more attracted to them. This can also turn into idolization for the Venus person. In your eyes the Venus person is talented—skilled and charming. Its as if the Venus person has no flaws. This can easily turn into self comparison with the Venus person which is unhealthy.

Moon 8h— First it feels fated. It feels as if ya’ll have known each other for a long time. Deep innate curiosity to learn more about each other, yet there is so much that remains hidden. Disillusionment within each other is common here, both people may not know who they really are and self sabotage comes up in the connection to be healed. This type of synastry is deep and reignited past pain and trauma. Old attachment styles come up—making it harder to leave the moon person. The moon person can shut off emotionally from the house person, leaving the house person craving more connection. Lack of boundaries—the house person may not leave until there is significant emotional hurt. The connection also struggles with being hidden or people cant know about it. An aspect will always remain hidden. Emotions or not wanting to put a label on the connection.

Saturn conj. Venus— Hot take—I know a lot of people see this as a marriage indicator. And maybe it is, I won’t deny that fact. From my observation, I’ve had this synastry twice and did not necessarily lead to marriage, just lessons to be learned. Usually the Venus persons old attachment style gets triggered. They feel alone and unfulfilled in themselves, not necessarily because of the saturn person. But their inner child is wounded & so they look to the saturn person for stability, strength and protection. Codependent behaviors can be enabled because the venus person does not know how to create internal balance. Father wounds come out in this type of synastry the most. Saturn person can also shut off emotionally from the venus person and be avoidant towards intimacy—feeling afraid to be “vulnerable.”

Venus-pluto— The venus person feels instantly attracted to the pluto person. Or vice versa—both people are affected. Chemistry, sexual tension. Yet underneath hides pain and trauma—which controls the two in the connection unless both heal from it. Very possible both carry pain regarding toxic masculinity & toxic femininity. But still feel drawn to each other because it replays their past—which the two got too comfortable with. It became easy to settle with what they knew than to find actual safety. Lots of transformation, personal power can result from this. Usually this connections ends in shambles, disgust, or never talking ever again. Usually the pluto person ends up hurting venus person—cheating, spreading rumors, jealousy, etc. so much more! Its as if they both cannot get enough of each other yet its “forbidden,” or “taboo” to be in the connection. There is an aspect that the connection has to remain hidden—until it becomes revealed.

Jupiter 8h, Jupiter 1h, and Jupiter 4h- Controversial, but Jupiter can indicate our indulgence. If Jupiter sits in these places especially the 4h its likely the house person will automatically crave a bond and connection with this person. While its sweet—this can turn sideways. The house person becomes comfortable in their old ways and habits, because the Jupiter person can enable their codependency. An indulgence of self victimization—learned helplessness. Jupiter 4h makes house person crave a family they didn’t have, so they cling to the fantasy of it all. Dismissing red flags from the Jupiter person. Jupiter 8h makes the house person want to be consumed by the idea of unveiling the Jupiter person. Wants to know all their secrets, and analyze everything of them. Too much to the point of neglecting themselves. If the Jupiter person leaves—house person will adopt their traits and such. Its a way of holding onto what they wish they had internally—they project their desires onto the Jupiter person.

Planets in the 12h— Immediate attraction & curiosity. The connection can feel fated, or meant to be. The two experience intense highs and lows in the connection because of the lessons. Almost always its a lesson of boundaries and saying no. Usually in these connections, there is a lack of commitment or unavailability—yet the house person craves the moon person for that “deep connection.” The house person feels understood in ways they never had before, so they cling hard to what they receive, even if its unhealthy. Periods of no contact—avoidance, shutting down emotionally is common. Usually the strength of the connection is also tested by people around them or external factors. Gossip, rumours are spread to distort both perceptions of each other in the connection. Eventually one person realizes someone is not being who they say they are—and leave.

Sun 1h— House person is drawn to the way sun person carries themselves. Idolized them, places them on a pedestal. Gives the sun person the privilege of being seen as “more,” even though we are all equal. The house person can strive to be as unique and talented as the sun person & can overdo it. Easy for the house person to compare themselves especially if they are struggling in an area where the sun person is great at. This has potential to become an amazing connection, however.

Mars—The house person can feel isolated or lonely simply because the mars person can come across aggressive. Yet the mars person is captivating, exuberant, and full of life to the house person despite the toxicity. There could be misogyny, sexism, manipulation tactics here. Lots of sexual undertones as well—since it represents action. The house person feels “alive” with the mars person because of their energy, and finds themselves being pulled in very fast. Instant attraction vibes. The two can play a game of “playing hard to get,” which makes it more thrilling—yet there was no commitment to stay in the connection at first. The house person is enamored and hooked onto the charisma of the mars person—willing to toss away their boundaries. The mars person can reenact a lot of toxic behaviors the house person experienced, finding themselves all over in the same position. Lots of competition between the two, to be better or higher than the other. But both are constantly on each other’s mind—which is where the obsession starts.

Synastry Indicating Obsession

Thanks so much for reading ya’ll! Highly appreciated it. Hoping to hear y’all’s perspective kindly—I love listening! I love these flower pics. Ima use it again sometime lol.


Paid Readings 🤍

5 months ago

small relationship tip:

if you’ve got someone in your life who apologises for a lot, instead of constantly telling them that they don’t have to apologise for that thing, slip in a couple ‘thank you’s or other small compliments.

“I’m sorry I can’t talk about that right now.” -> “thanks for establishing a boundary.”

“sorry I won’t be home for dinner” -> “I’m glad you’re able to go out and spend time with friend/treat yourself/etc.”

“I’m sorry I vented so much” -> “thank you for trusting me with this.”

5 months ago

ngl, i would kill (no i wouldn’t God, i wouldn’t kill🙏) to see mckenna grace cover coffee by chappell roan her vocals would be so good with the song

5 months ago
xomoongirlxo - ♥️mavis moon🍓
5 months ago

i bring a sort of “you want a thing and i have money for it” vibe to the group chat that my loved ones don’t really like

Tags :
5 months ago

Part of Fortune in astrology

Part Of Fortune In Astrology
Part Of Fortune In Astrology

The Part of Fortune is an Arabic part that represents the luck that we naturally attract, from the areas of our life in which we can attract greater opportunities to the area of ​​our life in which we can find greater satisfaction and success. Some also attribute this point to the natural talents with which we are born. You can calculate it on Astro.com in the small "Additional Objects" tab. As a personal recommendation, I recommend checking which house(s) the POF ruler(s) fall into and check the description of it too.

🔘Part of fortune in the 1st house: These people can attract luck very easily throughout their lives, whether taking the path they want, due to their personality or even their physical appearance. They can be considered charismatic and very attractive by other people. Ease to achieve everything they want or put their mind into. They will attract a lot of luck if they decide to work in areas that allow them to deal with the public or be public figures. They tend to have the ability to light up the room or lift the spirits of others. Things may seem to naturally align in their favor. It is possible that any project they start will flourish quickly and give results just as quick. They can have strong self-confidence and, without seeking it, attract a lot of reassurance from others. They tend to be seen as lucky, privileged by other people. They make very good decisions even if they decide based on intuition. They feel and are protected by divinity and because of this trust they have in it, the intensity increases.

🔲Part of fortune in Aries: These people usually come out triumphant in any competition, easily defeating enemies or doing better than them. Many chances of success when you work on your own and dare to put your ideas into action. Leadership skills or greater success when they guide a group of people. Confiding in your abilities and daring to take risks can result in great experiences and opportunities. These people may stand out for being the first to do something and may be seen as pioneers. Ease of motivating and empowering people, you share and spread your energy and drive to others. There is no challenge or difficulty that they cannot overcome. Great vitality and strength, as well as healthy self-esteem.

🖤Aries degrees [01°, 13°, 25°]: They tend to make the right decisions throughout their lives. Great vitality and strength, both mental and physical. Opportunities to start projects that will bring them success. Ease for reaching powerful positions. They will enjoy victories and triumphs of all kinds. They take wise risks that can bring a lot of satisfaction to their lives. Their independence it’s the key to their success.

🔘Part of fortune in the 2nd house: They may have better luck attracting stability in every sense, especially economic ones. They will more easily attract things and/or opportunities that meet their needs, things arrive just when they need them. They can achieve success by starting their own businesses, making investments or making their hobbies their business or source of work. These people have a high and strong self-esteem, they are endowed with strong self-love. Their innate talents and abilities can be the door to success for these natives. You may more frequently attract people who value your efforts and may be appreciated for your presence and actions. Stability can come in your life, constant periods of satisfaction and things that accompany you in the long term, contributing favorably to you. You can attract many resources and tools throughout your life that open doors for you [money or other material goods, connections, learning, information, among others].

🔲Part of fortune in Taurus: For these natives, life will be filled with opportunities to explore pleasure in its different forms, from the most mundane to the deepest, from the emotional to the material realm. They can enjoy many moments of stability in their lives and attract things that bring happiness and comfort to their lives in the long term. These people can easily attract everything they want, in general they have a great power of attraction. They are people who can be endowed with a lot of beauty and natural charm. They can easily attract stable connections that provide them with constant support. The universe will remove from your paths everything that messes with your peace and will fill you with better things shortly after.

🖤Taurus degrees [02°, 14°, 26°]:People endowed with a lot of physical attractiveness, elegance and very strong confidence. They can more easily attract stability in their lives, more specifically economic ones. Ease to materialize your ideas and make them prosper or grow. They give others a sense of stability. When they act based on their values ​​they can attract a lot of luck.

🔘Part of fortune in the 3rd house: They will attract many opportunities to undertake short trips, likewise, very positive and satisfying things await them through it. They can easily excel during their student life, whether academically, socially, or both.They will have great luck working with others and being part of communities of any kind, and they can be highly appreciated in these. They may have a good relationship with siblings, cousins ​​or neighbors, or at least one who is really supportive. They can attract people who are naturally very brotherly towards them. People may like to be with them, as they exude allure and can easily captivate others. Ease of communication, their writing can become recognized or they can be praised for the way you communicate. Ease of forming and creating satisfactory relationships with the people around them, or at least cordial ones. You tend to have an innate positive impact on the people around you.

🔲Part of fortune in Gemini: Ease of acquiring diverse knowledge and standing out in many different areas from a very young age. They have a natural talent for connecting with others through words, whether verbally or in writing. It should be added that they stand out for communicating very accurately what they want to say. They can be successful in the sales sector and stand out for their social intelligence. They can easily mentally stimulate others, challenge them and entertain them at the same time. They tend to be easily recognized by their intelligence, by one of their hobbies and by their wit. Many times they can start doing things out of mere curiosity which can lead them to success or give them a lot of satisfaction. 

🖤Gemini degrees [03°, 15°, 27°]: Natural talent for writing, great communicators and can be seen as very charismatic and appealing ones. Gifted with a very capable mind that can lead them to be very successful. What they say can have a high impact on others. They can learn facts or things that seem random but that can be significant on other occasions. They attract many resources of all kinds.

🔘Part of fortune in the 4th house: These natives will have ease and success building their own home, making it a place where they feel calm, content and fulfilled. They can attract more stable things, from opportunities to long-term emotional bonds. They find happiness and satisfaction by being at home or doing things that bring them comfort. They may have greater emotional stability and do not depend on others to feel better or worse. They may have a supportive family or a member of their family that they connect with on all levels and provide them with unconditional support.They will easily attract people who become family to them. They are people with great emotional responsibility and awareness, which will attract opportunities and happiness to them. Being around these natives usually gives a feeling of coming home, they have the ability to make others feel good and give them comfort without trying too hard. They enjoy and get a lot of satisfaction when they can spend time alone. 

🔲Part of fortune in Cancer: They gain satisfaction from taking care of their emotional well-being, even if they take small actions to do so. These people will easily attract people's empathy and support. People feel naturally comfortable around them and they have a charm that inspires adoration and tenderness in others. They can attract strong bonds with women or people with feminine energy that bring them satisfaction and success. Being in touch with your inner child brings you many opportunities. They have the ability to nourish others emotionally, spiritually and mentally, as well as quickly make any project they have in mind flourish. Life will give you many heart-warming experiences and the ability to create beautiful and meaningful memories.

🖤Cancer degrees [04°, 16°, 28°]: Ease of moving others emotionally and understanding the needs of others. They give comfort to others with their mere presence. Their family ties can bring them luck. They can be welcomed by other families and treated as part of them. Talent for reading people, high emotional intelligence. Likely to attract luck when keeping their plans to themselves. 

🔘Part of fortune in the 5th house: Chance seems to be on their side, they can be very lucky in games, and they seem to have a strong power of attraction. Their hobbies and talents can be sources of success, it can give them opportunities to improve their lives or even make them gain a lot of recognition. They can attract attention very easily, gain fame more quickly than other people, and gain the esteem of others without trying too hard. They are people who stand out for their attractiveness and can attract suitors or couples with economic or job stability, who bring them a lot of happiness or who benefit them in some way. They can obtain great benefits if they trust their talents and potential and decide to make their ideas come true and if they dare to create. These natives contribute positively to their relationships as well, filling their partners with motivation and joy. Opportunities and good luck as they embrace themselves and speak their minds. They can be very fertile people and if they want to be parents, they can enjoy a great relationship with their children. 

🔲Part of fortune in Leo: These people tend to attract people's attention, appreciation and admiration more easily. They stand out enormously for their talents and will enjoy great success when they make use of them. Ease of entertaining and amusing people. They gain recognition for their talents and for being themselves. They can generate a lot of income through a hobby. They can attract plenty of situations in which they are or can be the center of attention, and can stand out greatly if they take those opportunities. When they put their energy and passion into a specific action, activity or project, it is easier for them to achieve surprising and satisfactory results for the natives. Very likely to attract fame and recognition on a large scale.

🖤Leo degrees [05°, 17°, 29°]: They will more easily attract success, recognition or praise from others. Great creativity, ability to easily shine in any aspect of their lives. They attract positive things when they are authentic and themselves. They have strong self-esteem and awareness of their own abilities. They have a lot of charisma and know that they can achieve many things on their own.

🔘Part of fortune in the 6th house: These people may have a particular ability that makes them stand out quite a bit and even be easily admired by others because of it. Natives of great intelligence and a work ethic that will make them stand out. They can enjoy an excellent work environment, easily earning the appreciation and respect of other co-workers, bosses or people under their supervision. They can recover from illnesses more easily. An ease to attract the support of others, often this being selfless and of great impact for the natives. After helping others, these people can return the favor on a larger scale to the native. A lot of success at work, ease of promotion and enjoying many benefits through this. Ease in dealing with animals of all kinds, they can feel comfortable around the native. They inspire confidence in others easily, and that is precisely what opens up many opportunities for them. Success at work and being seen as efficient and capable gives them enormous satisfaction.

🔲Part of fortune in Virgo: Their small actions have big positive impacts without even intending to. They can have a strong body capable of recovering from illnesses with ease. These natives may be highly respected and well regarded for some skill they have focused on developing. Their hard work brings them great rewards, often exceeding their expectations. Ease in making decisions and can make the best one in crisis situations. Order brings them happiness and they find satisfaction in doing small actions to take care of their well-being and body. They often bring clarity to other people's lives, as well as bringing them down to earth. Their rationality allows them to discern between various situations and take the one they like best.

🖤Virgo degrees [06°, 18°]: They attract luck when they dedicate themselves to jobs that require dedication, precision and perseverance. Greater success when they have a schedule or when they take charge of their lives themselves. They can be great communicators too, especially in writing. Equipped with a mind with great analytical capabilities.

Part Of Fortune In Astrology
Part Of Fortune In Astrology

🔘Part of fortune in the 7th house: These natives have the ability to relate to other people and attract supportive ties into their lives. They can be easily liked by others and form positive relationships in which people truly seek the happiness of the native and of course, with people who adore the native. Good luck to partnerships of all kinds, both business and relationship. They can be easily accepted by other people. People may describe them as rays of light, not necessarily out of positivity, but because they genuinely like the company of natives. Much success, fortune and satisfaction in their marriage, they will love the person they choose to marry. Ease of resolving conflicts, both your own and those of other people. They can attract reciprocity frequently. They will be successful in legal situations of all kinds. Victory over their adversaries. They attract generous people into their lives. Natural charm that helps them advance, progress or brings them opportunities. They may marry someone influential or at a good point in their life.

🔲Part of fortune in Libra: They have a mix of charm and a sharp, analytical mind. People naturally feel drawn to their appearance and personality. They are very successful in social situations and enjoy great results working as a team. Graced with a seductive and attractive appearance. Ease of understanding people and what they go through. Success when forming relationships. They can attract people who help them progress, who genuinely love them, and who want to be there for the natives. Ease of connecting more easily with people and making them feel good in your presence. They have the ability to influence other people. Calm environments, with aesthetics that match that of the natives considerably increase your happiness and satisfaction. Success in jobs related to law, art or public relations.

🖤Libra degrees [07°, 19°]: Natural grace and ease of being well-liked by others. They easily attract people's interest. Great social skills that make them stand out. They are people who can be considered very attractive by people, both because of their features and the shape of their body. They can find themselves surrounded by people even without them looking for it. 

🔘Part of fortune in the 8th house: Wisdom and strength of spirit, these natives can be seen as immovable and powerful, people recognize their personal power making them easily earn respect. They emerge and overcome crises, becoming even wiser afterward. These people can easily attract the generosity of others, even being chosen to receive inheritances. They find satisfaction in getting to the bottom of things and knowing the truth. Success pursuing professions linked to analysis, research or the esoteric. Great understanding of the human psyche and behavior. Ability to read others and bare their souls. They attract opportunities when they delve into the unknown and explore aspects of life that are not visible to the naked eye. They have the ability to connect in a unique way with others, in a less superficial and more meaningful way. Ease to overcome fears and insecurities. Connections where they give themselves completely to each other provide them not only with emotional satisfaction, but also with opportunities for growth and success.

🔲Part of fortune in Scorpio: These natives have the ability to make big changes from the circle to which they belong, to a larger scale such as at the level of society; They easily change people's mindsets and bring awareness. Your intuition is one of your greatest tools and by using and following it you can make decisions that lead you to success. They may experience positions of power more frequently. Throughout their lives, they attract changes that change the course of their lives for the better. They will successfully face any adversity and will be reborn stronger. They attract success when they channel their passion into meaningful projects. They attract respect and admiration from others easily, and they enjoy a powerful reputation. Ease healing yourself and supporting others to heal.

🖤Scorpio degrees [08°, 20°]: These natives have great magnetism and an enormous ability to influence the masses or people around them. Strong intuition, they always know what is happening around them and this information comes to them without looking for it. They overcome tense situations more easily. They provide strength to others when they go through tense situations.

🔘Part of fortune in the 9th house: Many opportunities to travel and you can have a lot of luck and satisfaction through it. Success in the major college you decide to enter and many opportunities to progress and improve your life can come during that period of your life. These natives may have very helpful, generous and caring mentors towards them who will contribute positively to their lives. They can make important and beneficial connections with people from abroad. Life will fill you with opportunities to enjoy and live life, giving you many experiences that fill you spiritually. This is a lucky placement that makes them look like they have a lucky charm. On many occasions, if things don't go their way, better things come for them. These natives can have a lot of luck and protection when venturing into new or unknown areas for them. They are people endowed with wisdom and can find satisfaction through their spirituality, being in touch with their higher self or acting based on their beliefs. They may have an easier time being in high vibration.

🔲Part of fortune in Sagittarius: Life will provide you with opportunities to travel, expand your mind and live rewarding experiences that make your soul happy and satisfied. Success will come to them in fields such as education [from devoting yourself to it professionally, attending college or simply mastering the fields that you are most passionate about], when they travel, contact with other cultures, or when you start or begin in spirituality. They can be successful in forming long-term relationships with people who live far away or who are foreigners. They are likely to have many convenient and opportune circumstances throughout their lives.  The leaps of faith they take can make significant changes in their lives.

🖤Sagittarius degrees [09°, 21°]: They can easily connect with people very different from them. They mix well with both people their age and older people. Possibility of great experiences through travel. They may have greater opportunities for scholarships. Talent and ability for languages. Connecting with cultures other than their own gives them satisfaction.

🔘Part of fortune in the 10th house: These people can make better first impressions without needing to pretend. You have the ability to achieve success or have important achievements even from a young age. Influential and with the ability to relate to large amounts of people. Your work life will be full of success and you will feel truly satisfied with the path you decide to pursue. Many opportunities to grow professionally. You attract the admiration and respect of others without trying too hard. They tend to achieve their personal goals more easily. They can quickly gain recognition, popularity and fame, as well as earn the respect of more experienced or older people. They can reach high ranks more quickly than other people. Much success and luck in carrying out long-term plans, the results are more stable, long-lasting and match the ideas of the natives. Much success and luck in carrying out long-term plans, the results are more stable, long-lasting and match the ideas of the natives.

🔲Part of fortune in Capricorn: Their hard work brings results more quickly, and the results may be more satisfactory than the native expected. You will be able to achieve everything you ever imagined you wanted to have. Ease of attracting stable things into their lives, from jobs, relationships to favorable streaks. These natives can achieve important things at a young age, which brings them recognition and can increase their personal satisfaction. Greater ease in overcoming obstacles of all kinds. They reach positions of authority and can lead the people in their charge to progress and improve. They will achieve recognition with respect to the fields in which they work or those in which they put a lot of effort and time.

🖤Capricorn degrees [10°, 22°]: Ease of professional advancement. They are seen as professionals and very capable from a young age and thanks to this they are given opportunities. Talent to lead, start businesses. They are capable of giving direction to any thing or project and bringing it to success. Their discipline and hard work are always appreciated and the source of his greatest successes.

🔘Part of fortune in the 11th house: Following the causes they consider important and fighting for what they believe is right can bring a lot of fortune and popularity. Ease of acquiring money through various sources, luck in personal business where they can be their own boss. Their friendships can bring them important opportunities, just as they can attract great friendships into their lives. Ease of growing on social media and inspiring the masses. Even without intending to, these natives can bring many positive things to the circles to which they belong, managing to contribute favorably to them. They will attract opportunities that will allow them to make their aspirations and goals a reality. These natives can be accepted more easily in groups, people tend to like them most of the time. They can attract people who, by supporting them, can greatly help the native in return. The older they feel, the more satisfied and content they may feel with their life.

🔲Part of fortune in Aquarius: You have the ability to stand out from the crowd more easily. Following your own path or venturing into a path that no one in your family or close circle has taken can lead you to success. These people have a magnetism that makes people drawn to them, a unique charm coming from their enigmatic and nuanced personality. Your originality and creativity can bring you success, and you can be considered an ideas machine. These natives have the ability to bring people together and make them feel part of a group. You can achieve many things by working on your own and doing things your own way. They may have talents or skills for astrology, science, technology or simply innovate in the field of their interest.

🖤Aquarius degrees [11°, 23°]: A very strong, creative and inventive mind. Success in innovating in any field of interest. They may stand out for a hobby and be seen as very capable at them with people. They will easily stand out for their authenticity and originality. Lots of luck in projects with friends or that you do on the internet. They stand out easily with or without people around them.

🔘Part of fortune in the 12th house: These people have a lot of positive karma from other lives, so this placement is a natural indicator of luck. They will always emerge victorious no matter who their enemies are or who want their downfall. They feel and are divinely protected, in fact they can be more spiritual which helps them attract greater protection and opportunities. Greater potential to manifest, your inner dreams or desires can become a reality in no time. They may not be aware of their luck, but things at the end of the day are usually in their favor. They can experience many moments of being in the right place at the right time. These people may find satisfaction in spending time alone after a busy day, finding comfort and joy in it. They usually have a strong intuition and their hunches usually save them from going through tense and unnecessary situations. After helping people, they can attract favorable streaks of luck. Doing things for themselves and not sharing their plans can bring them better results and enjoy their achievements better.

🔲Part of fortune in Pisces: These people can achieve success if they decide to work on something that fills their soul, that is, working on one of their passions. Success if you decide to pursue an artistic or esoteric branch, or if you venture into the path of helping other people. They may experience streaks of good fortune in unexpected or subtle ways, as well as help from those who least expect it or opportunities when they feel most hopeless. They can attract many opportunities or experiences that provide them with emotional well-being. They are endowed with enormous magnetism that not only makes them attract people's attention or affection, but also favorable situations. The more you delve into spirituality, the more opportunities and luck will knock on your door.

🖤Pisces degrees [12°, 24°]: Abilities to manifest everything they dream or write. Great sensitivity and ease of seeing through people's emotions. They can carry positive karma from other lives which helps them. They can find success in artistic fields, especially painting or music. Easy to charm people, because they are very magnetic.

🖤Part of Fortune in 00°: These people naturally attract luck, regardless of the circumstances, life will give them the right people at the right time and take away those who do not contribute anything to them. They can find happiness and satisfaction more easily, especially by being clear about what they want and pursuing that path. 

Part Of Fortune In Astrology

🌠 Aspects of the Part of Fortune with the planets 🌠

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Sun: These people can naturally attract abundance and luck into their lives. Being themselves, that is, being authentic can open many doors to opportunities. Strong self-esteem and natural charisma that make them not only well-liked but respected. They may have this "lucky charm" quality being considered one by people around them. They tend to earn recognition, praise and compliments quite frequently. Success in fields that allow you to be in the spotlight.

⬜Opposition or square with Sun: A path to self-acceptance and self-love is what will bring luck to the lives of these natives. It is necessary that they develop their own identity and learn to act based on what they believe and are. Developing an understanding of themselves and what they really want will align them with the path they desire and deserve.

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Moon: These people will be able to form a home in which they feel comfortable and happy. They can attract emotionally supportive bonds throughout their lives. They will attract many experiences and experiences that will give them satisfaction and emotional well-being. They may have great family relationships and form special bonds with women or attract women who support them greatly. 

⬜Opposition or square with Moon: To achieve success and happiness, these natives must learn to be more in touch with their emotions, better understand their needs and be more sensitive to themselves. By better understanding your inner world, being more patient and balancing reason and mind can lead you to a path of fulfillment and contentment with your lives.

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Mercury: Quality of saying things at the right moment. Communication and intellect are sources of success. They solve problems easily and have ideas that can create opportunities for them. They are people who can stand out a lot thanks to their skills. Very capable students. Excellent writers and communicators. Success and satisfaction when expressing what they think. 

⬜Opposition or square with Mercury: Creating a balance between planning and action will be essential for success. Working on your tendencies of self-doubt and overthinking will bring positive changes. It will be necessary for them to trust their abilities, create their own criteria and be cautious with whom they share their goals or aspirations.

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Venus: Artistic talents that can bring them success. They will attract relationships that will benefit them and bring happiness. Ease of attracting money. Life will flood you with pleasant experiences that will increase your happiness. These natives are endowed with attractiveness, charm and a lot of physical beauty. Their creativity flows with ease. Abundant love life or at least, a quite satisfactory one.

⬜Opposition or square with Venus: Working on and getting rid of people-pleasing tendencies can help you live more fully and feel better. They may feel they have a tense love life, tension between loving someone and loving themselves. Developing healthy self-esteem and learning to value yourself and your efforts will bring more luck.

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Mars: Their initiative brings them success, they seem to act or decide to start things at the right time. They may attract male figures who are very supportive or who give them opportunities to grow and succeed. Success and luck quickly act in your favor. These people win competitions and usually enjoy many victories throughout their lives. Much success when undertaking or working independently, also as leaders.

⬜Opposition or square with Mars: Learning to control impulses and work on ways to find motivation will bring greater satisfaction in the lives of natives. Being assertive, driven and patient can bring many benefits in the long term. Standing up for themselves without being hostile or too impulsive. Take things slowly and understand that things happen in their own time.

Part Of Fortune In Astrology

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Jupiter: These people take leaps of faith and often jump into opportunities that quickly grow. They attract very supportive connections and mentors into their lives. Blind luck. They improve and get successful quickly and are likely to achieve wealth and be presented with great opportunities.  Luck through travel and ease in attracting opportunities to learn new things that give you a lot of spiritual satisfaction.

⬜Opposition or square with Jupiter: The key is to create a balance in which you don’t drown either negativity nor excessive positivity. When things don't go the way they want, they can quickly throw in the towel or become demotivated, without being aware that many times life does this to put a better option in their paths. It is necessary to learn to trust the universe or simply have faith when a situation is out of our control.

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Saturn: These natives can achieve long-term satisfaction and happiness. Opportunities to advance professionally and have many successes in the workplace and/or as they get older. They can attract relationships with older people that benefit them in the long term. Success when carrying out plans and materializing them. They will attract great supporters or mentors who will support them. Positive karma will return to you quickly and in greater abundance.

⬜Opposition or square with Saturn: Hard work is the key to success. Your rewards will be given after waiting and a long wait that will be worth it. Patience, effort and a responsible mentality will be what will lead them to feel more satisfied with their lives. The blossoming of your hard work will take time but will bring you many benefits in the long run.

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Uranus: They can unexpectedly attract streaks of luck or great opportunities. Daring to make changes will give you satisfaction, growth and can open doors to success. They can attract helpful friendships. The internet can be a source of satisfaction, money and success. Your ideas, inventions, creativity and originality can be sources of fortune or triumph. Embracing your individuality will bring you happiness and opportunities to have everything you have wanted.

⬜Opposition or square with Uranus: Daring to leave their comfort zone and learning to adapt to life's changes can bring the success and joy they so seek to the lives of natives. Being authentic and balancing their independence, that is, doing things on their own without hating to ask for support, will lead them to get what they want.

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Neptune: They attract many opportunities to develop their spirituality and grow a lot through them. Artistic and spiritual talents. Gifted with magnetism and strong intuition. Ability to manifest and make their dreams a reality. Easily attract the compassion of others. A lot of creativity and they can achieve fortune if they materialize those ideas. They can intuitively make decisions that lead them to success or do things that, even without intending to, that give them an enormous degree of happiness.

⬜Opposition or square with Neptune: It is crucial that these natives develop a realistic mindset and have their feet on the ground to begin building their path to success. They need to learn to trust their intuition. Having a practical and realistic approach can bring greater opportunities to your lives. 

⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Pluto: They can attract great transformative experiences that can change your life forever in a good way. They will naturally attract positions of power, whether at work or feelings of empowerment. Anyone who harms you will soon meet the same fate. They will be able to achieve large amounts and different forms of fortune. Ease to overcome any type of adversity and have the results turn out in your favor. Ease of seeing what goes unnoticed by others. Strong and accurate intuition. You can attract people with a lot of power and influence who can support you.

⬜Opposition or square with Pluto: In order to find success and satisfaction, natives will have to learn to let go of everything that ties them to the past. Old frustrations that prevent them from trying again. The fear of failure can hold them back. They should be more open to change and not beat themselves down over past mistakes. Trust your power and embrace it.

5 months ago

My mind always wavers between, "I want to know and understand all there ever was, is and is to be" and "Who the fuck cares? Why does it matter? Let's get this meaningless marching toward death over with now, shall we?"

5 months ago

chapel dressed up as a knight at the vmas to silently commemorate darling charming

5 months ago

so sabrina carpenter and jenna ortega just said "what if we did deadpool & wolverine for the sapphics?" and act like we weren't gonna notice.

So Sabrina Carpenter And Jenna Ortega Just Said "what If We Did Deadpool & Wolverine For The Sapphics?"
So Sabrina Carpenter And Jenna Ortega Just Said "what If We Did Deadpool & Wolverine For The Sapphics?"

like.... hello???

5 months ago
Now Im Gone But Ur Still Layin Next To Me 1 Degree Of Separation

now I’m gone but ur still layin 🤷🏼‍♀️ next to me 1 degree of separation 🤷🏼‍♀️

6 months ago

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters to Life

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters To Life

1. Where It All Started: The Character’s Origin

Place of Birth: Where did your character first see the world? Think about the impact of this place—was it a busy city where they had to fight for attention or a quiet village where everyone knew everyone’s business? This location doesn’t just say where they’re from; it shapes how they see the world.

Family and Upbringing: What was their family like? Were their parents loving or distant? Maybe they were raised by someone other than their parents—a mentor, an older sibling, or even alone. Family (or the lack of it) is usually one of the most significant factors in shaping who someone becomes.

Society’s Expectations: What was expected of them when they were young? Possibly, they were born into wealth, with all the pressure to continue the family legacy, or maybe they were raised to be invisible in a world where survival mattered. How does this influence who they are now? Do they accept or reject those expectations?

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters To Life

2. Childhood Events That Left a Mark

First Taste of Conflict: Think about the first time the character realized the world wasn’t a perfect place. Maybe they witnessed violence or faced betrayal. What was that moment, and how did it stick with them? This moment usually lays the foundation for the character’s emotional landscape—fear, hope, ambition, or distrust all come from these early life lessons.

Childhood Dreams: When they were young, what did they want to be? Every child has dreams—did they want to be a knight, a scholar, or even just someone who could travel the world? Did they have to give up these dreams? How does that lost dream shape them now?

Formative Relationships: Who was their first best friend, mentor, or enemy? Childhood friendships and relationships often create deep bonds or wounds that last into adulthood. Did they have a mentor who taught them everything, only to betray them? Did they lose a childhood friend that still haunts them?

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters To Life

3. The Teen Years: Where They Start to Become Who They Are

Trials and Tribulations: What’s the biggest challenge they faced as they grew up? Was it losing a loved one, failing at something important, or maybe being forced into a role they didn’t want? These teenage years are where the emotional armor starts forming—how did the difficulties they faced shape them into the person they are now?

Education or Training: How did they learn what they know? Were they formally trained by an institution, learning everything by the book, or did they learn through experience, like a street-smart survivalist? What impact does their education or lack of it have on how they interact with others?

Teenage Bonds: Did they have a first love or a first major falling out with someone close to them? These experiences often create emotional scars or connections that they carry with them into adulthood. How does that past friendship or romance influence their behavior now?

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters To Life

4. Key Life Events: The Big Moments That Define Them

Trauma or Loss: Was there a moment that changed everything? Think about a significant loss—maybe a loved one, their home, or a sense of identity. How does this event affect their worldview? Do they build walls around themselves or dive into relationships with reckless abandon because they fear losing more?

Victory or Failure: Did they experience a moment of triumph or devastating defeat? Success and failure leave their marks. Were they celebrated as a hero once, leading them to overconfidence, or did they fail when everyone was counting on them, leading to crippling self-doubt?

Betrayal: Was there a betrayal that shaped their adult relationships? Whether it is a friend, family member, or lover, betrayal often changes how we trust others. Do they close themselves off, constantly expecting betrayal, or try to rebuild trust, afraid of being left alone again.

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters To Life

5. Where They Stand Now: The Present Moment

What Drives Them Today: What’s the one thing pushing them forward now? Is it revenge, the need to restore their family’s honor, or maybe even just survival? Whatever it is, this motivation should tie directly back to their experiences.

Emotional Baggage: What unresolved emotional wounds are they carrying? Everyone has scars from their past—some are visible, others not so much. How do these emotional wounds affect how they treat others, how they react to conflict, and how they move through the world.

Current Relationships: Who’s still in their life from their past, and how do they feel about it? Did they reconnect with someone they thought they’d lost, or are they haunted by unresolved issues with people from their past? Do they have any ongoing tensions or regrets tied to these people?

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters To Life

6. Tying Themes to Their Backstory

Cultural or Mythological Influence: How does their personal story tie into the larger world’s mythology or culture? Do they carry a family legacy, a curse, or a prophecy that hangs over them? How does this influence their interactions with others and their perception of themselves?

Recurring Symbols: Are there objects, dreams, or people that keep showing up in their life, symbolizing their journey? Perhaps a recurring nightmare haunts them, or they carry an object from their past that’s both a source of comfort and pain

Developing Backstory: Bringing Characters To Life

7. Character Arc: The Journey from Past to Present

How Does Their Past Shape Their Growth?: Every character has emotional baggage that needs resolving. How does their backstory drive their arc? Do they need to forgive themselves, let go of the past, or accept who they’ve become to move forward?

Unanswered Questions from the Past: Are there any mysteries in their backstory they need to solve? Maybe they’re unaware of their true parentage, or maybe there’s a forgotten event from their childhood that will resurface and change everything.

6 months ago

Writing extreme emotions

Just some things to think about

How they cry

—This is extreme emotions, not a dainty tear down their face. Are they crying silent tears of rage as they pour down their face, eyes wide and unblinking? Or are they choking on every word as their voice cracks? Describe it in detail.

How they try to calm down

—They don’t have to STAY calm, but see if you could get them to THINK they’ve got their emotions under control. Are they with/thinking about a loved one? Or are they just trying to push the event out of their head as they try to regain their breath? Now, should someone walk in who SHOULDN’T, then by all means, have them just go back to whatever they were doing before, or even worse.

Body language

—How do they behave? Are they jumping around and cheering, or do they quietly shake their fist in rage as they stare through the other people? Depending on the character, one can mean a lot more than another. For example, a quiet, shy character getting worked up means a lot more to the audience because we get to see a new side to them


—Obviously everyone breathes. But irregular breathing patterns (especially when they’re noticed by someone who’s not the MC) can tell a lot about what their reaction is. Are they losing their breath from laughing to the point where they begin to laugh and cry? Or is the world spinning around them as they begin to hyperventilate, going lightheaded and feeling overwhelmed

How they interact with the setting

—Are they throwing things, staring straight through all of the beautiful scenery, or are the bright colors blinding them? The more public and busy the location is, the less they may feel inclined to really act out, or maybe part of it is that they’re so emotional that they don’t care. Just try to keep the setting in mind for any dramatic, emotional scenes.

Other people’s reactions

—Consider how much the outburst is out-of-character when thinking about reactions. Do people run to console the anti-hero when they break down into tears, or do they stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do? Or, does this happen so often that others know exactly what to say and do, or are they so tired that they stand in the corner, defeated?

Remember to stay in character

—If you want this scene to stand out, you need to remember the characters themselves. Everybody gets emotional and breaks down, and when you can make it true to the character, you will make it real to the audience

6 months ago

Writing References: World-Building

20 Questions

Basics: World-building ⚜ Places ⚜ Imagery ⚜ Setting

Exploring your Setting ⚜ Kinds of Fantasy Worlds


Setting & Pacing Issues

Writing Notes

Animal Culture ⚜ Autopsy

Alchemy ⚜ Creating a Magic System

Art: Elements ⚜ Principles ⚜ Photographs ⚜ Watercolour

Creating Fictional Items ⚜ Fictional Poisons

Cruise Ships ⚜ Dystopian World

Culture ⚜ Culture Shock ⚜ Ethnocentrism & Cultural Relativism

Food: How to Describe ⚜ Word Lists: Part 1 2 3 4 5

Food: Cooking Basics ⚜ Herbs & Spices ⚜ Sauces ⚜ Wine-tasting

Food: Aphrodisiacs ⚜ List of Aphrodisiacs

Food: Uncommon Fruits & Vegetables

Greek Vases ⚜ Sapphire ⚜ Relics

Hate ⚜ Love ⚜ Kinds of Love

Medieval Art & Architecture: Part 1 ⚜ Part 2 ⚜ Some Vocabulary

Mystical Items & Objects ⚜ Talisman

Moon: Part 1 ⚜ Part 2

Seasons: Spring ⚜ Summer

Shapes of Symbols ⚜ Symbolism

Slang: 1930s

Symbolism: Of Colors Part 1 2 ⚜ Of Food ⚜ Of Storms

Topics List ⚜ Write Room Syndrome


Agrostology ⚜ Architecture ⚜ Art Part 1 2 ⚜ European Renaissance Art ⚜ Fashion ⚜ Gemology ⚜ Geology Part 1 2 ⚜ Greek Art ⚜ Law ⚜ Literature Part 1 2 ⚜ Poetry ⚜ Science

Writing References: Plot ⚜ Character Development

6 months ago

House Significations

1st House: Head/ face/ physical body, eyes and smile. Our identity. Others perception of us. Our birth. Birth marks/ moles and scars. Character. Perspective/ outlook. Beginnings. Ego

2nd House: Throat/ neck/ voice. Resources and personal values. Physical possessions. Self-esteem. Money/ income. Security. Cultivation. Substance

3rd House: Arms/ shoulders and hands. Communication style. Primary school. Reading/ writing. Intellect. Siblings and cousins. Immediate communities. Transportation

4th House: Chest/ breasts/ stomach. Family/ ancestors. Roots/ traditions. Private life. Home. Domesticity. Mother/ care taker. Foundations. Heritage. Comfort/ relaxation

5th House: Heart/ Spine/ Solar Plexus. Pleasure. Creativity. Romance. Children/ first born child. Self-expression. Humor. Leisure/ entertainment

6th House: Digestive system/ intestines: Healthcare/ wellness. Daily routines. Known enemies. Employment/ skills. Coworkers. Consistency. Strength/ courage

7th House: Urinary tract/ kidneys/ bladder. 1-on-1 relationships. Business partners. Marriage partners. Contracts/ commitments. Compromise. People/ things we attract and are attracted to

8th House: Reproductive system/ genitals/ anus. Secrets/ lies. Death. Judgement. Transformation. Debts/ taxes. Shared resources. Conscious fears. Instincts/ intuition. Occultism

9th House: Hips/ thighs/ liver. Ideology/ philosophy. Long distance travels. Expansion/ exploration. Knowledge. Spirituality. Foreign affairs. Belief systems. Culture

10th House: Bones/ skeleton/ teeth/ skin. Reputation. Public image. Occupation. Focus/ ambition/ motivation. Professional self. Government. Authority. Father figure

11th House: Circulatory system/ veins/ calves/ ankles. Group efforts/ charity. Friendship. Gifts/ help from others. Innovation. Technology. Social work. Wistfulness. Acquaintances

12th House: Feet/ lymph nodes. Institutions. Unconsciousness. Nightmares/ dreams. Psychic abilities. Karma. Self-undoing. Fears. Privacy/ refuge. Peace. Forgiveness

6 months ago

Editing Your Own Novel

Landscape with Rainbow (detail)
George Henry

Questions to Consider

Character Development & Motivation

Are the goals and motivations of the protagonist clear?

Are the characters authentic and three dimensional?

Are the characters proactive about achieving their goals?

Are the relationships between the characters well-developed and believable?

Are the character’s voices distinct from one another, and consistent throughout?

Plot & Pacing

Are the stakes high enough to drive the tension throughout the narrative?

Are the plot twists believable, yet unexpected?

Do the characters react realistically to the events of the novel?

Do the events unfold naturally, or are there events that jar or confuse the reader?

Are there sections that lag or bore the reader?

Does every scene drive the story forward?

Are the hooks at the beginning and ends of each chapter effective?

Does the book start and end in the most appropriate places?

Is the story free of info-dumps that slow the action?


Is the reader provided with a clear sense of place/location?

Is the period of time, and the sense of time passing, clear throughout the manuscript?

Are there sections where there could be more (or less) description of setting?


Is the voice appropriate for the genre and target audience?

Is the point of view the most appropriate and effective for the story that unfolds?

Is the voice and tone consistent throughout the manuscript?

Is the voice fresh and engaging?

Source Writing References: Plot ⚜ Character ⚜ Worldbuilding