xvmpire - Alaaddin

who need friends? when you run a blog nobody cares about.

23 posts

This User Feels Like Nobody Wants Them Around Anymore.

ⓘ this user feels like nobody wants them around anymore.

More Posts from Xvmpire

2 years ago

thinking about how life really is just about connections. how connections are what make life worth living. connections to people, to places, to music, to films. how these connections can make make you feel so much, and how beautiful that is.

Thinking About How Life Really Is Just About Connections. How Connections Are What Make Life Worth Living.
3 years ago
Taken In The Metro Of Istanbul, The Photographer Says That Whenever He Tried To Lift His Head, She'd

taken in the metro of Istanbul, the photographer says that whenever he tried to lift his head, she'd ask him to rest more, tiredness brought him down,

- but love kept them both standing up strong..

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2 years ago
If Someday The Moon Calls You By Your Name Don't Be Surprised, Because Every Night I Tell Him About You.

if someday the moon calls you by your name don't be surprised, because every night i tell him about you.

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3 years ago

winter. a vibe. beautiful Pakistani women & their resplendent shawls.

3 years ago

was it a vision, or a waking dream?

fled is that music: – do i wake or sleep?