Discord: xxcrazylutexx. (yes the dot is part of the username) | Wattpad: @XxCrazyLutexX
162 posts
Easy Win For V. She Didn't Even Have Competition.
Easy win for V. She didn't even have competition.
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More Posts from Xxcrazylutexx

for @informist, Avery

quick reminder that my own gay ass genuinely supports the hell outta each and every one of you. regardless if i know you or not, im happy to be living in this shithole of a life in the same world with you.
and im proud of you, i know in my heart just how beautiful, amazing, talented, smart, and worthy you are and i hope you can see that tooπ³οΈβππ
Sorry for not being active.
This is a triggering topic. For reasons, read at your own risk.
Even if your not reading it, please reblog. I want this to get
Tw: s3xual h4rassment
Hi everyone. So remember sober husk? Aka @/ember-oc?
He was racist, and blamed it on his sleep deprivation. I know, pretty fucked up. I'd think by now he'd learnt his lesson. But no, instead he continues to be a horrible person.
Being racist to multiple people, and now engaging in a non-consenual s3xual relationship with someone who clearly wanted nothing to do with him.
He s3xually harassed them. It disgusts me to see how FUCKED people can be sometimes.

Here is proof.
Why are the msgs edited? They said they kept misspelling things which I can confirm. They do misspell a lot. And imagine being put in THIS situation. Imagine how traumatized and scared they were. Yes, they're going to misspell.
This is disgusting. The most degenerative, diabolical shit I have ever seen.
Not only forcing someone to e-s3x with them, even making them do dirty things on VC?
Its absolutely foul. He needs to take accountability, apologize for the shit he has done. He cant just sit in silence and not expect consequences. For now, it seems his blog is inactive. Despite that, I still demand an apology from this cowardly fuck.
Its so surprising to see him stoop this low, getting off to a person he didnt meet irl. Its pathetic.
Dont just like. Reblog.
@tired-xyra @tofumixp @mod-rainfrog @king--of--ducks @alyxdefoisnthere @headlessdeaddancer @nerdyquestier @penguinmaster9999 or anyone else
Here's a very special fuck you to the staff of this godforsaken website. π»
I submitted a report 4 days ago with the subject line "URGENT β SOMEONE'S LIFE IS IN DANGER" following a close mutual threatening suicide and immediately deleting all social media presence. I had no other way of contacting her outside of her socials as I only knew her first name and state which isn't nearly enough to track someone down with. Believe me, I spent hours upon hours trying to find her family on Facebook, news articles, etc. I knew even though her blog was gone, though, Tumblr had to have had her email on file still. I knew they couldn't give it to me directly with privacy policies, but at least I could beg them to try to contact her, the authorities... Anything.
Up until now, I've only heard good things about the Tumblr staff's reaction speed, if not anything else about this hellscape. So I had enough faith to think they'd at least respond to me if they couldn't find her.
And they did respond, I suppose. *4 days after her death.*
4 days after the death I couldn't stop, her other friends couldn't stop, because no one was fucking listening.
And what do they say? They tell me they can't do shit! No explanation, no I'm fucking sorry. Just "Oops! Blog's gone! Not my ball, not my court anymore! Try contacting this other bullshit useless hotline for Tumblr support that's just gonna ignore you all over again." And to salt the wound, they end it all by BEGGING FOR FUCKING MONEY.

I'm so fucking angry I'm shaking. I've cried, I've screamed, I've punched a goddamn wall. I only found out she was dead days later because I managed to find an IRL friend of hers on here.
FUCK TUMBLR. Fuck this shitty ass website and shitty ass staff that doesn't give a flying fuck about its users. I wish nothing but the worst for that whore Bernadette I spoke to over email. You could have saved a life. But no, you sat around on your ass just to tell me you can't do shit about it.
With the utmost disrespect, I hope the other side of your pillow is always warm and I hope you step in a puddle in nothing but socks.

As for my friend, I just hope she can rest easy now. I'm so so so sorry and fucking heartbroken there was nothing else I could do.

Meh. Does sound like me.
i made a generator for yall to see what ur genders are