xxrobotessaxx - xXRoboTessaXx

Dying sure hurt... I'm back now, F*CK YOU CYN!

437 posts

"We'll Think And Talk About It. I Can't Make Any Promises For Jaybird," Tessa Stopped Her Rambling And

"We'll think and talk about it. I can't make any promises for Jaybird," Tessa stopped her rambling and covered her mouth in surprise that she just blurted her pet name for J out in front of someone else. "I'm sorry, please don't tell her I said that," she giggled in embarrassment.

The brunette security drone would just sigh... hand Tessa a thermos of oil, and calmly signaled for her to go.

"Just... don't wander so closely to the camera room next time, alright... kiddo?"

She wasn't sure if this was actually Tessa or a facsimile, so she was being a bit standoffish for the time being.

Vanessa wasn't about to say that J already knew who she was... since she thought it was better to let Tessa figure it out and remember on her own.

Being the sole security drone in the manor was a complicated operation. She had to keep the workers organized and in check, especially when Tessa's parents were not home... while juggling other duties like pest control and keeping an eye on the kid as well.

That night though, she wasn't there... technically. She could still remember when that body went offline suddenly as something suddenly cut through her core.

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More Posts from Xxrobotessaxx

5 months ago

She wanted to stay now though after accepting the oil. "Wait," her tenseness drifted away, "So... you were one of my father's drones, right?" she continued to ask inquisitively, "Do you remember the night I tried to run away..."

The pale-grey LED eyed drone in the blue dress smiled in a bittersweet way before continuing, "... I hopped into a dumbwaiter and took myself down in the middle of the night... I know someone stopped me and told me that if I left N and J would get in trouble for me going missing..."

She sat back down, swinging her legs back and forth slightly, trying to think back.

"You Seem Familiar." Abruptly Commented A Brunette Security Drone As She Looked Tessa Up And Down With

"You seem familiar." Abruptly commented a brunette security drone as she looked Tessa up and down with those yellow eyes of hers, almost like she was scanning her with sensors hidden behind the visor as she pondered who they might be or where they had been seen before.

Compared to a disassembly drone, she was clearly a bit taller being about six feet (or about 1.83M if we're talking metric.), more heavily armored, and there wasn't an exposed sensory array attached to the headband. That and she was weirdly silent in spite of her size...

RoboTessa jumped slightly at the security drone. "Cor blimey, you gave me a startle." She stared at the other drone, shocked at how tall she was. "I... I was formerly known as Tessa James Elliott... and then... well, everything happened," she rubbed her gauntlets near where her wrists were out of anxiety, "I've been dead for at least a decade, but, through some mechanical intervention, I'm alive again, somehow... I'm sorry if I upset you," she winced a little, she was scared if she was in trouble, she didn't like getting in trouble at all, too many bad memories of her getting in trouble with her parents were starting to show up in her mind, she smiled sheepishly. "I-if there's any issue, you could reach out to Jay-b... I mean" she stopped herself from using her pet name for J, "Serial Designation J, if there's any issues... she's one of the drones who helped put me back together."

5 months ago

She scooped Nate up, as well as some of his broken limbs. "It's alright, accidents happen. Hold on, we're gonna head back to the pod cavern and I'm going to get my tools and fix you up, alright?" She ran up the embankment with whatever the drone version of adrenaline was being her energy.


.. ..he's exploring and gets trapped under rocks.......n hadn't checked in

She had heard some noise outside of the landing pod and she went to check it out. RoboTessa ran to the side of the cliff where the noise came from. "NATE! OH MY GOODNESS!" She exclaimed as she ran down a less steep grade of the embankment. "Are you alright?" she asked as she ran to his side

5 months ago

I like regular oil too but, it would be really fun to have tea with you sometimes, J. Pretty please? *sparkly LED sad eyes, playing BlueJaysounds.mp3*

(another set of questions from xXRoboTessaXx) Are w-... I mean you able to drink other kinds of oil? Like lavender oil? I'm asking for someone who's at the store right now and is getting hungry and REALLY wants to chug it like it's strawberry tea... and said friend might be me

I don’t think so..I’ve never tried flavored..scented oil?? You mean like the ones you use for HUMIDIFIERS??!

TESSA —- you need actual oil, that’s not enough to replenish you. I doubt it would work since we weren’t built or feed off from LAVENDER OIL.

5 months ago

She pleaded, "Stay with me!" she got out a vial of cinnamon oil and gave N a sip so he'd stay awake before she started working on him, she only had a roll of ducttape on her and some JB Weld, so she was going to make it count to at least keep him from bleeding out more by sealing up his wounds.


.. ..he's exploring and gets trapped under rocks.......n hadn't checked in

She had heard some noise outside of the landing pod and she went to check it out. RoboTessa ran to the side of the cliff where the noise came from. "NATE! OH MY GOODNESS!" She exclaimed as she ran down a less steep grade of the embankment. "Are you alright?" she asked as she ran to his side

5 months ago

She ran in to get her tools and hurried back out to Nate, she kneeled beside him and started using some metal she found the other day, switching her hand to a welder tool.

"Don't look at the light or you'll boot loop," she ordered before she flipped down a welder's mask, she was going to wait for Nate to close his eyes


.. ..he's exploring and gets trapped under rocks.......n hadn't checked in

She had heard some noise outside of the landing pod and she went to check it out. RoboTessa ran to the side of the cliff where the noise came from. "NATE! OH MY GOODNESS!" She exclaimed as she ran down a less steep grade of the embankment. "Are you alright?" she asked as she ran to his side