yeehawbrothers - bat ♡
bat ♡

a college student who reads fics and procrastinates.

881 posts

The Fact Almost All The People I Have Crushes On Look, Or Act, In Some Way Like The Doctor Is Concerning

The fact almost all the people i have crushes on look, or act, in some way like the doctor is concerning

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More Posts from Yeehawbrothers

2 years ago

Such A Gentleman

2022 Month of Writing: Day 15

Pairing: Killian Jones x reader

Prompt: I'll walk you home & Take my jacket, it's cold outside

Such A Gentleman

Word Count: 2,967

Author's Note: please don't steal my work! you can choose to respond to the prompt as well, but don't steal my work

Such A Gentleman

y/n huffed as she rolled her eyes. She had been traveling all day and had stopped for a break at a local bar and inn. She was hoping to get a room to rest for the night but those hopes were shot down. Not because there was no room or because the place was unbearable, but because of the men. Ever since she entered the bar, eyes had been trained on her. The feeling was making her uncomfortable.

y/n finished her drink and paid the bartender, thanking her with a nod and small smile. The woman rose from her seat and started toward the door. She slipped into the cold night, shivering slightly before walking away from the bar. y/n walked down the road, ignoring the few people she saw.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her into an alley. y/n grunted a little when she was pushed against a wall. She looked up to find herself looking at a tall blonde man. He smirked down at her. Glancing behind him, y/n could see nearly half a dozen other men grinning at her, causing her to roll her eyes slightly.

"Nice of you to join us," the blonde in front of her said. "It's been awhile since we've had visitors." He moved closer to y/n, pushing her closer to the wall. "You know, you were quite a distraction in the bar earlier this evening."

"Is that so?" y/n responded.

"Oh, you have no idea."

"Would it help if I said I wasn't meaning to?" y/n hated talking like this but she wanted to get out of this situation as soon as she could, which sadly meant playing along.

The blond smirked as he leaned closer.

"You want an honest answer?" he said against her ear. y/n held her breath, smelling the alcohol radiating off of him. "That just makes you much more attractive."

Okay, I'm done with this, y/n thought before headbutting the blonde.

The man cried out in shock and stumbled back, giving y/n room to breathe again. She smirked when the man grabbed his head, groaning in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry," y/n said with a fake voice. "Did I hurt you?"

"You're going to pay for that," the blond growled. "Get her!"

y/n rolled her eyes and ducked when a man swung his fist at her. She grabbed his arm and used him momentum against him, slamming him into the wall. As he dropped to the ground, another man lunged for her. y/n spun out of the way, avoiding a third man in the process. She stepped back from them to face the six of men. They had all pulled out swords or knives.

"Is that how we're playing?" y/n asked, putting a hand on her hip. "And I thought you all were gentlemen."

The man closest to her lunged, swinging his sword at her head. y/n moved out of the way, twisting his arm so his grip loosened on his sword. As soon as the sword was in her grasp, y/n punched the man in the face, knocking him to the ground.

y/n brought her sword up to block another blow that was aimed for her side. She spun quickly and kicked him in the head, rendering him unconscious. y/n turned to face off another man, avoiding blows that were coming from other men as well.

Suddenly, one of the men grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back. The man's other hand grabbed her other wrist, keeping it from moving. She struggled when she was pulled against the man's body. Glancing behind her as much as she could, she could see it was the blonde man.

"Drop your sword and we'll make this quick," he told her. The hand holding her extended arm slowly began moving up her arm. y/n's eyes darkened when his hand reached her shoulder, his fingers ghosting over her collarbone and neck. "Then again, I kinda like it when a woman fights back."

y/n growled when she heard a sudden cry. She looked in front of her to see that a man in a black trench coat was now fighting one of the men off. With the new distraction, y/n slipped out the blonde's grip. She quickly took out the man closest to her before leaping off of a crate and kicking the blonde in the head. She watched as he collapsed limply to the ground.

"And what happens if that woman wins the fight?" she asked before throwing the last man into a stack of crates.

y/n glanced at the man in black, seeing that he was finished with the man he had been fighting. y/n threw her weapon to the ground, stepping over the unconscious men as the mystery man put his own sword away.

"I could have handled him," she stated as she approached him.

"Based on what I saw, I'm sure you could have," he said. "You alright, luv?"

"I walked out of there in one piece, didn't I?" she replied, stepping out of the alley with the man. "Thank you, by the way."

"It's not a problem, luv." He gave her a smile. "Killian Jones," he introduced.

"y/n," she replied.

"A pleasure, milady."

He gently took her hand and placed a kiss on top of it. As he straightened himself, y/n glanced over him. He had dark hair, along with some stubble on his face. His eyes looked like the sea, filled with adventures and wild tales, but there was also pain hidden under their waves. He wore dark pants and boots with a red vest covering his black shirt. A silver necklace hung around his neck and his right ear was pierced. There were several rings on his right hand while his left was replaced with a metal hook, though she didn't question it.

"How did you manage to know where I was?" y/n asked, curious as to how he knew she needed help.

"I will admit that I followed you out of the bar," Killian replied with a small smile. "But, I did so after I saw those pinheads walk out. I noticed they had been looking at you for most of the evening and I could tell you were uncomfortable."

"So you were watching me." He shrugged. "Well, I must say, I'm almost glad you were, or else it might have taken me longer to take those men out."

The two chuckled.

"I'm going to take a guess," Killian said after a minute, "that you wouldn't be interested in going back there and having a drink?"

"Probably not," y/n replied.

"Then can I interest you in some rum back at my ship?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't drink rum."

"We might have to change that at some point."

"At some point, maybe. But not today."

Killian laughed, making y/n smile a little. The pirate looked at y/n, noticing the way her body shook slightly. He shrugged off his long black trench coat and held it out to her. y/n raised an eyebrow at him, confused.

"Take it," he said. "You need it more than I do right now."

y/n slowly took it from him, waiting for him to change his mind. When he didn't, she slipped the coat on, sighing slightly at the warmth it provided. She had only worn pants, boots, a blouse, and a light vest. She hadn't expected it to grow so cold as the night drew on.

"Thank you," she said, causing him to nod. "Are you sure you don't need this?"

"Keep it," he told her. "I can always get another one."

y/n nodded. The two spent the next hour simply talking and walking around the town. Killian brought her to a different inn and bought her a room, even though she told him not to several times. Killian walked her to the room she would be staying in, saying goodnight and leaving a kiss on her hand. y/n said goodnight to him, going into her room.

She waited until she heard Killian leave to go to the window. She looked outside, watching Killian leave the inn. She couldn't help but smile and wave slightly when he glanced up at her window. He saw her and waved back before heading down to the docks.

Such A Gentleman

When Killian awoke, he was greeted to the sounds of arguing on the upper deck. The man quickly got dressed and, grabbing his sword, stepped outside.

"What is going on here?" he asked in annoyance. He looked at his crew, noticing a few men that stood out. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"They've asked to speak with you, captain," one of the crew members stated.

"Oh? And why is that?"

A familiar blonde man stepped forward. Killian knew he knew the man from somewhere but couldn't quite remember where from.

"Where is she?" the blonde asked.

"Where is who?"

"Don't play dumb, pirate. You know who I speak of. You helped her last night."

Killian smirked, nodding when he recognized the men. They were the ones from the bar that had followed y/n.

"Ah, yes. I know exactly who you're talking about. What of her?"

"Where is she?" he asked again.

"And now why would I tell you that, mate?"

"We have some unfinished business we need to take care of."

"Is that so?" Killian stepped forward so he was only a few feet away from the blonde. "Well, if you want to get to her, I'm afraid you're going to have to go through me."

The blonde glared at him for several moments before pulling out a blade and slashing at Killian. The pirate ducked out of the way, his crew springing into action as the blonde man's friends started to fight as well. Killian pulled out his sword and blocked another attack from the blonde. The sound of metal clashing against metal rang through the air.

The blonde blocked one of Killian's attacks and managed to punch the pirate in the gut. Killian stumbled back, his left hand going to his stomach. He looked up as the blonde approached, smirking.

"Payback time," he said, raising his sword.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm, spinning him around. y/n smirked at his shocked expression.

"Nice to see you again," she said before punching him in the face.

The blonde fell to the ground with a thud, releasing his weapon. y/n stepped over him and offered her hand to Killian. The pirate smiled and let her pull him to his feet.

"I could have handled him," Killian said.

"Based on what I saw, I'm sure you could have." Killian chuckled, recognizing the line he had used the night before. "So what did these creeps want?"



"Where you were."

y/n rolled her eyes and glared down at the unconscious blonde.

"Some men are just plain disgusting." She glanced at Killian. "And yet some are gentlemen who decide to help someone they barely know. Thank you for that."

"My pleasure. Although it does help that you are an attractive young woman who happened to catch my eye."

"Don't push your luck, Jones," she told him with a smile.

"Worth a shot." y/n rolled her eyes. "What brings you down to the docks, luv? Have you decided to take me up on that rum offer?"

"Not this time. I'm here because of this." She held up a familiar black coat. "I came to return it and thank you for lending it to me."

"Not a problem, luv."

He took the coat from her. y/n gave him another smile before turning and walking off the boat. Killian walked to the rail of his ship, watching as she walked back toward the town.

Such A Gentleman

Just like every other night, the bar was full of people. y/n sat at a small table off to the side, not wanting to draw attention to herself again. Every now and then she would glance up and look around the bar, rolling her eyes at the half drunk people before turning back to what she was doing. She held a piece of wood in her hand while she held a small knife in the other, using it to carve the wood.

y/n brushed a small shaving of wood to the ground, letting it join the other wood chips. Handling the knife carefully, she began to carve small details into the side of her creation. As she worked, she noticed someone walking toward her table.

"Anyone sittin' here, luv?"

y/n looked up to find Killian standing in front of her, a smile on his face.

"You've got eyes, Jones," she replied. "You tell me."

The pirate chuckled as he sat down. He glanced at the glass that was on the table, raising an eyebrow when he saw it was full of rum. Killian looked at y/n in amusement.

"I thought you said you don't drink rum," he said.

"I don't."

"Then what's this?" He motioned to the glass. y/n smirked and pushed it towards him. Killian laughed. "You got this for me?"

"Like I said before, you've got eyes. Take it as an extra thank you for what you've done for me."

Killian nodded, taking a sip from the glass as he watched y/n, who had gone back to her carving.

"You know, it's kinda funny how we keep running in to one another," he commented. He smirked at her. "Are you following me around, luv?"

"For the record, I was here first. I'm not sure how that makes me a stalker."

"What are you making?" he asked, motioning to the wood in her hand.

y/n held out the wood to him. Killian took it from her hand, looking over the raven she was making.

"I tend to carve during my free time or when I'm bored."

"It's very well done," he complimented, handing the bird back to her.

"Thank you." y/n slipped the figure into her small bag while she put the knife into her sleeve. "So from what I've heard, pirates don't normally stick around in one place for too long, yet you've been in town for two or three days. What's made you stick around, Captain?"

Killian shrugged.

"Let's just say that something here caught my eye and I wanted to learn more about it. Besides, I thought the crew could use a little time on shore."

"And how has your research been coming along?"

"Well that remains to be seen."

y/n smiled slightly. After a few moments, she stood up from her seat.

"I should get going," she said. "It's getting late and I could use the extra sleep."

"Why don't I walk you, luv," Killian offered, rising as well.

"Such a gentleman."

"I do try."

The two chuckled before heading toward the door. But before they were able to make it outside, a hand grabbed y/n's arm, turning her around.

"Where do you think you're going?" the man holding her asked.

"I'm leaving," she stated simply, glaring at him.

The man glanced at Killian before looking back at her.

"You could do so much better than a pirate, sweetheart. How about we get a drink and I can show you that I'm far better company."

"How about you let go of me and we pretend this never happened?"

"What makes you think that'll happen?"

y/n quickly ripped her arm away from him, punching the man square in the face. He cried out in shock and pain, falling to the ground.

"Never touch me again," y/n growled.

Without another word to anyone, she stormed out of the bar. She could faintly hear Killian calling for her to wait but she refused to listen as she ran for the inn. She dashed inside and up to her room, shutting the door behind her. y/n's hands went up to her hair, pulling at it slightly in frustration. Not even a minute later, a knock sounded at her door, causing her to jump.

"You alright in there, luv?" she heard Killian call from the hallway.

y/n opened the door so she could see Killian. The man offered her a small smile as he stepped into her room, shutting the door behind him.

"You ran out there in quite a hurry, luv," he said. "Plus I'm pretty sure you broke that man's nose."

"He deserved it," y/n muttered.

"That he did." He slowly stepped forward and reached toward her face. y/n closed her eyes when his hand touched her cheek, wiping away the tears that had unknowingly escaped from her eyes. "You alright?" he asked quietly.

"Not really," she admitted. "It seems like every guy in this town is trying to get me to go home and sleep with them." y/n sighed heavily, trying to hold back more tears. "It's frustrating. For once, I’d like to have someone want me for me.”

"Not every man." The woman looked up at Killian, who offered her a small smile. "I have an idea, luv," Killian said. "Why don't you come with me? My crew and I leave in the morning. Not exactly sure where we'll go or where we'll end up, but you are more than welcome to join us. And if you do, I'll make sure that no man shall ever lay a hand on you again."

y/n smiled, fresh tears spilling from her eyes as she laughed a little.

"I'd like that," she replied. "I would like that a lot."

"Well then, welcome to the crew of the Jolly Roger, luv."

2 years ago

Hello 💙 I was wondering if you could write something with the tenth doctor making you cry by getting angry at you and then when he realizes you're crying he comforts you and turns really sweet? Thank you very very much and also thank you for keeping me company with your fics 😄

Thank you anon! I've re-watched some 10th Doctor stuff recently and I forgot just how much I like him as the Doctor (although not with Rose...)

Hope you like the fic!

Title: Confessions

Doctor Who tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings, @yourneighbourhoodclown, @love-of-fandoms, @emilythezeldafan, @fabulous-jj-style, @theseeker945, @pleadingeyes, @kjaneway1, @truthbehindthemysteries, @im-a-muggleborn, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @mythandmagik, @geocookie21, @zerocanonlywriteshit, @thewinterpoet2, @anteroom-of-death, @night467, @clarasoswaldd, @sessa23, @mxacegrey

Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee

You wiped away the stray tears as you sat down heavily on your mattress. You sniffed as you felt more tears well up and you blinked rapidly as you tried to will them away. You had heard the Doctor be that harsh before but never, never, towards you. Your head jerked up as you heard soft knock at your door.

“Y/n,” the Doctor said, “Can I come in?”

When you didn’t answer he sighed and you heard him sit down just outside your door. You were grateful that he didn’t try and come in. You were quite ready to see him just yet.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m so, so sorry. I never should’ve raised my voice to you.”

“Then why did you?”

The Doctor sighed and you could picture exactly what he was doing. Closing his eyes and running a hand over his face as he tried to find the right words to say. Words that might be too late.

“Because,” he said eventually, “Because I was scared.”


You stood up and walked towards the door. You heard the Doctor’s breath hitch slightly, probably thinking that you were going to open the door. Instead you sat down on rest your head against the wood. Such a thin barrier between you and yet you had never felt further away from him.

“Yeah,” the Doctor said, “You know how rare that is?”

He gave a light chuckle but when you didn’t respond it trailed off into an awkward cough. He shifted and continued,

“I thought you were going to die.”


That shocked you. You looked over your shoulder even though you knew that you wouldn’t be able to see the Doctor. You heard him shift on the other side as he continued quietly,

“I’ve lost so many people, y/n. My entire planet, friends, people that I…love,” he practically whispered that word and you almost missed it, “I didn’t want to lose you too. I almost thought I did so when I saw you in the TARDIS I-“

He broke off and gave an awkward cough.

“I was angry at you for almost sacrificing yourself and I was angry at me for almost letting you die. I know that doesn’t excuse what I said and how I said it but I need you to know. I need you to know just how much I care about you.”

While the Doctor was speaking you stood up quietly and put you hand on the door handle. The doctor hadn’t seemed to have noticed you moving until you opened the door. He gave a cry as he fell backwards into your room. He looked up at you and you raised an eyebrow at him.

“Is this you telling me that you love me?” you asked



The Doctor quickly scrambled to his feet, making a point not to make any eye contact with you.

“I’m sorry.”


“If I’ve made you feel awkward as well.”


“Y’know,” the Doctor shrugged and gave you a quick glance, “If you don’t feel the same.”


“We can forget it ever happened. The confession that is, not me yelling at you.”



“You have a lot of making up to do for yelling at me,” you linked your arm with his, “But I love you too.”

“You do?”

The Doctor beamed at you and pressed at kiss against your cheek. You laughed as you rested your head against his chest as you lead him towards the console room.

“Like I said, you have a lot of making up to do but you can start with a trip of my choosing.”

2 years ago

I love how my enjoyment of Doctor Who is either "this show is a life-affirming showcase of friendship, kindness and decency that shows all the best qualities of humanity" and "hehe funny alien in silly clothes". There is no inbetween.

2 years ago

Yeah, I'm fine

*Types "<character name> x reader" into tumblr search bar*

2 years ago

Christmas in the Tardis.

tenth doctor x fem!reader

SUMMARY: Y/n decides it's Christmas. Now her, the doctor and donna will exchange gifts...and kisses.

holiday fluff :)

Christmas In The Tardis.

"Merry Christmas!" Y/n cheered, smiling brightly as she skipped into the console room, gift bag swaying in her hand.

"Y/n, we're in the TARDIS. There's no real concept of time here." The Doctor chuckled. In return she frowned, mocking thought.

"Really?" She asked, watching him nod. "Then why is there a Christmas tree?" Y/n pointed over her shoulder before skipping over to Donna.

"Huh?" He followed her finger and saw a perfectly decorated Christmas tree in the corner, donning flashing lights. "But how did-" The TARDIS toyed her lights teasingly at her thief and he rolled his eyes, feigning dismay. "Oh, of course."

"C'mon, C'mon!" Y/n beckoned the Doctor, sitting down on her knees next to Donna. He complied and walked to them with a smile.

"Right, so I've just got you both some small presents," Y/n spoke before digging into the red gift bag she had been carrying. "Not much, but I hope you'll like them."

"Y/n, I'm sorry but I didn't get you anything - truthfully I forgot about Christmas. You seem to lose track of holidays and things in here." Donna apologised, though Y/n just waved a dismissive hand.

"Don't worry about it!" She smiled, handing a wrapped item to the redhead. "And this," She continued, fishing out a small wrapped box, "is for you." Y/n handed it to the Doctor, who gratefully accepted with wide eyes.

"For me?" He asked, eyes drifting from the box to his companion. Her head bobbed up and down as confirmation.

"Well, go on, then!" She demanded. "Open them." Her expression turned nervous, waiting for their reactions as they tore open the wrapping. Donna finished first, laughing gently as a purple dress fell onto her lap.

"Oh my god! I haven't stopped thinking about this dress since we saw it on that planet!"

"I know! I noticed how much you liked it so when your back was turned I got it for you." Y/n shrugged, smile widening as the redhead attacked her with a tight hug.

"Thank you!" She whispered before pulling back, still adoring her new outfit.

Y/n turned her head to the Doctor, who had remained silent during their exchange. His head hadn't lifted and was still observing the small, now open, box in his hands. Y/n frowned a little. "Do you not like it?" She assumed quietly.

His head snapped up, looking directly into her eyes. "Not like it?" He asked, eyes beginning to gloss. "Oh, Y/n, I love it!" He countered cheerfully, placing the box delicately to his side and rushing to wrap her into his arms. She chuckled as he rocked her back and forth, repeating a million thankyou's.

"What did you get?" Donna asked as he sat back down, Y/n rushing to collect the torn paper on the floor before the pair could notice her flaming cheeks.

The Doctor turned the box to show Donna. Inside layed a gold ring with unusual circular patterns all around it. "It says my name," He announced joyfully. "in Gallifreyan."

His redhead companion gasped, moving to observe the jewellery he was presenting. "Oh my, it's gorgeous." She spoke softly.

The Doctor nodded in agreement, eyes focusing on who he had received this treasured item from. "It is, isn't it?"


After a day full of board games and nibbles, everyone had retreated to their rooms.

Y/n was resting on her side reading a book when she heard a knock on her door. She reached her hand across the bed and picked up her bookmark, sliding it into the book, then closing it and walking to the door.

She smiled in greeting as she opened the door, coming face to face with her favourite alien, who was standing with both hands behind his back, rocking on the heels of his feet.


"Hi," He returned, shifting anxiously. "Uhm, I just wanted to give you something." His hands moved from behind his back, revealing a wrapped object.

"You didn't have to get me anything!" She told him sincerely. Y/n took it from his hands,then paused, rasing a singular eyebrow. "But you couldn't have known that I'd choose today to be christmas." She stated.

The Doctor shook his head. "No, it wasn't really a Christmas gift. Just something I saw a few days ago and thought of you." He clarified. She awed, ripping the paper off.

Bringing a hand up to rub his neck, the Doctor watched as she gasped.

In her hands she held the original copy to her favourite book. "Oh my - " She cried, turning the book around to afore it from every angle.

"Maybe open it up." The Doctor advised. She followed his orders, eyes growing wide as she read the first page.

"To Y/n, Have a very merry Christmas, all my love.." She halted her words, head whipping so fast back to the Doctor. "No!" She yelled in disbelief. "You didn't!"

The Doctor just shrugged bashfully. "What else is a Tardis for?"

It wasn't a mistake. The Doctor had gifted her the original copy of her favourite book, signed by the author.

"Oh, I can't believe you!" She cried, wrapping her arms around him. He too wrapped his arms around her waist, pouting briefly when she pulled away.

She leant up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, laughing to herself as they turned scarlet. "Thankyou!"

"Oh, it was nothing."

"No," She objected. "This was everything. You're the most thoughtful man I've ever met."

He smiled at her compliments, lifting his head up. However, he suddenly began to blush deeper, glaring at the air. At this, Y/n frowned.

"What?" She asked, looking where he had been prior to turning into a tomato. Her eyes widened when she spotted mistletoe hanging above their heads.

She looked back to the Doctor, her own blush appearing as they stared at each other with wide eyes.

The Doctor cleared his throat, squeaking out a "How do you kill a sentient ship?"