They Have Onesies At Target And I Wanna Get One Kajdhdjd
they have onesies at target and i wanna get one kajdhdjd
More Posts from Yellowt-rex
note to self
if you ever don’t feel like putting the work in, remember the end goal
i need more flowers in my life, more natural sweetness. not overly sugary candies and fake perfumes but like…. the scent of a wild field, or rich green forests after a chilled rain, of powerful-tasting fruit and golden lemonade. waiting for the way my life is fresh and real again.
Writing Prompt
Your superpower is infinite knowledge. When you hear ‘why?’, the answer instantly fills your mind. But the last time you spoke with an adult, your power put you in a coma due to the sheer complexity of the answer. So now you teach kindergarten.
Tag your responses with #wordsnstuff // Ko-Fi //
hi yeah this happened again lol sorryyyyy
i keep leaving and not coming back for like six months at a time IM SORRY