yet-another-leo - Yet Another Leo
Yet Another Leo

☽☾ I like astrology and tarot.

309 posts

Hello, What Does It Mean When A A Boy Has Pisces Aphrodite In The 6H Conjunct His Ascendant?

Hello, what does it mean when a a boy has Pisces Aphrodite in the 6H Conjunct his Ascendant?

if it's in the 6H it can't be conjuncting the ascendant....

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    crookednickelcroissantllama-blog liked this · 1 year ago

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10 months ago

𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

reblog and answer as honestly as you can (you can answer with either tropical or sidereal placements, but do mention which one)

1 ✧ lunar ruled/lunar dominants, do you always feel eclipse energy? [lunar ruled = cancer asc or moon as chart ruler]

2 ✧ those who have pluto aspecting their sun/moon/rising (in either transit or natal), have people told you/been telling you that you look dead?

my answer: when pluto first entered aquarius and opposed my sun everybody and their mother were telling me that I was starting to look dead everyday.

3 ✧ venus ruled/venus in 1H/10H/venus conj. asc/mc, do people always tell you that you are pretty? Like is it the first thing? [venus ruled = libra/taurus asc or venus as chart ruler]

my answer: I'm a libra asc and I don't always get compliments but getting called pretty was the only ever compliment I used to get. Yeah it's usually the first thing people would tell me.

4 ✧ venus conj. jupiter/venus in 9H, have you ever crushed on your teacher? or dated a teacher?

5 ✧ what annoys you/makes you angry & how does your anger show up? what's your moon and mars placement/aspects?

my answer: nothing really offends me at firsthand anymore and even when it does I can hide it well, but what I do hate is when people just keep repeating the same things over and over again. In the past, I would get into physical fights ☠, but now I either call people out or stay quiet. I have a 8H taurus mars sq. saturn & neptune, and 4H capricorn moon opposite mercury.

6 ✧ which song(s) best describes how you feel in love/in a relationship & what is your moon and venus placement?

my answer: "religion" by lana del rey, "false god" by taylor swift, and "humen tumse pyar kitna" by kishore kumar and I have virgo venus in 12H and capricorn moon in 4H

7 ✧ what's your favorite placement in your birth chart + the least favorite?

my answer: I like my libra asc and 10H mercury the most. My least favorite is my virgo venus tho, and that's bcuz most of the interpretations I see are kinda boring and unrelatable for me.

10 months ago

Astro Observations #1 -

Virgo Venus: Beauty & Desirability

Astro Observations #1 -
Astro Observations #1 -
Astro Observations #1 -

I've noticed in virgo venus people (celebrities mostly), they're usually highly desirable or desirability is a big part of their image/career despite their venus being in a debilitated sign.

for example: vinnie hacker, bella hadid, nct jaemin, kim kardashian, kylie jenner, charlize theron, i could go on but my point is on some level their fame is tied to their looks for better or worse.

Astro Observations #1 -
Astro Observations #1 -
Astro Observations #1 -

virgo's general attention to detail/reliance on routine/tendency to prioritise bodily health, in a planet like venus usually makes the native acutely aware of your appearance and how it may/may not match up conventionally.

and therefore leads to knowing exactly which details to tweak to look better, paired with rigorous upkeep/routine, usually leads to an enhanced appearance that comes through effort, rather than the effortless beauty that comes with a strong/well-placed venus.

this could be anything from an extreme beauty regimen to a strict gym routine or regularly getting procedures done or even just learning how to do makeup perfectly for your features.

in bella hadid for example, growing up as the undesirable sister and then becoming a supermodel, kim's history with plastic surgery procedures and using it to launch her empire, or kylie jenner getting lip filler and that being the start of her brand, or vinnie hacker mentioning he used thirst traps to kickstart his career, even jaemin's dramatic bodily transformation as a result of his extensive gym routine that he's upkept regularly even after doing 3 hour concerts.

this is like my first ever post in this tumblr so anyyyy feedback on posts like this would be really helpful moving forward. I've wanted to start an astrology blog for some time and im still tweaking the details but glad i could finally begin with it and share what i know :D

10 months ago

𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

reblog and answer as honestly as you can (you can answer with either tropical or sidereal placements, but do mention which one)

1 ✧ lunar ruled/lunar dominants, do you always feel eclipse energy? [lunar ruled = cancer asc or moon as chart ruler]

2 ✧ those who have pluto aspecting their sun/moon/rising (in either transit or natal), have people told you/been telling you that you look dead?

my answer: when pluto first entered aquarius and opposed my sun everybody and their mother were telling me that I was starting to look dead everyday.

3 ✧ venus ruled/venus in 1H/10H/venus conj. asc/mc, do people always tell you that you are pretty? Like is it the first thing? [venus ruled = libra/taurus asc or venus as chart ruler]

my answer: I'm a libra asc and I don't always get compliments but getting called pretty was the only ever compliment I used to get. Yeah it's usually the first thing people would tell me.

4 ✧ venus conj. jupiter/venus in 9H, have you ever crushed on your teacher? or dated a teacher?

5 ✧ what annoys you/makes you angry & how does your anger show up? what's your moon and mars placement/aspects?

my answer: nothing really offends me at firsthand anymore and even when it does I can hide it well, but what I do hate is when people just keep repeating the same things over and over again. In the past, I would get into physical fights ☠, but now I either call people out or stay quiet. I have a 8H taurus mars sq. saturn & neptune, and 4H capricorn moon opposite mercury.

6 ✧ which song(s) best describes how you feel in love/in a relationship & what is your moon and venus placement?

my answer: "religion" by lana del rey, "false god" by taylor swift, and "humen tumse pyar kitna" by kishore kumar and I have virgo venus in 12H and capricorn moon in 4H

7 ✧ what's your favorite placement in your birth chart + the least favorite?

my answer: I like my libra asc and 10H mercury the most. My least favorite is my virgo venus tho, and that's bcuz most of the interpretations I see are kinda boring and unrelatable for me.

10 months ago

Unknown asteroids #2

Unknown Asteroids #2

@m1nd-r0t here is part 2, enjoyyy!!

🌷Elodie (10726) – French form of Elodia, which has a Spanish origin; means “foreign riches” as in old money/inheritances, denoting the nature of both Capricorn and Scorpio; if prominent in composite, it can indicate a couple that becomes rich together under mysterious circumstances

🌷Epicles (23549) – of Greek origin; denotes an Ancient Greek medical writer who lived in 1st or 2nd century BC; prominent in medical staff and medicine students

🌷Epimetheus (1810) – of Greek origin; denotes the Titan god of afterthought and excuses; it shows which area we tend to come up with excuses (if it aspects Mars – excuses as to why we can’t start something, why we don't exercise; if it aspects Venus – excuses as to why we can’t get in a relationship, why we’re unlovable)

🌷Epikourus (5954) – of Greek origin; denotes an Ancient Greek philosopher, who founded a renowned philosophy school centered around Epicureanism; prominent in philosophers and those who think deeply

🌷Ercol (155784) – of British orign; denotes a British furniture manufacture; prominent in the charts of successful interior designers, usually by sextile or trine

🌷Fado (541741) – of Portugese origin; denotes a type of Portugese folk music which centers around death, mourning and loss; based on my research, it does show up in the charts of metalheads who are into doom metal (this asteroid usually aspects their moon), but not in the charts of goths

🌷FAIR (204873) – of English origin; well, it’s self-explanatory

🌷Fairbank (67235) – of English origin; denotes someone who gets charity money for the right cause/someone who easily attracts scolarships and sponsorships

🌷Fiammetta (50729) – of Italian origin; means “little fiery one”; denotes someone who becomes cute when angry; in the charts of very spiritual/religious people, it can show the faith that burns inside and guides them

🌷Huma (3988) – of Persian origin; denotes a bird similar to the phoenix, which is supposed to bring luck and fortune; luck that comes after a transformation

🌷Hus (1840) – of Swedish origin; means house; in synastry, if there’s double whammy aspects (person A’s Hus aspects person B’s Hus and vice versa), it’s very possible that you might live together

🌷Icke (7508) – of (old) Swedish origin; means nobody, no one; if it conjuncts Sun, it indicates a loner or someone who isn’t taken into consideration by others; a second meaning: what we find disgusting

🌷Ida (243) – of Greek and German origins; means industrious, laborious, hardworking

🌷Indulgentia (90703) – of Latin origin; means lenience, concession; in synastry, it denotes someone prone to give a second chance to their ex; if this asteroid squares the other person’s Venus and the Venus person cheats on the Indulgentia asteroid person, the asteroid person is very likely to forgive them and continue the relationship

🌷Isolda (211) – of Welsh and German origin; means “she who is gazed at”; denotes a woman who attracts the attention of both men and women due to her beauty; if it conjuncts MC, it can point out to a career as a model

🌷Jaffe (9696) – of Hebrew origin; means beautiful, pleasant

🌷Jamila (1843) – of Arabic origin; same meaning as asteroid Jaffe

🌷Lioba (974) – of German origin; means dear, beloved one

🌷Lippens (9640) – of Scottish origin; means trust, to rely on someone; a second meaning: lips

🌷Lipschutz (2641) – of German origin; means lip protection (it might be prominent in those who use lip balm frequently); in synastry, it denotes a thoughtful, caring lover, who kisses softly

🌷Meesters (10647) – of Dutch origin, means master (of something), boss

🌷Megaira (464) – of Greek origin; she is one of the 3 Furies/Erinyes in Greek mythology; denotes jealousy and envy, similar to Klythia (73) and Irsha (216451)

🌷Meiden (2881) – of German origin; mean to avoid, to shun

🌷Vieuxtemps (40007) – of French origin; means “old times”, but it can also show nostalgia; in synastry, it can show connections that last decades; the friends and lover/spouse we will have during seniorhood

🌷Vetter (18377) – of German origin; means cousin

(10726, 23549, 1810, 5954, 155784, 541741, 204873, 67235, 50729, 3988, 1840, 7508, 243, 90703, 211, 9696, 1843, 974, 9640, 2641, 10647, 464, 2881, 40007, 18377)

Unknown Asteroids #2