yin-yun - Yenna's stepmom
Yenna's stepmom

27 posts

I Hate Yoojin But This Is Cute ^^), And Yoseong Is Ficking Adorable (*)

I hate yoojin but this is cute (〜^∇^)〜, and yoseong is ficking adorable ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

A doodle before i go back to study for finals since our gave up on thatヽ(⇡▽⇡)ノ

A Doodle Before I Go Back To Study For Finals Since Our Gave Up On That()
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More Posts from Yin-yun

2 years ago

NOOOOOOOO Daniel dont think that you perfect your sweet, kind hearted, and always protect the people you love it doesn't matter what you look like, if you have more courage and self love, you are our precious danny and we love you ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

And fyi the fandom loves your OG body more (*^3^)/~☆

Daniel oh Daniel

Daniel Oh Daniel

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2 years ago

maybe its because you are reading it on a illegal website or a bad translation, cuz in webtoon it didnt say that, i dont like it if one of my favorite author is getting hate

im just saying what i know so pls don't take this as offending you or your community

Also im not surprise about that if its official translation cuz this arc is full of criminal, like r#pist, m#rders, and pedos so i wont be surprised if there are r#cist people there

+Mandeok may not have the best designed character but he is strong, has a bit of compassion with other characters, very loyal, smart and tactical in fights and smart in general.

And if i offended you in this im very sorry (ノдヽ)

Nah ptj, because what the actual fuck is this?????

Nah Ptj, Because What The Actual Fuck Is This?????
Nah Ptj, Because What The Actual Fuck Is This?????

One of the only black people in this manhwa and he's a racist who hates Asians? I tried to ignore the other shit but come on man, is that really how you see us black people?

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2 years ago

Ok ok i'll continue (*^▽^*)


(And also i like historical manhwa's or any fantasy story that might be the cause of the setting in my dreams)

And also foget to tell you all I HAVE A FUCKING SON WITH THAT F#CKING B@STERD

Some parts of the dream i kinda forget but remembered some parts

I love the baby but HATE THE FATHER

the son kinda looks like this

(This is just a reference so you can image it)

Ok Ok I'll Continue (*^^*)

I am the daughter of the grandduke's, and i was in a different empire then Daniel's i was in empire where the ruler is F#CK CHARLES CHOI WTFFFFF i was surprised and she(Nana) said that Crystal is my friend but......


After that story Nana said i was shock, nervous but mostly angry cuz i have a f#cking @busive gun's for a husband but good thing Gun wasn't there Nana said he went overseas with goo business that Charles orderd they won't come back for at least a year or 2, so a got the mansion all to myself


but it was pretty boring though, not having technology and sh!t so i changed into a more appropriate clothing the clothes is not a kimono but a more victorian it was a pale blue long sleeve dress/gown with a white floral design and i have a white summer hat pale blue flower design and went outside of the mansion in a carriage, then before i got in i heard a childs voice, i turned around and saw a little boy running and cling to my leg and said "mama, mama can i come, can come" whit this expression on this face o(〃^▽^〃)o how can i not say no i love children (not the annoying once) so i let him come, idk i did that i was just curious on how historical/fantasy world is and Gun was nice enough to leave lots when i say lots i say A LOT of money, idk how this fantasy world has a black card but ohhhh well a got a lot of money soooo |( ̄3 ̄)| Im in the market place with Nana and my Hades(my son), we where just walking around and trying food at one point we separated she went with Hades to same random toy store while i was walking around and i saw someone in the alley way and you would not believe who it is 💀💀

It was f#cking Eli he was wearing modern clothes he has bruises and dry blood all over him while holding a sleeping yenna in his hands with very few scratches on yenna, i was surprised and shock but i kinda also fangirling (it was Eli what do you expect me to do 💀) i stop fangirling cuz he was in terrible shape so i called the coach man help him into the carriage and also said to the coach man to call Nana and Hades back, while i was holding yenna so we went back to the mansion I ask Nana if there where doctors here and she said she will call them immediately, as she hurdly go to to a carriage to call a doctor, (there was no doctor in the mansion) i ask the knight/guard to carry Eli into a room and requested a maid to bring me a warm water and a towels and also clean clothes and said to a butler to take Hades to his room, as as they did what i requested and settled yenna beside her father, i unbotton his shirt and dang he got ABS i went anime nose bleed and literary said to myself “control yourself Ashia(not my name) his is in literary almost dead state you need to calm down and help him” as the maid went in with the thing i requested, i gently wipe the dried bl00d and bruises so it won't get infected, i ask a butler to change his clothes after that Nana came back with a doctor, the doctor did a magical examination on him that shock me i was like “dang magic really bro i could do soo many things with it “ψ(`∇´)ψ” after that thought the doctor was done and when i looked and was shock he was all healed up, the doctor said "he will be fine Duchess Ashia him and the child just needs some rest, im surprised he still alive because of that internal bleeding, but no need to worry i have healed them now" i was relieved on what he said "I'll be leaving now" he continued while bowing and left I dismissed everyone including Nana as i stayed in the room i wanted to admire his face (dont judge me, who wouldn't do that |( ̄3 ̄)|) his handsomer than i expected what i assume was that this Eli is the current design cuz of this hair style and clothes, i was getting bored so i left the room to let him rest by him self

i went to the library and read a book or two i got side track a saw the the sun was setting i ate in the dining room after that i came to check on Eli if he was okay, and i called Nana for some water and food in case he wakes up, i was fixing his blanket and he suddenly open his eyes and looked at me and said "Heather is that you?" That surprised me (Im offended you just called me a d3#d girls name, is it cuz of my f#cking hair!!!?) but i play it cool and said "Im sorry but thats not my name, Im Duchess Ashia" and smile, as he situp he said "Aaa sorry my bad" a forced smile he made "where am I?" He questioned acting calm but i could tell he was panicking but didnt show it i answered his question "Your at the Yamazaki Duchy" i continued with a question "who are you and how did you get into that state on the alley?" he answered me with "Ahhh yeah I forget to introduce myself Im Eli jang, and it was a blur i was fighting with my friend against this man a horrible man that i wanted d3#d" as he look like his about to k!ll someone, it made me nervous and afraid cuz of his expression, when he saw or feel my nervousness he said "Ohh sorry for saying that to you, i must have scared you" he was right and i said "No its alright he must have been a horribly man if you wanted him d3#d" nervously smile cuz im technically the wife of the person he was talking about "you can continue, i want to hear you situation" i said "Ohhh yes i was beaten up badly and collapse before i past out i saw a portal or something and woke up in a forest and surprised yenna is right beside me, i thing the forest healed me cuz when i moved my body didnt hurt" i hummed as he confronted "so i exploded the forest yenna to find anyone, i keep walking nowhere in particular and i heard some thing running fast and getting closer to me the logical thing to do is to run the other way because you are in a unknown place" i'll give you a summary

Eli was attacked by beast or some 4 legged creature he did get away but badly injured while protecting yenna he found Guns territory (he didnt know that ofcourse) that why he was in that alley way

We hear the door opened and saw my baby boy ( ^∇^) he stomping on his little legs if you saw it it was sooo cute

anyways he came up to me and said " mama story time" he was pouting at me while continuing "do you love this man more than me, is that why you'd help that commoner from that alley way" that surprised, 'he really is Guns son' "Hades dont call people that, i helped him because he was injured and with that little girl" i scolded him, when i looked at Eli he was surprised to say the least "You have a child, but you look so young" I laughed and kinda teased him "dont you have a child also, why cant i?" I saw him having a small blush maybe cuz of embarrassment "i was just kidding, but yes I am 17(i found out my age is the same in real life) and have a child with my husband" he was shock, ngl i am too when i foundout "your 17?" He questioned "yes, but im turning 18 in a month"(same calendar) i answered "and how old is your son?" I sighed 'i know where this is going' i was about to answer but Hades cut me off "im 7 and dont you dare hit my mom" while pouting and angrily stomping walking infront of me with a protective manner.

And my dream stop there and i wake up

thank for reading i appreciated it, if you want i can do more of story telling of my dream, just let me know good day/night my darlings~ (^v^)

@lookismaddict Bro i got another dream of gun just last night, istg that this man is really haunting me 💀

Story time:

Ok it started like last time i wake up in a room (the same f#cking room 🤡) it was morning this time im wearing a kimono a different design it was like a brown color the design is like a branch of petals with different shades of orange, blue and dark brown to black it was pretty, but back to the story the kimono was covering me but my shoulder was exposed i was covered with bandages and there where some exposed bruises abd black spots, i saw the door slide open and a girl come in she was around 16-14 yrs old she was carrying a bucket of water and a towel, i had assumed that she was a maid cuz of the clothes she was wearing and what she was carrying, i was right about that cuz she said to me is "my lady im glad your ok!!!!" she cried "the master is an @sshole for doing that to you" while she said that angrily i was so confused on who this girl is, as she continues "so what if you talked to that prince of Seoul, the prince is WAY better that him, i hope master d!e in a the most clueless way possible for the thing that he have done to you!!!" i was nervous to say the lest but she didnt noticed, she was business cussing that "master" guy, when i calmed down a bit i ask "who are you, and what happened?" she looked at me as she was calming down and said "you must have forgotten like the other time this had happend" as she told everything to me that had happened, I'll give y'all a summary of this

first of all WTFFFFFFF IM GUN'S F#CKING WIFEEEEE his WIFE i rather D!E then become his wife i assume that i was his concubine or something because of last time but NOOOOO I HAD TO BE HIS WIFE, OF F#CK SAKE

second I WAS IN A COMA FOR MONTH AND HALF i was not surprised about that, im getting side tracked here i'll continue

After that i learned her name was Nana and she was one of my personal maids and i also learned that the prince she mentioned was Daniel and that we where friends, in her story she said that me and gun are in a ball or some celebration and lot of different kingdom where there, i was close with Daniel cuz we went to the sa school as children, and she also said the my father was the grandduke of Seoul Empire.

idk if y'all want me to continue but i'll leave it at that.

P.S thanks for reading this (≧∇≦)/

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2 years ago


and we dont need to wait until married to kiss, I'll kiss every part of your cute face my sweet lovely Vasco (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

and also thank you Jace your the best wingman (^.^)

Okay wow! Now you just made me sad about the “Compliment Assault” Vasco fic. I NEED THEM TOGETHERR AHHH. The fic is so good, It hurt me when they didn’t confessed🥺🫶. Can u pls make another one where Vasco ended up confessing to the reader with the help and around burn knuckles?. Heehhe thank you so much! Your fics are so good😘

- 🥔

Hello my favourite carb! Thank you for your lovely words :D Yeah I thought I ended it on a little bit of a sad note. I dunno how to end things lol. Your ask intrigued me with how Vasco and the reader would leave things, so here's my brainfart. And it's looooong and ramble-y (I even used the keep reading feature!!) and tbh not the best but! Enjoy!

Vasco x Reader: With the help of Jace's ears

Okay Wow! Now You Just Made Me Sad About The Compliment Assault Vasco Fic. I NEED THEM TOGETHERR AHHH.

"What's wrong Vasco?"

Euntae was sitting in the empty classroom, looking worried and deep in thought.

Jace sincerely hoped it wasn't more trouble with the 4 Crews. They've only just managed to recover from their injuries and rest. He knew that himself and the rest of Burn Knuckles still have a way to go before they could even be considered a threat. He was desperate to get stronger and actually be a help and not a hindrance.

Besides, sometimes it's easy to forget they're still in school and should really be more worried about their grades and attendance.

Still, if this is what Vasco needs then Jace has no doubt that he will have the full backing of Burn Knuckles.

"I had a really strange conversation with Y/N the other day," Vasco turned to Jace with one lone tear falling from his face.

Jace felt a surge of relief but what's this now, "Oh?" his ears start to wriggle.

"She called me sweet, felt my muscles, and then was sad about me getting a girlfriend..."

"!" The ears grew a little larger...

"I'm not even interested in dating, especially if that means spending less time with Y/N." And a little larger still. "I made a promise I would always look after her."

"VASCO!!" Jace gripped his shoulders and shakes him. Huh? Has Jace's ears always been this big? "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!"



"Fuck you, morons! Put me down!"

You are kicking and punching any which way but to no avail. The Burn Knuckles crashed into your class, "They're over there!!", lifted you - chair and all - out of the room.

You are now being carried in one of their weird formations, but you weren't going to go down without a fight. No wonder the Principal wanted to expel them! They were usually pretty chivalrous with you but this crossed the line.

"I'm sorry, but these are orders from Lord Vasco and Sir Jace!" one of the oddballs pipe up. You immediately stop your flailing. Vasco and Jace? You haven't seen Vasco since your almost-confession the other day, but for Vasco and Jace to summon you, even with this... method, it must be important.

"Hmph. Fine."



The crew discards you in a heap outside their classroom. You dust yourself off and yell insults and threats to their retreating backs. One of them even has the gall to turn back and wave. Urgh.

"VASCO!" you open the door and stride in, "Do you know what those blockheads-"

You pause, taking in your surroundings. The Architecture classroom was transformed, with petals covering the floor and candles lining the room. Was that... music? Vasco stands in the middle of it all, looking like he was on the verge of fainting.

Your heart flutters. Is this what you think it is?

"What's going on?"

If anything, from the second you opened your mouth, Vasco looked even more nervous. "I... I- erm. Y/N. You... Me... and I..." you could see him visibly gulp. Is that a sheen of sweat?

You move closer, hoping to comfort him. You give him a small smile and a tender look, "Euntae, it's ok. What did you want to say?"

"We. I mean... You. I think... Myself... No. Wait," Vasco squeezes his eyes shut, "JACE!"

Jace pops out from behind him. What the fuck he was there the whole time? You take a step back from them both. Maybe you actually had the wrong idea.

"Wait, Y/N! What Vasco meant to say was that he was thinking about what you were saying the other day when he walked you home..." Jace turns quickly looks to Vasco, who nods his head immediately, his eyes still glued to the floor. You don't think you've ever seen Vasco so anxious or embarassed. Or Jace's ears so big.

"...And he likes you."

Your eyes widen in surprise, "Is this true?" you direct at Vasco.

He completely freezes on the spot under your scrutiny.

"Ahem, what Vasco meant to say is yes. It's true." Another swift nod.

"..." Vasco mumbles something indecipherable under his breath.

"He thinks you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen,"


"Oh right yeah, inside and out."


"And he wants to date you. Be your boyfriend,"


"Wants to take you out, hold your hand,"


"He thinks about you all the time,"



"Jace!" You cut him off. You get it. You do. And you're truly grateful for his help, but you would really rather the rest of this conversation happen in private. The words coming from Jace ruin the effect somewhat. "Thank you, but would you mind if I speak to Vasco alone?"

"Oops, heh. Of course..." Jace claps Vasco on the back and leaves with a self-satisfied smile, his ears trailing behind him.

"Euntae," you stand in front of him. Your hands reach out to his. He finally looks at you shyly, a nervous smile on his lips. Like he wasn't sure what you were going to say, like you haven't been obvious.

"You've been so good to me. You have such a good heart. And," Vasco lets out a squeak as you squeeze his pecs, "Your body is just..." You make a sound of appreciation. "I would love for you to be my boyfriend."



Vasco would have thought he mishead you, or you were just messing around again, but he catches the way you look at him. You are absolutely smittened.

The final barrier breaks, he takes you in his arms and holds you tightly. He couldn't believe it's happening. After all this pining, he was the one (with the help of Jace and Burn Knuckles) who had the confidence to actually confesses first. His only regret was not doing it sooner.

You reach up to seal your new relationship with a kiss-

Vasco flinches sharply. "AHH NO Y/N! You can only do that when we're married!!"

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2 years ago

It also explains why mama park is so concerned and worried about Jinyoung, and i saw a theory that elite/charles is the one that mama park referring too

It Also Explains Why Mama Park Is So Concerned And Worried About Jinyoung, And I Saw A Theory That Elite/charles

Am I stupid to think that daniel/hyungseok's mom is Jinyoung's sister 🤧

Am I Stupid To Think That Daniel/hyungseok's Mom Is Jinyoung's Sister