yin-yun - Yenna's stepmom
Yenna's stepmom

27 posts

First Of All I Will Be Continuing This So Don't Worry And Second Maybe You Miss Interpret Charles Os

First of all I will be continuing this so don't worry 😌 and second maybe you miss interpret charles os the ruler so emperor and dont worry about the cussing Im fine with it cuz of my friend (he cuss at me and pulled a middle finger but just in a playfully way he doesn't mean any harm)

And I still remembered but not in detailed so ot will take time (and also busy with school soooo you know)

And see you next time darling and to the darling readers too love uuuu


@lookismaddict Bro i got another dream of gun just last night, istg that this man is really haunting me 💀

Story time:

Ok it started like last time i wake up in a room (the same f#cking room 🤡) it was morning this time im wearing a kimono a different design it was like a brown color the design is like a branch of petals with different shades of orange, blue and dark brown to black it was pretty, but back to the story the kimono was covering me but my shoulder was exposed i was covered with bandages and there where some exposed bruises abd black spots, i saw the door slide open and a girl come in she was around 16-14 yrs old she was carrying a bucket of water and a towel, i had assumed that she was a maid cuz of the clothes she was wearing and what she was carrying, i was right about that cuz she said to me is "my lady im glad your ok!!!!" she cried "the master is an @sshole for doing that to you" while she said that angrily i was so confused on who this girl is, as she continues "so what if you talked to that prince of Seoul, the prince is WAY better that him, i hope master d!e in a the most clueless way possible for the thing that he have done to you!!!" i was nervous to say the lest but she didnt noticed, she was business cussing that "master" guy, when i calmed down a bit i ask "who are you, and what happened?" she looked at me as she was calming down and said "you must have forgotten like the other time this had happend" as she told everything to me that had happened, I'll give y'all a summary of this

first of all WTFFFFFFF IM GUN'S F#CKING WIFEEEEE his WIFE i rather D!E then become his wife i assume that i was his concubine or something because of last time but NOOOOO I HAD TO BE HIS WIFE, OF F#CK SAKE

second I WAS IN A COMA FOR MONTH AND HALF i was not surprised about that, im getting side tracked here i'll continue

After that i learned her name was Nana and she was one of my personal maids and i also learned that the prince she mentioned was Daniel and that we where friends, in her story she said that me and gun are in a ball or some celebration and lot of different kingdom where there, i was close with Daniel cuz we went to the sa school as children, and she also said the my father was the grandduke of Seoul Empire.

idk if y'all want me to continue but i'll leave it at that.

P.S thanks for reading this (≧∇≦)/

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More Posts from Yin-yun

2 years ago


> he's just like "carefully. I got this car recently"


LITERALLY ":000!!! "

> He's Just Like "carefully. I Got This Car Recently"
> He's Just Like "carefully. I Got This Car Recently"
> He's Just Like "carefully. I Got This Car Recently"
> He's Just Like "carefully. I Got This Car Recently"

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2 years ago

It also explains why mama park is so concerned and worried about Jinyoung, and i saw a theory that elite/charles is the one that mama park referring too

It Also Explains Why Mama Park Is So Concerned And Worried About Jinyoung, And I Saw A Theory That Elite/charles

Am I stupid to think that daniel/hyungseok's mom is Jinyoung's sister 🤧

Am I Stupid To Think That Daniel/hyungseok's Mom Is Jinyoung's Sister
2 years ago

yay i gat zoe 😚

Yay I Gat Zoe

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2 years ago


this is sooooooo unfair 😭, when i dreamed about Gun he always f#ck me like a b!tch and when i wokeup i can also feel the pain in my head 🤧

Story time

that night i was sleeping wake up in a room (to be specific a traditional japanese one) and my clothes was like neko's purple kimono but mine was sakura flower design and i also have a hair piece it also a sakura design and i was a on full on make up, i was alone in the room so i went out of the room (its also night there) its wasn't that dark there where lanterns lit up when i was exploring i realized the it wasnt a traditional house but a mansion (i got lost there) but i ended up in the garden i was sooo beautiful there, i had wish that i never wake up but that was a mistake cuz i heard stomping noises i turned around and saw Gun (without his glasses) if this was a dream you would be excited but.......

It was a nightmare i was sooo terrified he was soooo angry not angry but furious i didnt know what the context of the situation is he just grabbed my arm almost dragging me, i was very afraid and anxious i didnt know what to do i know it was a dream but it felt so real i was crying and we stopped at the same room that i woken up he f#ck threw in the bed and stripped me and he did thing that i couldnt say

In the middle of him doing those things to me i woken up but feel like im about to vomit, and its was a school day i wasn't feeling well all day

My 3rd Dream of Gun Park✨

GOOD MORNING!! OK SOOO… I had another weird dream with Gun in it. Three times the charm, right? 😭 (SORRY, I HAD TO DELETE THE PREV POST BC I REALIZED I ACCIDENTALLY PUT “Post” INSTEAD OF “Save”. I’m dumb 😓) AND WHY IS IT ALWAYS HIM IN MY DREAM? I MEAN, I’M NOT MAD ABOUT IT BUT AT LEAST PUT SOMEONE ELSE IN IT FOR ONCE. Like Goo, or Jake, or EVEN SAMUEL. Alright, but this time, he isn’t being a total butt. He was actually nicer. A LOT nicer than the last dream I had with him in it. This was what he was wearing:

My 3rd Dream Of Gun Park

But his hair wasn’t fixed like that. It was the other hairstyle that had his hair parted onto one side. For some reason, he decided to buy me a ticket to go see an American hockey game at night. I’m not even a hockey fan btw and I wasn’t even interested whatsoever. But, I decided to go with him because I’ve never seen one either. He wanted to go because he was curious to see what was the appeal for Americans to watch a sport where they use sticks to score points for a team. (This was because Goo mentioned this to him before during work and he found it ridiculous. He should’ve thought about croquet too. They use mallets or something, I don’t know.) The ticket that he got for me were FRONT SEAT TICKETS TOO!!! LIKE WTH??? Big flex, but ok…? 💀💀💀 Honestly, I was getting interested in the game but on his end, he seemed kind of bored. TOO bored. It wasn’t even half-way into the game, and he already wanted to bail. I felt his hand slid onto mine as he gave it a tight squeeze before standing up from his seat and said, “Let’s go.” Confused, I got up as well and followed right behind him out of the arena with his grip still on my hand. Once we got outside of the arena, he dragged me away from the parking lot where I was expecting him to take me back to his car, but we were heading around the back of the arena. “Gun, where are we going?! Isn’t the car the other way around?!” With one swift pull, my back landed against the wall and he planted his hands strongly on both of my sides. Anxiously, I looked at both of my sides and asked nervously, “W-what the hell do you think you’re doing…?” When Gun’s face leaned in closer, he whispered, “What do you think I’m doing?” My eyes widened in surprise as I gasped and asked him loudly, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?! HERE OF ALL PLACES?!” Gun put his index finger onto his lips briefly, hushing me to be quiet. “If you stay quiet, then this could work.” Blushing furiously, I hissed at him saying, “Are you crazy?! Why do you want to do it here? Couldn’t this wait until later? I thought we have somewhere to go after this!” Gun chuckled mischievously as he replied with, “Dinner can wait. We’re too early anyways, so we still have a lot of time to kill.” Scrunching my eyebrows in disbelief, I answered, “But what if we get caught?” Gun shook his head with that foxy grin still displayed on his face. “We won’t.” I looked at him skeptically until he repeated himself once more. “Trust me, we won’t. If you stay quiet, then we won’t.” You protest again saying, “Ok, but what if-” However, the rest of my words were silenced with an unexpected kiss. From the night sky above, the moon revealed itself from the dark clouds that was previously shrouding it, shining moonlight down onto me and Gun. The nightshade illuminated Gun’s handsome facial features underneath the moon’s wakening. With my arms wrapping around his neck over his shoulders, entangling onto his soft hair from behind his head, I pulled him closer, letting the night naturally take us wherever this might go…


Gun and I managed to arrive at the place where we were supposed to have dinner at. The restaurant was painted in light pink carnation walls and decorated with gold plated trinkets, but the atmosphere was harboring romanticism, with its dimmed French-styled chandeliers suspended up above wherever I went, as if I was walking through the Palace of Versailles. Thank god, we both made it in time after [CENSORED]. We were both seated at a table with a romantic display of a vase holding a flower bouquet of roses placed at the side of the table, with a small candle flickering softly beside it. Once the two of us took our orders, the waiter left us alone for us to exchange words about our earlier escapade.

“How was it?”

“How was… what?”

He smirked at my obliviousness, as if I had forgotten that we [CENSORED]. While I was observing the flowers, I realized what he was talking about, as my head slowly turned towards him with my face gradually shifting to an embarrassed caricature.

“And you’re going to bring that up… NOW?”

With that devilishly attractive grin of his, he took a sip out of his tea. Before setting it down in such a sophisticated manner, he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair with pride plastered on his face.

“What? You didn’t enjoy it? Last time I remembered, you were-”

Already dying in embarrassment, I quickly leaned over the table and clasped my hand over his mouth to prevent him from continuing any further.

“Just shut up, will you?!”

I felt his hand gently grab onto my hand that was covering his mouth then slowly pulled it away from himself, relieving himself from my sudden abruptness. With a “Hmph.” I returned back to my seat and crossed my arms in return.

With his right arm now resting on the arm rest of his fancy chair, he leaned and rested the side of his head onto the back of his hand, while observing my very movements. Admiring my physical facial features, my facial expressions, and my eyes bashfully averting his over the candlelight, he gave me a warm smile.

“Every time, you never fail to amuse me.”

With my eyes now glaring at him, I said through gritted teeth, “Shut up and just wait for the damn food to come…”

The two of you sat there in comfortable silence, until the food arrived. The majority of the time when we ate together, we conversed in various topics about each other’s lives. How was work? How was school? Is work treating you well? (“Of course it isn’t. It’s Goo, we’re talking about.”) By having dinner and talking about the little things with this simple-minded man before me, was already enough to make me feel contentment. His constant complaints made me laugh, which made him admire my happy face over dinner. Leaving him feeling satisfied over a wonderful and successful night out with me…

(Damn, that was a lot. I’m sorry that this became a long STORY TIME. 😅 Also, I’ll leave the censored parts to your imagination. 👀 Thanks for stopping by to read all of this. I wish you guys a good rest of your day!!! 🖤🖤🖤)

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2 years ago

This is just my theory about mama park also unrelated but i also notice that grandma park looks like the old lady in manager kim's latest chap idk its just what i observed in chapters 😙

This Is Just My Theory About Mama Park Also Unrelated But I Also Notice That Grandma Park Looks Like
This Is Just My Theory About Mama Park Also Unrelated But I Also Notice That Grandma Park Looks Like

Am I stupid to think that daniel/hyungseok's mom is Jinyoung's sister 🤧

Am I Stupid To Think That Daniel/hyungseok's Mom Is Jinyoung's Sister

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