I Just Listed The Author Of Huckleberry Finn As Tom Sawyer It's Time To Delete Myself From Existence
i just listed the author of huckleberry finn as tom sawyer it's time to delete myself from existence
genericruleroftheflies liked this · 10 months ago
More Posts from Yiqiuqiu
William Shakespeare wrote the character of Horatio and I took that very, very personally.

Paint Me Away
Sometimes I just want to disappear into the canvas, vanish beneath layers of paint, and become something more beautiful than reality.

So, I've had this in my files for a long time, completely forgot about it. I did this piece of Ophelia from Hamlet (Surprise surprise!) for an art exam a few years ago (five, to be exact!). Honestly thought I deleted it years back after I stopped doing the art courses, but I guess not! 😂
hey guys. do you ever think about hamlet amping up his antic disposition and being especially unhinged around the ones that are supposed to care for him, just for a reaction, any reaction, that would prove they still loved him. and then just completely crumpling when he learns they just think he was mad for love. because he was. just not the type that they were talking about.