
308 posts

Monster Cock!lucas Pls DLDFJLD. I Feel Like During Sex He Would Be Kinda Goofy And Smiley. Like Yall

monster cock!lucas pls DLDFJLD. i feel like during sex he would be kinda goofy and smiley. like yall would wake up in the morning and yall would start making little jokes or talking about something random. then lucas is giggling while leaving kisses all around you. 

 i feel like yall would just be completely casual abt sex, like yall don’t really experiment with a lot bdsm or kinky stuff, but you two just fuck whenever you want. and even tho the dude is a goofy kid that acts like a puppy despite being a giant, he’s got a high sex drive. may your pussy rest in peace.

 lucas biting his lip holding back his smile as he enters you and starts fucking you with his big cock, letting out a few grunts. just the two of you having casual sex in your shared apartment. loving kisses and giggles. 

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More Posts from Yoongiboongipoongi

4 years ago

my weak heart :’)

Before I Go

before i go

idol: kim jungwoo

word count: 0.9

genre: 100% angst, total tearjerker

warnings: mentions of death, cancer, and pregnancy.

a/n: this is pure fiction, and doesn’t portray jungwoo in anyway. this fic is written in first person format. this drabble is very heartbreaking, and if you are sensitive to the subjects i mentioned in the warnings then it’s probably best to keep scrolling.


I can still hear his soft angelic voice flow all around me, still smell his scent everywhere throughout this god forsaking house. How could he leave me like this? Carrying his only child inside me, the child he’ll never get to see or hold. The child he’ll never get to chase around the backyard while they play hide -n- seek. He’ll never be able to tuck him in at night and read him a bedtime story.

How was I going to be able to care not only for myself, but also for a tiny little human without my husband here. I hate him for leaving me so vulnerable like this. I guess I was one of those girls who would depend on their significant other for everything. But I can't blame myself for being this way. He made me this way, he always made sure I came first, while he always came second.

Salty tears began to stream down my cheeks, landing on the white sheet of paper that I hold between my fingers. The piece of paper that I found while rummaging through the closet. I needed some sort of comfort and I was dead set on finding his jacket and slipping it on, just to drown myself in his memories. The piece of paper was delicately tucked away in the pocket of his jacket.

I have no idea what it says. I can’t even bring myself to read it. He was that type of man who wrote everything down on a piece of paper. He did have a terrible memory at remembering things like meetings, or important doctors appointments. I always had to remind him, so instead he started writing them down to remember.

But something about this piece of paper in my hand isn’t just a simple reminder. I placed my hand on my swollen round belly as I felt a fluttering kick. “Don’t you worry, little one. We’ll figure this out together.” I take a few deep breaths in and out, opening the piece of paper with care. His handwriting covers the entire sheet of paper. My vision blurred with tears as my eyes skimmed up and down the paper quickly. I held it tightly against my chest as more tears trickled down my cheeks. Read the damn paper already, I tell myself.

My beautiful wife,

I honestly don’t even know where to begin with this written letter. I’m actually looking at you right now as I write this. Do you know how peaceful it is to watch you sleep? You’re always going like the energizer bunny, so seeing you like this is peaceful for me. I still remember when I first saw you at the coffee shop. You were the most beautifulest barista I’d ever seen in my entire life. You took my breath away as soon as I walked through those doors. When you handed me my drink, and our fingers just barely touched, I knew right then that you were the one for me. I felt this certain spark. I came back everyday and ordered the same drink. You knew it by heart after my second visit to the coffee shop. It’s like you knew I was coming, because my coffee was always waiting for me. When you left that cute little note on my coffee cup, my heart swelled. I still have that cup stored away for safekeeping. My favorite memory is the day you walked down the aisle in that gorgeous white dress. I really thought I was dreaming, you looked so beautiful. I kept telling everyone after our wedding, what a lucky man I was to have you in my life.

I’m sorry that I won’t be around for much longer. Our short adventure is coming to an end. This wasn’t how I planned our life together to be. I didn’t think I’d have a death sentence at this age. I’m too young to die, baby. Why is god like this? Why does he have to take me away from you and our soon to be family that we both carefully created together? This isn’t at all how I pictured my future with you, but that fucking test changed our entire life story overnight. Please, don’t cry and grieve over me for too long. I know how you can get, and how you like to shelter and close yourself off from the ones who care about you. If the people around you want to help you, you need to let them do that. Can you do that for me? Let them in. Let them help you.

Grief and death isn’t something anyone takes lightly and it’s a tough subject. But you need to be strong for our son. I’m sorry I won’t be there with you to watch him grow up into a wonderful man that I know he’ll be. I’m sorry I won’t be lying next to you when you fall asleep at night or when you wake up in the morning. Please, all I ask is that you heal, and move on from this. Just because I was given a death sentence doesn’t mean you can’t move on and find another man who will love you just as much as I do. I love you so much, baby and again I’m really sorry it has come to this. I wish I could kick cancer’s ass, but it’s just too late for that now.

Remember, I have loved you for a thousand years, and I love you for a thousand more.


— Jungwoo


tags: @sauceracha @soulangel (tagging you, Skye because you listened to me cry over this last night)

4 years ago

Keeho smut

Keeho Smut

Wall sex

Keeho rapidly thrusts into you, his heavy pants and grunts brushing against your shoulder as the combined effort of pushing far into you and holding you up against the wall is exhausting him more than he’d thought, but he can’t stop, his body and hips on autopilot as they chase the burning pleasure your pussy provides with every thrust.

“Keeho, fuck you’re gonna make me cum,” you cry out, your hands gripping his hair, the angle of his thrusts hitting too deep for you to handle in this position.

Keeho acknowledges your words with a deep grunt while making sure to keep his thrusts as steady as possible. You put one hand on his shoulder, your grip on it tightening with every second you get closer until it finally hits you, an unbearable heat pushing pleasure through every inch of your body, making you shake in Keeho’s hold, high pitched cries flowing from your lips.

The sounds mix with strings of high-pitched curses from your partner as the rigid clenching of your pussy pushes him far over the edge too. Keeho thrusts into you one last time before his semen shoots into the condom, his body shaking as much as you through his orgasm.

You catch your breath while he finishes, your legs like jelly when he lets you down after pulling out. Keeho pulls the used condom off his shaft, yelping as you hastily pull him into a kiss. “We totally need to do that again,” you mumble against him, the afterglow of the orgasm making your body feel heavy against him. Keeho sighs against your lips, a pout forming on his after he pulled away. “I’ll be so sore tomorrow,” he complains, the whining making you chuckle lightly. “I’ll take care of you, don’t worry,” you laugh while petting his hair, “and if my baby boy is too weak, I could take your role the next time…” 

4 years ago


The Ruining

Sub!Jeno X Supernatural Being!Reader

This is multi part fic and there will be smuts in later chapters. Here’s the first part, hope you enjoy. 

Part 1


“So, uh, I was thinking we could hang out in my dorm later. I’ll order pizza.” The brunette smiled nervously up at Jeno. Her eyes staring up at him expectantly. Surely he would say yes, the two had been getting along really well in past few weeks during class. 

“Oooh nice, maybe you two could bake a cherry pie after and then buy a house in the suburbs. Jesus, Jeno reject her already so we can get out of here. I’m boooored.” 

Jeno winced at your mocking tone, at times like this he was glad that nobody could hear you except him. He didn’t think anyone couldn’t handle your blatant rudeness, you were like Haechan, except worse.

“Um, you know, Jennie, tonight’s not a good night. I have that acrobatics thing later.” Jeno said, scratching his head. Jennie nodded slowly trying to hide her disappointment. 

“Y-yeah, raincheck on that then. I totally forgot you were so involved in that kind of stuff. It’s pretty cool.” Jeno chuckled bashfully at her kind words. Y/n looked between the two, a scowl evident on her face. 

“Jeno, does she know you like getting fucked up the ass?” Jeno coughed suddenly at your words.

“Well, I should get going now. See you tomorrow? I’ll bring you coffee.” Jeno said with a smile. Jennie nodded with a soft blush extending her hand out awkwardly. Y/N scoffed at their stiff excuse for a handshake.


“If I could eat I would be craving some tacos.” You said walking in after Jeno, switching on the television.

Jeno threw his bags on the floor after locking the door. He leaned against his kitchen island chewing on his lip. You looked up from the TV you had switched on and turned to look at the unusually quiet boy behind you.

Silently walking up to him, you wrapped your arms around his slender waist.

“What’s wrong Jeno Lee? You’re being quiet. Is it because you feel bad for blowing off Jennie. She’s pretty, she’ll get another date.” you attempted to reassure the unresponsive boy.

“I don’t think I can do this anymore,” he started quietly, your body went frigid at his words. What was that supposed to mean?

“What do you mean?” you asked, gently releasing him from your grip. Jeno turned towards you, his eyes downcast.

“I mean that as much I hate to say this, this will never work. I’ve been preventing myself from being in a real relationship with some really good people. Jennie’s a really nice girl.”

“And when I was on the bus on my way home, I imagined what a real relationship with a normal girl who was actually alive would be like.” Your eyes widened at his sudden revelation. The distressed look on his face showing that he didn’t want to tell you this but couldn’t stop himself.

A long silence followed after Jeno’s explanation. You registered his words nodding slowly. Jeno gulped nervously waiting for you to respond.

“You know Jeno, you were the one that killed me. And you have the audacity to insinuate that I’m holding you back!” your voice raising rapidly as a look of rage settled on your face.

Jeno backed himself up against the counter behind him, he hadn’t seen your angry side often but when he did, it frightened him. The atmosphere changed, it was now dark and unnerving. It truly felt like he had messed with the demonic forces that he had seen in the horror movies you so loved to watch and laugh at.

“You killed me, and then you led me on. You shouldn’t have done that.” You said leaning into him. 

“Y-Y/N, no, I-” before he could finish, you had vanished and he was left alone. Jeno looked around cautiously before releasing a breath that he hadn’t realized he was holding.

4 years ago


i got another one for you guys ok... i don’t know if you’re ready but ima start either way lol... OK SO SUB!JAEHYUN (more of service top in this but if i would have kept going it would have been sub) WITH BREEDING KINK...

ok so hear me out we all know jaehyun has always wanted kids he even has said himself if he wasn’t an idol who would have become a young dad like- it’s literally in front of our faces.... so just imagine you’re riding jaehyun and he ask to c!m inside of you... even knowing the risk (BE SAFE KIDS) and you ask him “and why should i let you do that” and he starts talking about how much he loves you... and how much he wants to see you with his kid knowing he did that... he wants to create a bond that is stronger than the two of you alone... SORRY YALL I JUST HAD TO GET ANOTHER ONE OF MY CRAPPY SCENARIOS OUT OF MY HEAD LOLS (can someone tell me how to turn on comments cause i want to hear feedback on these ideas)


4 years ago

shy sub! hyeongjun being ur bf and loving how your caring and dominant personality makes him feel protected. he loves being in your arms, wearing your oversized hoodie that makes him look even smaller, while watching tv together

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