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Theheliacal Rising(/hla.kl/hih-LY--kl)[1][2][3]orstar Riseof Astaroccurs Annually, Or The Similar Phenomenon
The heliacal rising (/hɪˈlaɪ.əkəl/hih-LY-ə-kəl)[1][2][3] or star rise of a star occurs annually, or the similar phenomenon of a planet, when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon at dawn just before sunrise (thus becoming "the morning star") after a complete orbit of the Earth around the Sun.[4] Historically, the most important such rising is that of Sirius, which was an important feature of the Egyptian calendar and astronomical development. The rising of the Pleiades heralded the start of the Ancient Greek sailing season, using celestial navigation,[5] as well as the farming season (attested by Hesiod in his Works and Days). Helical rising is one of several types of risings and settings, mostly they are grouped into morning and evening risings and settings of objects in the sky. Culmination in the evening and then morning is set apart by half a year, while on the other hand risings and settings in the evenings and the mornings are only at the equator set apart by half a year.
The same star will reappear in the eastern sky at dawn approximately one year after its previous heliacal rising. For stars near the ecliptic, the small difference between the solar and sidereal years due to axial precession will cause their heliacal rising to recur about one sidereal year (about 365.2564 days) later, though this depends on its proper motion. For stars far from the ecliptic, the period is somewhat different and varies slowly, but in any case the heliacal rising will move all the way through the zodiac in about 26,000 years due to precession of the equinoxes.
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by Spurgeon, Caroline. F.

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His interest in the image is largely psychological, for he sees in this picture of a river overbearing its boundaries a perfect analogy to the result of stress or rush of emotion in men, as when Brabantio, distraught on hearing Desdemona has left him for Othello, cries to the duke: my particular grief Is of so flood-gate and o’erbearing nature That it engluts and swallows other sorrows, And it is still itself.
so we find Bacon writing that philosophy as a study is not idle, because all professions are served from it. ‘For if you will have a tree bear more fruit than it hath used to do, it is not anything you can do to the boughs, but it is the stirring of the earth and putting of new mould about the roots that must work it.' Or again, later, he says, ‘Notwithstanding, to stir the earth a little about the roots of this science … as we have done of the rest . . . ’