you-guys-are-getting-breaks - welcome to the void
welcome to the void

I think too much about a lot of things

365 posts

So Idk If Iv Told This To Anyone Besides One Person But One Of The Last Time I Play Dst On A Server (not

So idk if iv told this to anyone besides one person but one of the last time I play dst on a server (not saying I don't still I just usually play by myself or with a friend) I was in a severed with a few other people

And I ended getting attacked by spiders cuz I hit one, then someone else joined in. We both died but after we died some pigmen started attacking the spiders then killed the spider queen.

So I got a achievement for killing a spider queen but doing it the dumbest way possible whilst having another random person's life on my record

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you-guys-are-getting-breaks - welcome to the void

So I'm playing miitopia and I'm gonna make the fraggle 5 for the second half of the story I have no idea

But iv only made gobo and he's okay

Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.

I'm trying to prove something.

"oh you have an allergy? sorry I harassed you for being a picky eater, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a picky eater, I still get to harass those people"

"oh you have chronic pain? sorry I harassed you for being lazy, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a lazy person, I still get to harass those people"

"oh you're autistic? sorry I harassed you for being weird, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a weird person, I still get to harass those people"

"oh you're deaf? sorry I harassed you for ignoring me, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. you're just not actually a rude person, I still get to harass those people"

"man why does everything have to be a disorder now? I miss the old days when people would TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for being failures and it was socially exceptable for me to harass them, now I look like a jerk when I bully people for annoying me."