you-guys-are-getting-breaks - welcome to the void
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I think too much about a lot of things

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SPEAKING OF FRAGGLE ROCK did u guys know hot topic has fraggle rock plushes??? cos i didnt and i was very fucking shocked

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a fraggle’s daily schedule is wake up. sing a little song. wreck shit. fuck with the monarchy. do a little dance. go to sleep. and you wonder why i need to escape this capitalistic society??




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Random Fraggle Rock Facts/Notes I need to double check:

According to Doozer myth, lazy Doozers who don't do their work morph into Fraggles (this is a story meant to spook young Doozers)

*From a book I used to read behind my great grandfather's recliner. One of those "childhood trauma media" moments. Also my first introduction to Fraggle Rock!

Convincing John is modeled after televangelists who were popular at the time

The names of the Minstrels are Cantus (Pipe), Murray (Guitar), Brool (strings), Brio (cymbals), and Balsam (drums)

Sidebottom (the Side of Boober he keeps at the Bottom) is named after a bus with "sidebottom" written on it, apparently in Swedish(??)

There is an extended version of "Follow Me" written and performed as a tribute to Jerry Juhl, head writer of the series

The Fraggles' oracle, Marjory, is a trash heap because archaeologists learn so much through trash! Just so much knowledge in garbage!

Each Fraggle was made for a particular puppeteer in mind. Steve Whitmire said (to me! I was there, I asked!) Wembley was made with a "hummingbird metabolism" in mind

Ditzies are tiny beings made of light that live off music. They are the smallest residents of Fraggle Rock

Doc is different based on country. He is an inventor in the US and Canadian version, but in other places he is a toymaker, lighthouse keeper, etc.

Fraggle Rock was intended by Jim Henson to be a "show that ended war"

There are many references to war in Fraggle Rock. Brool describes hearing only "battle sounds" before becoming a minstrel. An old treasure map mentions a "third drafting." The Gorgs (Pa mainly) mention battles, I'll have to check where.

The World's Oldest Fraggle was the only Fraggle to remember what a weapon looked like (AS OF THE OLD SERIES. p sure joe knows weapons)

Uncle Travelling Matt has seen The Dark Crystal in a drive-in theater

There are PORTALS in Fraggle Rock. Some of them TIME TRAVEL???

Wembley's name means "good at making decisions" according to his parents. I think I read it means "bad at making decisions" in Jim's Red Book. I'll have to check.

Wembley has a ping pong ball in his nose to get that perfect snoot shape. You could hang a sock off that thing (and they do)

Steve Whitmire got into the habit of making "Wembley grunts" in his daily life according to one bonus DVD

Doozers used to have lil butt cheekies just tushies out full booty. A designer then made a note to change them to stinger-like nubs to be more worker bee-ish

I'm pretty sure Cantus' Magic Pipe is the oboe, but don't quote me on that

“how would a humanized fraggle civilization even work?” simple it doesn’t

you think i know what i’m doing? lmao good joke

like what would the rock be, an apartment building?? what would be up with doc and sprocket?? nobody does laundry like boober anymore and there aren’t any laundromat jobs that involve the actual laundry, so would he be a cook? what the fuck would mokey do all day her job relies solely on a concept that doesn’t exist irl

idfk!!! i just like designing them

*holds up fraggle rock humanizations in my palm* i just think they’re neat

You know what intrigues me?

You Know What Intrigues Me?

The fact the device that shows the secret messages is on the wall.

And even though this game doesn't take place in the exact same way/time as batim

The only people who have had that were Tom. Alison, and Henry

And the axe. I don't think there are more then maybe 3 of the axes. And the music disk like the one to turn on the ink machine

If I've made mistakes please say but this is a thought

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