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{✨Gay as the Day is Long✨}{Sonic/Shadow Fictionkin} {SONADOW SHIPPER}{Irregular content : WILL POST WHEN AVAILABLE}

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My Sonic AU!

My Sonic AU!

It’s mostly an ask blog so pls send some questions my way! I’m really excited to share!

Good day everyone! :D

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🟥 @your-compadre-infinity

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:D I’m glad you like this!

Honestly, it’s hilarious how that Puss in Boots audio actually fits them so well. I need to explore this further outside of that dumb TikTok 😭

As for Clutch? Well, getting rejected isn’t the worst thing that’s happened for him. Let me say…

Clutch: (making obvious as hell moves on “Starline”)

Mimic: (got sent by Starline, under disguise AS Starline, to teach Clutch a lesson on flirting with him) Sorry dude. (GUT PUNCH)

Am I allowed to share my “Bad Guys Never Disbanded” AU?

Here we go anyway.

Starline: The brains, leading from the shadows and doing all the planning the team needs.

Mimic: The spy and infiltrator, the one who gets all the information the team needs to launch a deadly attack.

Zavok: The brawn, the outside leader. At first, he was using the team to get back to his pack, but soon enough they started growing on him. Even though he still wants to be reunited with the Deadly Six, Zavok is looking forward to mixing the two teams together. He looks after everyone and makes sure they came back safe, his duty as the “Alpha”.

Rough and Tumble: Distraction. They always go in first when the team launch an attack, distracting guards or anyone that may have been waiting for them. They’re like the crazy uncles of the team, honestly. Everyone loves them, and they’ve got a sitcom as a running joke with the team.

Surge and Kit: The kids. Surge is the older and more independent sister, with a gender crisis, which everyone supports and assists her with. She’s also incredibly protective of Kit. No. Actually, quite literally everyone is. Kit is…well…very dependent on everyone. He sticks close to anyone he can find, and often stays behind during more daring missions. But he’s always excited to hear about what he missed.

Make what you want of this, I haven’t explored much outside of this and that video I showed ya on Twitter-



*Clears Throat*

I love this little AU of yours so much and your take on the team's dynamic!

I also enjoy the fact that you included Surge & Kit (Surge being a gender crisis is so accurate mdjcgbdh /pos). I'm curious about what their backstory is in your AU if they're just clones made from scratch, volunteers for Starline’s experiments, or just some kids that got adopted.

This is all reminding me about how much I need to pick back up on Core Rebels. Last I touched my notebook for it was early March.

Sweet chaos, forgive me for rambling.

[ /gen /pos ]

Ah geez, now that you’ve asked, I’ve got a back story for them and Starline (and how Clutch is involved as well-)

Starline, before learning about Eggman, is a big fan of biology and biochemistry. So much so, he’s had a knack for collecting preserved remains of literally anything he could find. And that’s how he ended up meeting Clutch.

Sad thing is, Clutch had a thing for Star. Like…a THING a thing. Obviously, he tried to make moves, but Starline caught up and their relationship became strained. But Star still comes back to find things to add to his collection; and eventually, he came across two preserved stillborns and took them home.

Later on, after the Eggman fiasco and getting the power cores and securing Egg Base Sigma and now with a team, Starline remembered the stillborns and thought he could give them a second chance at life.

And “Project: Imposter” began.

Starline regrew the stillborns, through whatever method that I haven’t figured out yet and of course, adding enhancements with the power cores. And eventually, Surge and Kit were reborn!

Their first meeting went along the lines of:

Starline: Hello there. Welcome to the world. Now we’re going to take this nice and slow, get you familiar with being alive. You’ll be amazing, I know you will.

And yea, Surge and Kit grew up with the team; discovering their abilities and growing their personalities, and saw the team as family.

And trust me; Surge and Kit definitely sees Starline as their “mother” of some sorts.

Believe me; the entire team was freaking the hell out when Issue 50 happened, but dw! Starline made it out alright and are planning to retaliate with The Bad Guys, and his children :3

And you don’t need to worry about rambling; I love doing that too :D! So good to share ideas around! ^^

Am I allowed to share my “Bad Guys Never Disbanded” AU?

Here we go anyway.

Starline: The brains, leading from the shadows and doing all the planning the team needs.

Mimic: The spy and infiltrator, the one who gets all the information the team needs to launch a deadly attack.

Zavok: The brawn, the outside leader. At first, he was using the team to get back to his pack, but soon enough they started growing on him. Even though he still wants to be reunited with the Deadly Six, Zavok is looking forward to mixing the two teams together. He looks after everyone and makes sure they came back safe, his duty as the “Alpha”.

Rough and Tumble: Distraction. They always go in first when the team launch an attack, distracting guards or anyone that may have been waiting for them. They’re like the crazy uncles of the team, honestly. Everyone loves them, and they’ve got a sitcom as a running joke with the team.

Surge and Kit: The kids. Surge is the older and more independent sister, with a gender crisis, which everyone supports and assists her with. She’s also incredibly protective of Kit. No. Actually, quite literally everyone is. Kit is…well…very dependent on everyone. He sticks close to anyone he can find, and often stays behind during more daring missions. But he’s always excited to hear about what he missed.

Make what you want of this, I haven’t explored much outside of this and that video I showed ya on Twitter-



*Clears Throat*

I love this little AU of yours so much and your take on the team's dynamic!

I also enjoy the fact that you included Surge & Kit (Surge being a gender crisis is so accurate mdjcgbdh /pos). I'm curious about what their backstory is in your AU if they're just clones made from scratch, volunteers for Starline’s experiments, or just some kids that got adopted.

This is all reminding me about how much I need to pick back up on Core Rebels. Last I touched my notebook for it was early March.

Sweet chaos, forgive me for rambling.

[ /gen /pos ]

:> I KNEW they would be formidable in battle, I just wanted your opinion OwO

I have this rewritten IDW AU where the Bad Guys never disbanded and Starline never died in Issue 50, but Team Hero&Eggy managed to capture Kit.

The entire team charged in to get Kit back; everyone made it out unscathed…well, except for Sonic and friends and Eggy. Formidability at its finest.

But there was a Puss-In-Boots reference when the Bad Guys were first caught TwT

Just listened to MAD IQ. And let’s talk for a bit.

We all know Starline is VERY smart; I’d say he could be up there with Tails and Eggman.

But Mimic is definitely also smart; not like Starline’s kind of smart. Starline is the logical and scientific smart. Mimic is the “I know so much about people I can mess up their entire life without even trying” and manipulative kind of smart.

How formidable would ⭐️🔪 be if both kind of smarts came together for the battlefield? OwO

Exactly! Starline is textbook smart & Mimic is street smart.

Not to mention, they both have their own unique styles of manipulation & gaslighting.

Starline mainly relies on known facts, fancy words and hypnosis to mess with people's minds and get what he wants. He can research and hypothesize the exact way to break someone down or alter their perspective on a situation.

Meanwhile, Mimic mainly relies on physical appearance and observation. He uses the forms of others like a puppet to speak his twisted words. Mimic will observe whoever he's after in the moment and immediately find a way to make them tick.

Ramble aside... How formidable would they be in battle? Very.

They both have their own unique styles of physical attacks and know how to distract &/or gaslight their opponents.

If it was your first time going up against the both of them with no prior knowledge, you would have to be VERY lucky in order to win, let alone get out in one piece.

Aaaah all the Q&A questions sound so cool I can’t choose; but how about 5, 8 and 10?

Starmimi is OTP for me rn they’re absolutely adorable.

5. When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?

[When Mimic is having a bad day]

Mimic needs his space when he's upset, so Starline will stay near or in the same room as him, but not get close to him until he's calmed down.

Once Mimic is approachable, Starline will usually go over to his side and start gently stroking his tentacles/head. Mimic will eventually start explaining whatever got him upset and Starline will comfort him through it.

[When Starline is having a bad day]

Mimic isn't the best at verbal comfort. Or really comforting others in general.

If Starline is having a bad day, Mimic will often pull the platypus away from his current work/project/situation and bring him somewhere more comfortable & cozy.

It doesn't take long for Starline to start rambling about whatever made his day difficult and Mimic will just quietly nod his head and cuddles the stressed platypus.

8. In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?

Honestly this one can go either way.

It's either Starline overworking himself as an employee and Mimic being the only one with an easy order to remember.

Or Mimic being that one employee that doesn't give a sh!+ about anyone yet is still there and then Starline who comes in like 5 to 10 times a day.

10. What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?

Starline will gently stroke Mimic’s tentacles and Mimic will sometimes wrap them around Starline’s arm/hand.

Little baby brother boy Kitsunami is protected AT ALL COSTS AGREED.

Starline will go full on Mama Neytiri Protect Mode if ANYONE even TRIED to touch Kit.

Just listened to MAD IQ. And let’s talk for a bit.

We all know Starline is VERY smart; I’d say he could be up there with Tails and Eggman.

But Mimic is definitely also smart; not like Starline’s kind of smart. Starline is the logical and scientific smart. Mimic is the “I know so much about people I can mess up their entire life without even trying” and manipulative kind of smart.

How formidable would ⭐️🔪 be if both kind of smarts came together for the battlefield? OwO

Exactly! Starline is textbook smart & Mimic is street smart.

Not to mention, they both have their own unique styles of manipulation & gaslighting.

Starline mainly relies on known facts, fancy words and hypnosis to mess with people's minds and get what he wants. He can research and hypothesize the exact way to break someone down or alter their perspective on a situation.

Meanwhile, Mimic mainly relies on physical appearance and observation. He uses the forms of others like a puppet to speak his twisted words. Mimic will observe whoever he's after in the moment and immediately find a way to make them tick.

Ramble aside... How formidable would they be in battle? Very.

They both have their own unique styles of physical attacks and know how to distract &/or gaslight their opponents.

If it was your first time going up against the both of them with no prior knowledge, you would have to be VERY lucky in order to win, let alone get out in one piece.