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582 posts
Yourlocalarchfey - The Feywild - Tumblr Blog

Spoopy Season Safety

She ended up using her knowledge in another way

I love Shiver's Ukiyo-e swag
a silly little comic

Using my artistic powers for whatever the hell this is
Original under the cut

If you don't judge people for saying "sorry adhd brain" in public, then don't judge people for saying "sorry schizophrenia brain" in public
If you correct people when they misuse the term "ocd" then you need to correct people when they misuse the terms "psychotic", "delusional", "hallucinating" and "schizophrenic"
If you don't stare, laugh at or fear a stranger in public flapping their hands, then you need to do the same for a stranger in public talking to someone who isn't actually there.
If you give a trigger warning to sensitive topics then you need to give a trigger warning to unreality and false information as a prank.
If you want to normalize medication like antidepressants you also need to normalize medications like antipsychotics.
If you don't like people without your disorder joking about it online and report it as harassment, then you need to do the same for the tons of nonschizophrenics making "schizoposting" memes to make fun of us.
Just please include schizo-spec and psychotic acceptance into your mental illness/neurodiversity acceptance. We are part of your community whether you like it or not. We are constantly stigmatized, misrepresented and made fun of. We do what we can to help you, please return the favor.
Mental illness/neurodiversity acceptance is an ongoing action. We will get nowhere in the long run if we split the community into the "in" group and the "out" group. We could all accomplish so much if we worked together. But you need to include the "weird" people that don't fit into your aesthetic and don't fit the social norms.
Us psychotics and schizo-specs have been struggling for years and have been the only people fighting for ourselves while the people we plead to barely see us as human. If you are nonpsychotic and nonschizo-spec, you can help us more than you realize. Please include us and stick up for us the same way we have been including and sticking up for you.
Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
Help A Trans Girl Escape an Abusive Living Situation in the US
My girlfriend is currently stuck living with her abusive ex. Finances are tight for both of us, as she is working a fast food job and has to pay her student debt loans and car loans, and I am currently trying to work through college, but I'm not being given many hours by my employer due to my schedule.
We're trying to build up a moving fund to be able to move her across the country to a safer situation and state. Any donations will help, and if you can't donate, reblogs are always appreciated as well.

happy yuri day pearlinas

It's wing water. Anyways, this was the winner of a very close Patreon Poll, so head over there if you want to join in on picking out requests!

together timee

I like the Pearlina DLC
reblog this to pet the user you reblogged from please
Does free will exist?

those bitches gay


hai ily
haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is that me in the gif

fully stole this from someone else but if they get nuked, may this live on :3

bigggg fan of narrator chara


(Reference Image)
so ur at the party right and there’s this girl in the corner with another girl on a leash with the puppy ears on standard stuff and u start talking to her and she introduces the girl on the leash and says “this is my little puppy, Emily. say hi Emily” and the leash girl does a little bark at u and u say “oh that’s nice” and ur looking for a way to avoid the awkward silence during a 4 second period that feels like a half hour so u ask “does she know any tricks?” so the girl says “come on girl, show ‘em” and the puppy girl gets up pulls out a skateboard and starts doing the sickest kick flips u ever saw

bro this is latin. someone actually thought latinos speak latin in latin america

ok but legitimately i think the reason why kids aren’t taking internet safety seriously is because the people who are telling us not to put our personal information out seem so out of touch. no one acknowledges the possibility of meeting very real teenaged friends online, they always say that everyone you meet is a 40 year old white man in disguise. because they aren’t acknowledging things we know are true, it becomes a lot easier to dismiss the rest of what they’re saying as well. internet safety lessons absolutely must keep up with the times and acknowledge the internet’s capacity for good if you want kids to take to heart warnings about its capacity for bad.