requests closed! | they/he - pansexual | 21 | 28/2 | Greek | languages:Eng/Gr/De | Artist & Writer | block #spicy to avoid nsfw | don't repost | side blogs: @floydshusband @palpameddaislife, @yourfriendlysummoner | ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/RinTheSpadeQuing | ig: procrastination.addict69 | twt: rinspade_draws | multifandom | yells a lot about the Dark Disciples
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today's sketches so far lmao
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XD man nfkskskakkdlalld

thank you for coming to my ted talk
There should be more posts about Zagred
jgSutDoydKGXkydjgGJxKtxLufIyxJgx I ALSO WOVE YAAAA SM❤️💖💕🥺
Happy to provide hehehe💕🥺❤️💖😌
Julius, get yo womannnn

Victorious - a SvenVoir fanfiction - request
some angst for @katrindiesithfrau
“It... burns...”
Sivoir’s breath got thinner and thinner. He lay there wounded, cold, defeated. His thoughts began to wander. To the days before the attack. To his beloved. Yes, it was his beloved that engulfed most of his thoughts.
Svenkin Gatard, a massive burly guy with the most unfitting personality for his looks. Flamboyant and outgoing, he had a certain charm that had caught the quiet, self-absorbed Sivoir Snyle completely off guard. Their first meeting was many moons ago when they were being enlisted into the Spade army as Magic Soldiers. Besides the menacing Svenkin, there were the oddly cute looking Hischer Ongg, the beautiful Halbet Chevour, the rather strange Robero Ringert, Foyal Migusteau whom Sivoir immediately labeled as a “weirdo” and Gaderois Godroc, some hyperactive brute who’s had too much sugar in his coffee.
Soon they were split into pairs. Of course Sivoir was paired with Svenkin.
“Well... however that may go.” he mumbled under his breath. “Hah! Aren’t you a cute one~?” the loud giant spoke with his echoing voice. “I’m Svenkin Gatard. Nice to meet you~!” the man extended his arm, expecting the silver-haired mage to accept his introduction. “Sivoir Snyle’s the name. Just don’t hold me back.” the slender male slid past Svenkin with a scoff, ignoring the attempted handshake. “Maaan~ Playing hard to get~?” Sivoir felt a chill running up and down his spine as he heard those words from behind him. Things very rarely ever get to him, let alone words. Yet for some odd reason something about Svenkin Gatard had him completely vulnerable.
“H-hard to...?” Sivoir turned around, once again facing the tall burly male behind him. “...what the hell are you even talking about? I just want to do my job, alright? Stop being creepy.” he snarled.
“Aww~ Okay, sorry sweetie~!” Svenkin replied. The now seemingly frustrated silver-haired mage followed that statement with the raising of an eyebrow and a defeated sigh before continuing his way to the barracks, with the burly giant right behind him.
The following months the two mages started bonding more and more. They became friends, best friends, and eventually ended up as lovers. There was hardly a moment where they wouldn’t be together, much to the annoyance of some instructors, who’d prefer to train them individually. Sivoir and Svenkin were an impeccable duo.
A few days later the squads finally got assigned their first missions. Svenkin and Sivoir received the order to find and kill a small group of mages hailing from the Diamond kingdom. They made way to the designated location shortly before sunrise. Sivoir holed himself up in a tree, keeping watch over the entire route with his magic. Svenkin was waiting behind the foliage by the wayside, awaiting word from his colleague and lover to ambush the targets.
After the sun had risen halfway, Sivoir detected mana nearby. He signaled towards his burly beloved, who nodded in response and readied himself to commence the attack. Few moments pass and a group of hooded Diamond mages close in to their location. Taking careful aim, Sivoir was ready to take out who seemed to be their leader, while Svenkin would take care of the rest of them. Steady. Steady now. Breathe. Aim. And, shot!
The lean mage’s eyes widened. His lips began to tremble. Sweat forming on his brow. A spurt of blood escaped his nose and mouth with a guttural “HACK!” as he felt his entire body shake and muscles clenching. The buff man on the ground stared in disbelief, rage filling his eyes. One of the mages had used a deflection spell. It reflected Sivoir’s bullet right back to him, hitting him right into the abdomen. With a swift motion, Svenkin caught his falling lover to gently place him on the ground. After stroking Sivoir’s hair for a bit, he glared up at the mages. Rage burning in his every muscle.
The massacre didn’t take too long, but it did take a huge toll on Svenkin himself. Badly wounded he struggled to stay on his feet. Labored breathing filling the quiet flora around him. As he weakly made his way back to Sivoir, Svenkin collapsed next to him.
Sivoir’s thoughts circled around the last six months. When he had enrolled into the Magic Soldiers. When he first met Svenkin. When they got closer. When he was asked out for the first time. When they became lovers. A wave of courage suddenly washed over the silver-haired man. He couldn’t let go. Not here, not now. He didn’t want it to end yet. He still wanted to spend so much time together with Svenkin. There was no way he’d let himself die before they got to have a future together. Opening his eyes, Sivoir noticed faint breathing next to him. He turned towards his big boyfriend and moved to touch his face. He was still warm. Still breathing. As tears filled the man’s thin eyes, he placed a kiss on Svenkin’s forehead. He didn’t know how they’d get back. But that wasn’t important now. The only thing that mattered was that they were together. Alive. Victorious.