276 posts
Zachary Trebellas. Summer/Natsu, Study.Scanogram. 2015.

Zachary Trebellas. Summer/Natsu, study. Scanogram. 2015.
This is a study for one of the pieces I have planned focusing on the Japanese habits that have replaced my American ones. With this one I wanted to focus on the Japanese custom of wrapping a damp towel around one’s neck in the summer to keep cool. It is so tricky to get the composition right when scanning yourself, though. I’ve done other shots where I simulate sweat by spritzing the scan bed with water. It works sometimes, but it’s a lot of trial and error. I guess I just have to keep at it. —— This is part of the series I’m working on, Nippo Greco American, exploring my relationship with the three ethnic groups I in some way identify with.
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A Greek Record Store franchise bearing my Greek name, Ζαχαρίας (Zacharias). Athens. August, 2015.

The draft of a pattern I’m working on for a collage. The colors were inspired by this video by Gesu no Kiwami Otomé. It will be fun to test out other scales and color combinations, though.

Zachary Trebellas. Pass/Watasu. Scanogram. 2015.
This is one piece of several pieces I’m working on that focus on the Japanese habits that have replaced my American ones. In Japan it’s expected that you’ll turn an item around so that it faces the other person before passing it to them with two hands. I’ve taken to rotating objects and passing them by hand in the States, though using two hands always seemed like a bit too much. —— This is part of the series I’m working on, Nippo Greco American, exploring my relationship with the three ethnic groups I in some way identify with.
My current job is being partially funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The graphic novel I’m currently reading is funded in part by the Canada Council for the Arts. Here’s what those budgets looks like in comparison to each other and to military spending.
US arts funding per person in 2014: 45¢ Canadian arts funding per person in 2014: $4.08
US military funding per person in 2014: $1,945 Canadian military funding per person in 2014: $455
The US government gave more money to the arts in 1979 when the population was 225 million than it does now when our population is 318 million. I wish things were different.

Some stationary and an envelope I made when I was 23 that I took out to write my cousin a letter.