276 posts
The Fourth Piece In A New Photo Series Im Doing On Group Identity.More Info At Theproject Site.
The fourth piece in a new photo series I’m doing on group identity. More info at the project site.

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A business card I whipped up for an international festival I'm presenting at at this weekend.
The second piece in a new photo series I’m doing on group identity. More info at the project site.

The seventh piece in a new photo series I’m doing on group identity. I decided to only include each person's name and chosen identities to keep each piece more simple. But, to give some more information, so far two of the portraits were taken in Chicago and the rest in Japan. Of the participants, one was Canadian, today's is Jamaican, and the rest have been American. In two weeks I'm setting up at an international festival in the city of Minamata and am excited to have the opportunity to photograph visitors from places like Slovenia and Mexico in addition to local Japanese people.
More info at the project site.

Two weeks ago I went hiking with friends at Mt. Kirishima (霧島山), a mountain range in southern Kyushu. During the hike, my camera fell and opened, exposing all my shots of the elevated mountain lake and huge crater we'd hiked to. Despite that, I'm happy with what survived. I'm really enjoying the Minolta since switching to Lomography film.

Today is my second meeting with Ushibuka city hall employees to discuss Omoidemari, a temporary public art project I've been working on for the past year and hope to launch for the month of April to coincide with the Ushibuka Haiya Festival. I'm both nervous and excited, and I can't help feel at a disadvantage discussing complicated matters in a second language. Still, they seem excited. Hopefully we can make this happen together. More information on the project here.